Rating:  Summary: COULTER LIES AND BALONEY Review: Coulter is an arrogant know-it-all who skews the facts.......is on a crusade to denounce all liberals ....like Hannity.......she is a sarcastic, one sided ultra conservative who has no shame. She generalizes. She defends McCarthy?????????????She is a sick women with a sick message..........full of hate for anyone who does not hold HER views.
Rating:  Summary: This book has it all! Review: This book has been a pleasure to read. It has everything a conservative could want. If you want meticulous research and careful logic, it's there. If you want humor and cleverness, it's there. And if you just want old-fashion in-your-face payback-for fifty-years-of-liberal-media-poison invective, it's certainly there in spades. I predict that the negative reviews of Ann's book will be long on insults but short on refutation of any of her facts.
Rating:  Summary: Amusing Review: This book is easy to read and entertaining! After only a few days, there are already plenty of copies available for less than full price. This book is another of Ann's typical harangues. Her irreverant wit is amusing but her wiseguy (gal) attitude can't carry her attempts to present her fantasies as facts one more time. She is bold in her effort to pad her bank account by churning out books that appeal to those that are looking for excuses to validate their own prejudices and intolerance of their fellow Americans. A major class war is smoldering in this country and writers (personalities) like Ms. Coulter fan the flames vigorously with an air of arrogance, to establish their own self importance, celebrity and monetary gain. I can't help wonder about the gullibility of those who believe the book contains revelations based on facts.
Rating:  Summary: It must be painful being Ann Coulter. Review: In the alternate universe where Ann resides, all liberals (read Democrats) are treasonous evildoers, all conservatives (read Republicans) are virtuous patriots, and that's really all one needs to know to understand the workings of the world. When it comes to selecting the facts that support a silly thesis, and ignoring the ones that refute it, Ann is a master. I've not seen a definitive analysis of Ann's psychopathology, but have heard it has to do with some "unusual" spiritual views. At any rate, if you're a self-righteous American, this book should help you feel better about the voices in your head. Normal people will probably dismiss it as more pandering to brain-dead goofballs. That being said, at least Ann is capable of stringing together some grammatically correct sentences. Highly recommended for those interested in other's [quirks].
Rating:  Summary: An Incredible Book!!!!! Highest Recommendation! Review: I first read Ms. Coulter's book "Slander", which is also a terrific and highly recommended book. What amazed me is that this book is even better! I must confess that I had been duped by the liberal media for most of my adult life. THAT HAS NOW CHANGED! After reading this extremely well documented book, I now have all the facts. It is shocking, and upsetting, to find out about all the lies that have been shoved down out throats over the past decades by those who ultimately hate America. Democrats should hide their faces in shame! This should be required reading before a person can vote -- which would not only make us better citizens, but also help us identify and ignore the "spin" that bombards us each and every day from the hell bent liberal media.
Rating:  Summary: More Proof that My Own Party Has Gone Insane Review: This book is a mish-mash of half-baked ideas, poorly referenced facts, and (yes folks it's true!) is badly written (who taught this girl English?). Do all Republicans accept at face value anything that a "conservative" purports to be fact. In her last book it was proven repeatedly that her "references" and "facts" were misquoted or (in some cases) plain made up (don't blame the liberal media, even the conservative magazines discussed this). To accept anything this person says without question is scary. Do you get a free brown shirt with the purchase of this book (I didn't, but it will most likely come in the mail any day)? As a registered Republican, I can only hope that our party moves away from the demagoguery of the Rush Limbaugh's and the Ann Coulter's and instead focus' on what's best for our country and not what's best for Ann and Rush's pocketbook.
Rating:  Summary: A Smasher! Review: Ann is still a Smasher. . . and so is Treason!
Rating:  Summary: What did you liberals expect? Review: This book was fantastic. I thought it would be hard to beat Slander but she did. I'm glad I bought it on the first day I could. It pains me to see the negative reviews on here from liberals whom I am probably correct in assuming did not even read the book before they posted their 1 star review. Shame on you! You just hear Ann Coulter and then throw out your leftwing rhetoric. And if you're a liberal and did read the book...what did you expect? It's Ann Coulter, she ain't exactly making damn cornflakes here.
Rating:  Summary: This book is an affront the genre of a novel Review: Coulter does not have any credible sources. Her premise is so far right of the accepted right wing philosophy it is absolutely SCARY. Mein Kampf is something that comes to mind, when I read this 'book'. Her ideology borderlines on fascism, being a centrist I cannot possibly believe that all liberals hate America and are working in blissful collusion to undermine her. That ridiculous and absulutely slanderous. COULTER is a shock jock of the genre, and only serves up ad-hoc talking points for her demographic. Not worth the money or time to read.
Rating:  Summary: Game, Set, and Match for the left ; you lose!!! Review: I laughed my head off at the bitter liberals who gave a negative review of this absolutelty solid piece of research. Ann has blown the doors off the dirty little secret of the liberals in America; they are anti-America. The tide has turned, and liberals are finding themselves on the wrong side of history, every time!!