Rating:  Summary: Coulter Nails 'Em Review: As usual, Ann Coulter manages to cut through all the liberal BS with which our culture is inundated and get to the truth. Any thinking person (which would eliminate most liberals) will find this book stimulating and provocative. Those who simply react with jerking knees won't like it at all.
Rating:  Summary: Feel-Good Hit of the Summer! Review: How can just one person speak so much absolute truth in so few words?
Rating:  Summary: Proving Ann's Point Review: In this book Ann moves through the actual events and then compares them to the reporting of the events then and now. A very straight foreward read...
Rating:  Summary: Female version of Joseph Goebbles Review: Just like in her last book Slander, this is loaded with right wing rhetoric that is very misleading to people who aren't familiar with politics. Apparently the publisher and editors didn't check her facts. I can't believe that she can rationally defend Joe McCarthy. Whats next Hitler?
Rating:  Summary: So ironic it transcends irony... Review: How can someone write a book called "Slander" that basically *is* slander (well, libel) and not see the irony?
Rating:  Summary: MORE TRUTH THAT PATHOLOGICAL LIBERALS WILL REFUSE TO ACCEPT Review: . Once again the votes for these reviews reflect the BIAS of the voter for or against the position taken by the author, rather than the quality of the presentation and the strengths of the arguments. Like bagpipes, with Coulter there is no in-between.Coulter cuts to the chase and points out the consistent anti-American attitudes of liberals who live in a fantasy dreamworld rather than reality. There have always been people who believe that life would become nirvana if only there could be a huge, omnipotent one-world government, run by the gifted few intellectuals who know best how things ought to be. The pompous and slow-grinding Hague "World" Court is an example. Coulter points out the constant maneuvering of these people in politics, Hollywood, and other spheres of influence to make everyone "even" in all respects. She also points out that many, if not most, of the America haters tragically don't even realize that they are trying to tear down the most successful democratic Republic in history. Ann Coulter writes with a style that any educated and well-informed person will find easy to read and understand. Her sentences and logic flow smoothely, but some who have taken a position based solely on an inflexible one-world agenda will reject this book outright. If you read "Treason" with an open mind and a respect for post-World-War-Two history, you cannot help but find it disturbing because Coulter points out clearly how anti-Americanism has attained a virtual cult status. I remember sitting in on classified FBI briefings in the 50's in which it was pointed out that Senator Joe McCarthy was fighting a losing battle against a real threat. He has since been exhonerated and his name restored to the position of a voice crying out for America to "wake up." Hopefully, Coulter's career won't experience a similar trial by knee-jerk namecalling. One should read ex-KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin's book "The First Directorate" before passing judgement on "Treason." Together they are an eye opener on what has really been going on with the liberal left in America for the past 60 years. These two important books relate facts, not fiction. Now I will await the slings and arrows of liberals who probably have read only a few sentences of "Treason" and consider this enough to SLANDER Coulter and her fine work. BUY THE BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: This book must be deeply biased Review: This book must be deeply biased. From all customer reviews posted here, I found so many love it to the tip, and so many hate it to the bottom. Here is the statistics of the stars this book received: 94 5-stars 6 4-stars 2 3-stars 7 2-stars 71 1-stars So I have decided to not waste my money and time on this book. I should not believe such pundits. Finally, not to affect the existing rating, I will give it 3 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Pot Calls Kettle Review: Crackpot Conservatism By Richard Cohen I am happy to report that Ann Coulter has lost her mind. The evidence for this is her most recent book, "Treason," a nearly unreadable slog through every silly thing anyone on the left has ever said. Coulter conflates dissent with treason, opposition with treason, being wrong with treason, being right with treason and just about anything she doesn't like with treason. If the book were a Rorschach test, she would be institutionalized. My glee in reporting that Coulter is daft is predicated on the prediction that her book, like her previous one, will be a bestseller. This is invariably the case with rants from the right. They tell the majority (non-liberals) that they are being controlled by the minority (liberals) -- and that most of the country's important institutions, particularly the press, are in the hands of leftists. Coulter has now taken this argument one step further. This wee minority is not merely wrong. It is traitorous. She says the New York Times "issues traitorous editorials." She says, "Liberals relentlessly attack their own country, but we can't call them traitors, which they manifestly are." "Free speech," which those canny liberals often cite to justify their wacko ideas, "is a one-way ratchet for traitors," and "liberals have a preternatural gift for striking a position on the side of treason." The book is a hoot. It