Rating:  Summary: It's unwise tossing the word 'treason' around so lightly. Review: A lot of liberals--patriots--died for this country fighting right-wing extremists in WWII. Coulter may be a satirist. She may be a moron. Either way, 'treason' is not a term to be used so lightly. I doubt the integrity of those who peddle this kind of inflammatory crap.
Rating:  Summary: Conservative Propaganda Review: Read this book with a reasonable and analytical frame of mind, as Coulter's mindset is incredibly biased.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter is a professional liar. Review: Ann Coulter has made a fortune on two assets: her unhinged, extremist rhetoric and her looks. Let's examine these two factors in depth: 1) Rhetoric Ann is a liar with a penchant for pushing the usual Republican hatred for the truth to ever-more-extravangant levels. You thought Bill O'Reilly, Laura Ingraham, Barbara Olson (good riddance), et al., were pathological liars? They have nothing on Ann. A cursory examination of her voluminous endnotes would reveal not only the depths of her dishonesty, but also the depths of her contempt for her audience, which consists of the kind of unlettered, ignorant hillbillies who would take her seriously. 2) Looks Let's be honest here. Ann is seriously ugly. You could tie one of Rush Limbaugh's ties around her Adam's apple, and her reactionary-chic anorexic look is a major turn-off. She looks like a skinny horse in a miniskirt. Ann should despair. Though we are currently living in a one-party state (courtesy of the ideologues on the Supreme Court), the American public won't take being lied to and ripped off for much longer. And the cowardly draft-dodging millionaires who are wiping out American soldiers to get billion-dollar contracts will soon have to face judgment. That means you, Dick Cheney.
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece of Political Satire Review: Ann Coulter's "Treason" is a masterpiece of political satire that deftly skewers the right wing. Treason is far more entertaining and insightful than other mass market liberal pundits, like Al Franken, because she uses absurdist arguments to expose the fallacies of conservative thought. Meanwhile, so many on the right take her at face value without realizing that she savagely mocks them! Her over-the-top defense of McCarthyism should be required reading for anyone studing argumentation. Her strawman arguments and demonization of the ever generic "liberals" (wink) is a hysterical, spot-on indictment of right wing propagandists. My understanding is that she will publish one more title in her "conservative trilogy" before coming clean and letting the public in on the biggest mass media ruse since Andy Kaufman. Ann Coulter is one of the most important liberal, political satirest of our times. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Nice job, Anne!! Review: Anne Coulter's powerful tome on "Treason" and benediction for children. In children's literature, the main character usually is the cover subject and title such as "Richard Lays an Egg," "The Toad Plays Cribbage," and even "Harry You-know-what Smoker," because the targeted audience is assumed not to be sophisticated enough to interpret indirect meanings. Then there is the trio of Biff, Baff and Buff, who, like Anne Coulter, love to thumb their noses at convention. "Treason," [a play on "Season" (as in spice, not as in time of year)perhaps?] is not about the ocean life of a whalefish who defects from its school - it is a collection of wacky stories with morals. Apparently young readers were sophisticated enough to figure that out using the cover art and cheeky tone as their guide. The five and nine-year old I read this book with laughed with abandon even if they didn't always get the inside jokes behind the stories or the morals. Bathroom humor like "He who smelt it dealt it," was a big hit as was "It takes one to know one." I wasn't crazy about this work but I did love the title, and its exhuberant, devon-may-care attitude and the numerous double entendres. The layout and design are extraordinary. There's plenty in here to entertain little and big readers. This is not a read alone book, though. The power in this work comes in sharing the experience. Otherwise I think it will fall flat. The moral to this review of "Treason" is "Never judge a book by its cover." --
Rating:  Summary: Coulter's polemic against her self-created "liberals" Review: The flaws in this book are innumerable, from factual and historical errors to violation of every logical fallacy known to man. But I would like to point out the most basic and deceptive technique of Coulter: the creation of her self-labeled group called "liberals". Coulter's group of elitist, intellectual "Liberals" does not exist. After reading through this work, it became very apparent to me that the enumeration of character flaws, lies, and slanted polemic of her 'Liberals' applies to absolutely no one on earth. Her 'Liberals' are a self-defined construct that she has built up with primarily anonymous statements, ideologies, opinions, and quotes lifted out of their original context and considered in isolation from the originator's general world-view. 'Liberals' first supported the Vietnam War, then blamed the Republicans; 'Liberals' say that Truman, not Reagan won the Cold War; 'Liberals' said that Afghanistan would be another quagmire; 'Liberals' were soft on communism. Of course, one can find somebody who espouses these individual views from time to time, it is the result of the diversity of human understanding and everyone's unique knowledge and experience. However, Coulter writes as if these ideas and all others she delineates are fully incorporated as some sort of official dogma that is universally believed by some collective, monolithic group in academia, news organizations, and political bureaucracies who are united in their worldview and their hatred and antipathy towards America. This is her constructed and non-existent mythical group called the "Liberals". This is garbage and complete nonsense. Nearly every paragraph contains yet another diatribe against this nebulous, mythical group of 'Liberals'. Who are the members of this group? She never tells us. It becomes crystal clear that in actuality the group does not exist. Both common sense and life experience demonstrate to each of us that every individual is unique, and the entire spectrum of political leanings are represented in the population. Can one find somebody who holds every belief that Coulter accuses this group of? Maybe, but I doubt there is even one. Most people hold a variety of views about many subjects, some of which could be considered "liberal" and others "conservative". Her 'Liberals' is a constructed paradigm that Coulter has created in order to justify her own polemic against a political myth in order for her to sell books and make money. Save your money, this book is worthless.
