Rating:  Summary: Factual and Correct Review: The liberals have always made me sick. Ann Coulter exposes their lies and the negatives that they have forced upon this country. She is the spearhead of the attack on liberals!! Go Ann!!
Rating:  Summary: Utter B.S. Review: This book is ridiculous, but reflects the conservative viewpoint. The conservative viewpoint is one of maximum containment, it is similar to the Israeli responce to terrorism-you must hit back or they will come back harder. This was also shown in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides continually escalated tensions, refusing to back down, because to do so would only encourage the other side. This would have continued to the death of the world, had not JFK said "Enough," and backed down. Recently declassified Soviet documents have shown that when Soviets wanted to back down, the U.S. spurred them on. A good example was the infamous "Missle Gap" that JFK won the Presidency on. It turns out that the actual missle gap was on our side, and our increased expenditures only increased the conflict. Neocons believe justified: the increased spending and confrontation ended up with the end of the U.S.S.R. However, we are still cleaning up after this increased conflict. Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein are both the direct result of spending to contain communism. North Korea is still North Korea because we refused talk to Red China in the 50s-and China ended up supporting North Korea and turning the tide in the Korean War because they believed that we were going to push through to China. Iran-the result of the extremely viscious, corrupt, and evil regime of the Shah that we put in power in order to contain Communism. Finally, how someone can believe that the 6 million dead in Southeast Asia as a direct result of us, the 1 million dead in East Timor do to our support of a viscious tyrant named Suharto, or that selling arms to Iran and drugs to our youth and giving the money to CONTRAs (who would be labeled as terrorist now-killing civilians in order to overthrow a democratically elected government) is morally inept. Remember Republicans-Conservative Values are not Conservative Politics. Do not let abortion blind you to who is acting with compassion.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter is a Great Writer! Review: Not since possibly Stephen King have I seen a fiction writer of such magnitude. Honestly I think what this country needs are more anorexic conservative hate-mongers. I do not agree with her referring it into two types of people like liberals or conservatives. It should actually be rationalists and blood-thirsty, money-hungry conservatives. Too bad for her that her books have not sold nearly as much as "liberals" like Michael Moore. It just must burn her up to know that people would rather read what she calls "misconstrued facts and lies" then what she is writing about. The conservatives may have conquered the television media through their control of the FCC and deregulation but they still can't stop us from reading differing opinions in books. I've read her book and what Adolf...Ann is selling most of use people with any sense aren't buying.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal Angst-Ann over Hillary and how mad they will get Review: I can only imagine the depth of hatred this book will inspire, when Hillary is knocked down and off the charts and this book thrives. You can read the typical liberal savagery now. I can also see liberal's, unhappy with Hillary's showing in book form, sitting down to write a scathing portrait of this book which they have not and certainly will not read, just to make up for all of the negative reviews Hillary has received and from her own! No self respecting Conservative would pay a dime to read that drivel. In any event, this book is a bit over- charged, but that is Ann. Liberals hate this type of book becasue it doesn't shy away or sugar coat the fact that liberals will (and have) loved anyone no matter how mad, savage, repugnant or evil simply to excercise their inability to cope with a narcissistic personality disorder matched only by the hatred they have for themselves as well, among other things. I recommend this book as a counter-balance to the nonsense put out by the leftist media that couldn't tella story straight even if that had to.
Rating:  Summary: Dear Ann, define "liberal" Review: I'll admit right off that I couldn't finish this one. After 270 pages I gave up. The writing was adequete but pedestrian and full of tired rhetoric of the right, and it became tedious. I wanted to be persuaded, to be convinced, but Ann Coulter's logic is seriously flawed. There is nothing here but more shilling for the "radical right wing wackos". There are no reasonable arguments, "liberal' is defined as anyone, or anything that disagrees with Ann's obsessive defense of the indefensible. I wish just once that an admitted conservative would define what he or she believes a liberal is, or should be. Pandering so blindly the the fifty year conspiracy of the right to abolish the Constitution and Bill of Rights, curb free speech and the right to a "redress of grievances", and grant a royalty of entitlement for the rich, corrupt, and greedy, as well corporate hounds, is not patriotic, that is treason. G. W. Bush and his confederacy of dunces are even more scary than Nixon and his black bag boys - they think they are patriots, and the flag belongs to only them, and Ann is helping spread the myth of a liberal press just to appease the monster, and it gets scarier and scarier with every move the right makes. Ann, can't see the forest for the trees, and the traitors are those she admires. SCARY! If I could have given no stars I would have, but so be it.
Rating:  Summary: A Useful Correction to Revisionist History Review: It amazes me when I read reviews written by people who say they have yet to read this fantastic book. ann steps on toes, pokes holes in liberal sacred cows, and generally sets the record straight. If the show fits, put it on! I suspect this book is going to rub some intellectual "corns" in the wrong way!
Rating:  Summary: An important book to read Review: This book is extremely well written and well researched. Ms. Coulter is a great story teller. But don't get me wrong, this book is no work of fiction. If you have any interest in American history or politics, get this book. If you just want a book that is a great read, get this book.
Rating:  Summary: Shrill Harpy Moron Review: Someone should point out to Ann Coulter that McCarthy's hateful vendetta was finally brought down not by liberals, but by the Republicans and the U.S. Army . Revisionist history indeed. Who's gonna be the heroic subject of her next book, Hitler?
Rating:  Summary: Are we really this dumb? Review: Coulter's ridiculous, meretricious latest should go over famously with the neo-Fascist, Rush Limbaugh set. Which is to say that if you find yourself with a double-digit IQ, with a tendency to move your lips while reading silently, with some sort of pro-Jesus bumper sticker on the back of your pickup truck, skip right out to the nearest bookstore and grab a copy. More discriminating intellects--while finding the tome fascinating in exactly the way a chance encounter with a well-cultivated mullet is fascinating--will quickly grow bored.
Rating:  Summary: What a fixed delusional system reads like. Review: Ms.Coulter must know that there is an excellant generation new anti-psychotics to address her fixed delusional system. I suggest she take some!!