is also good news for liberals. It suggests that the right, at least the hard right, has finally dumbed out. This is the predictable cycle for all movements. They start with a genuine grievance and proceed from there to the totally ridiculous -- or, in some cases, to the downright macabre. In some ways, the nutso American brand of archconservatism mirrors traditional anti-Semitism. Jew-haters proclaim that Jews control the media, international finance and almost everything else of importance -- but, somehow, Jews have accumulated a 2,000-year history of expulsions, pogroms and, finally, the mass murder of the Holocaust. It is the same with American liberals. They control everything, and yet, somehow, the White House, both houses of Congress and, with the exception of several delis in New York, the entire business community are in the hands of conservatives. It's hard to figure. Now Coulter has gone from the mythical to the absurd. Nonconservatives are traitors. In another country and in another age, the remedy would be apparent: expulsion or something like it. As this is America, the best she can muster is scorn, ad hominem arguments (Bill Clinton's face is a "fat, oleaginous mug"; Jimmy Carter is "often maligned for his stupidity," etc.) and the shrapnel of quotes she accumulates after she has exploded their context. Sometimes she's oblivious to her own contradictions. The trouble with liberals, she says, is that they "believe they're God." This would come as news to the pious -- but stupid -- Jimmy Carter. But in a book that rehashes the McCarthy years, the Alger Hiss case, the House Un-American Activities Committee imbroglio, the Hollywood blacklist and everything but "I Love Lucy," Coulter finally heaves herself into the present and the war with Iraq. Mockingly, she excoriates the traitorous New York Times, which she cleverly calls "the Baghdad Times," for having said that there was "no reliable evidence" that "Saddam Hussein is connected to the Sept. 11 attack or to al Qaeda." She goes on and on in this vein -- actually, she goes on and on in every vein -- dumbly confident as she typed that such a link would be proved. It has not -- and Coulter, as she herself must now recognize, is nothing more than the Bush administration's useful idiot. Fairness compels me to say that Coulter scores some points. Parts of the left -- not all of it, dearie -- were unaccountably naive about communism, and as recently as the run-up to the Iraq war some of these same people again manifested an almost compulsive need to blame America for everything wrong in the world. But I think she sometimes gives the left too much credit. "The left cut down a brave man," she writes about McCarthy, forgetting that the ol' red-baiter was censured only after he had tangled with the Eisenhower administration. Coulter's book contains the usual name-calling, the usual spinning of the facts, the occasional racial insult -- McCarthy, for instance, "took enemy fire from savage Oriental beasts" in World War II -- and it revives the charge from the 1950s that the Democratic Party is the party of traitors. "The inevitable logic of the liberal position is to be for treason," Coulter says in the last sentence of her book. When it reaches the bestseller list, as it almost surely will, we will know that the conservative movement has finally cracked up. Happy days are here again.
Rating:  Summary: A model of its type Review: Treason, along with Ann Coulter's other books, belongs in the library of anyone who appreciates, perhaps even loves and accepts as Gospel, works like The Turner Diaries, Pat Robertson's New World Order, Jerry Falwell's Clinton Chronicles, any of Benard Nathanson's personal triumphs, Hitler's charming little book about "his struggle," the various online tracts that promise to tell you how to make a bomb big enough to flatten a synagogue or an abortion clinic from any of a 100 different household items, or the various self-published or Regnery Press-published pamphlets and tomes that grace the "books for sale" tables at major Knife and Gun shows. For the missing links who have given this and Ms. Coulter's other works five stars, this book is just their cup of tea. Like Ms. Coulter's other efforts, it is so full of invective (somewhat like this review :-), halftruth, misrepresentation and outright lies that were it not so toxic, it could be used to slim fish. But to give the devil her due, it will certainly find an appreciative audience among the trogolodytes that infest the far right fringes of the Religious Right and the modern Republican Party
Rating:  Summary: It's about time. Review: Really, all you need to know about the truth of Coulter's arguments is to look at these reviews. Note that every person who calls Coulter a liar makes absolutely no reference to any actual lies, much less offers evidence for the assertion. Standard liberal MO. This book exposes not only liberal and media lies (like the two need to be distinguished), but also gives hard evidence of the motives for those lies. I find it funny, and disturbing, that the book repeatedly makes me realize the ridiculous liberal lies hammered into me throughout high school, college and law school. It would be nice if our education and media systems would actually give you a hint of the irrefutable evidence on the issues covered in the book. Well at least we have Coulter to point it out. And when you hear the leftists calling her names and frothing at the mouth, take notice that you won't hear any actual evidence to contradict Coulter's assertions. Nicely proving her point.