Rating:  Summary: Frightening Review: This book was terrible. Not only was much (heck, ALL) of the material venemous and hateful, a lot of it was also outright lies. I don't mean that facts were distorted, I mean that some were simple lies. For example, Ann claims that a head employee of Newsweek, Evan Thomas is the son of Norman Thomas, who was a socialist who ran for President four times. This is a lie. There are countless examples of lies in this book, but what I really disliked was what it lacks. I bought this book because I expected a report on why the liberals are wrong and the conservatives are right. However, I found that Ann spent the entire book attacking liberals for having beliefs (because, apparently, that's wrong), and not one page discussing why conservatives are right. Not ONE PAGE!!! All this book is is an attack on the left, and I found it offensive and slanderous. Please, whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, skip this book! It really is awful. *I'm editing this review becuase I called myself "conservative" in my original review, which is really not true. I have some conservative beliefs, but it has become abundantly clear to me that neither side is entirely right, but the right is most certainly wrong.*
Rating:  Summary: Treason is Shocking Review: Treason is a shocking sarcastic account of the debacle of the Democrat's values and inaction. It will cause one to seriously change their political party membership. The author is a leading conservative intellectual who clarifies what really happened to Joseph McCarthy, Whittaker Chambers, Alger Hess, and Ronald Reagan. She has done extensive ressearch, having 46 pages of notes in her book. After reading Ann Coulter's book, I feel much more informed about our political parties and what they stand for. It was extremely interesting.
Rating:  Summary: The Most Un-American Book I've Ever Read Review: I am shocked that anyone could write a book as venomous, as intolerant, and as wholly un-American as "Treason" and get away with it; all that I can say is that Coulter is a Joe McCarthy for the 21st century. Of course, she probably thinks that the Second Red Scare of the 1950s was the American golden age; most conservatives do, and they want to take us back to that "moral" era when it was okay to oppress minorities and trample civil liberties. Anyone who thinks that McCarthy did anything right is delusional--he was a terrorist in the truest sense of the word, a man who would stop at nothing to ruin people's lives. As for Coulter's arguments about the War on Terrorism (which reminds me in a way of the bloated War on Drugs), they are run-of-the-mill, Bible belt conservative invective. Obviously, if you aren't jingoistic, militaristic, and blind, you are not a 'patriot.' Conservatives such as Coulter once used such arguments against ex-Senator Max Cleland (D-Georgia), saying that this one-limbed Vietnam veteran wasn't 'patriotic' because he opposed George "Amarrica" Bush. In his place they put Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia), a draft dodger! Coulter's hypocrisy towards such issues is appalling. She has no clue about anything, which makes her a perfect fit for the delusional times in which we live.
Rating:  Summary: Talib-Ann Coulter lies Review: First, I'd like to inform Ms. Talib-Ann Coulter and her ditto heads, that our nation was founded as a Western "Liberal" Democracy. Secondly, Joseph McCarthy, with his "un-American activity" witch-hunts, that denied his victims the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," would not have been out of place in the old Soviet Kremlin. Thirdly, as a "Liberal" Democrat , I volunteerd to serve my country, so does that make me more of a patriot than the ultra- hawks (chicken hawks?) Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, et al, who were too good to serve their country? Fourthly, Talib-Ann claims that Liberals have brought political discourse down to the level of professional wrestling. Just reading her screed/blather proves otherwise. Don't waste your money; instead, read Al Franken's "Lies and the Lying Liars..." He exposes Talib-Ann for the liar she is.