Rating:  Summary: Annie, didn't your Mama tell you not to lie? Review: Problem is - she believes her lies. But the good part of all this is - we don't have to, no matter how many times they get published by some misguided publisher, or read and subscribed to by patently ignorant people. Fascism lives in Coulter's mind, but not in my America. Fortunately, the two are not the same. And never will be.
Rating:  Summary: If hate is a motivation to read this book . . . Review: . . why waste my time? I can only assume from reading the reviews that this is more of the same swill from a "camp" that believes their side is blessed with "no wrongs" while their opponents are cursed by being "all wrong, all of the time." I give Ann three stars for her hair - that's at least as relevant as most of what you'll read about this book.
Rating:  Summary: Another Liberal Myth Crumbles Review: Ann Coulter has done it again. Armed with The Facts (most of which have been buried by leftist educators and public figures), she builds a devastating case against the Political Left in the United States. I wouldn't go so far as to call them all traitors, as Coulter does, but whatever credibility they once had is now shot. All liberals will be able to do in response to this book is call Coulter names. They certainly can't argue with her factual case.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Hits A Hardball...with her head Review: Anyone who is contemplating reading this book must'nt have seen her make a fool of herself with Chris Mathews... Here's an excerpt: MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton's book, how is it doing compared to yours? COULTER: Well, she has many advantages over me. MATTHEWS: You said she weighed more than you the other day. Was that the case? COULTER: She had a 3 to 1 pound advantage. Her book is also three times as large as mine. (CROSSTALK) MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about this book. This book is very interesting, and I am not going to comment. I am going to let you comment on it. The principal difference between fifth columnists and the cold war versus the war on terrorism is that you could sit next to a communist in a subway without asphyxiating. What does that mean? I just want to know. What does that mean? I want to know. (CROSSTALK) COULTER: It means what it says. The second difference is, that in far more time the enemy that we're up against now has killed far fewer people. MATTHEWS: So, but the enemy smells. Is that your knock against Arabs? I mean, that's your point here. You sit next to them and you are asphyxiated while sitting next to them. COULTER: I'm just drawing the differences between the old war and the currents war. MATTHEWS: Is that a way to win friends in the Arab and Islamic world by saying they stink. COULTER: I think it is a way to get people... MATTHEWS: Is that deep? COULTER: ... to read my book, so I thank you. MATTHEWS: Well, I tell you. If you want it at that level, you got it right here. Anyway, she's a great writer. I don't agree with her, but she's a hell of a writer. And thank you very much for coming on. She's a real charmer. Ann Coulter. The last book was called "Slander." Maybe this one should have been called that too.
Rating:  Summary: A Challenging Book Review: This book is going to drive some people crazy. Coulter takes on one of the most entrenched myths of the past 50 years, the myth of "McCarthyism." Even though I am a conservative, before reading this book I had swallowed the McCarthy Myth hook, line and sinker. Coulter has really opened my eyes. While her writing style is polemic rather than coolly reasoned (like her speaking style), she documents every one of her assertions and makes a compelling case. Like I said, the fact that this book challenges a major cultural shibboleth and is so well-documented and compellingly argued is going to drive a lot of people on the left crazy. Just like most of the leftist reviews of this book, most of Coulter's critics are going to resort to emotional name-calling and character assassination rather than challenging Coulter on the substance of her arguments. Frankly, I don't think they are up to the latter.
Rating:  Summary: Disagreement Is Now Treason Review: Anne Coulter should be ashamed of herself. Political discourse in this country used to allow for genuine disagreements on what was best for America. Now, if you disagree with her, you're a traitor. Of course she doesn't really believe that. It's just a cynical way for her to make her book controversial and thus put more money in her pocket. Does she care that she is tarring well-meaning people (who in many cases ARE and WERE right? No--she just wants to make sure the Republicans stay in power so that she can keep as much as possible of the millions of dollars she's making with these irresponsible rantings.
Rating:  Summary: New Revelations Review: Ann Coulter will be ferociously attacked by a broad front of liberals because of this book. What she has done in this new book is this: She has performed extensive research and has REWRITTEN OUR POLITICAL HISTORY of the last seventy years. Is it presented from her conservative point of view? Absolutely yes. Is it totally accurate? I think it is, but it remains to be seen. If it withstands the frontal attacks from the left, I would say yes. The basic contribution this book makes to our knowledge is to reveal to us the existence of the Venona Project. This was a top-secret effort during the Cold War to intercept and decode messages between the Soviet Union and its American-citizen spies. The U.S. government revealed this project in 1995 and decoding is still ongoing. It has already proven that there were many highly-placed Communist spies in the administrations of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. That's what Sen. Joe McCarthy was trying to prove in his 1950s Senate hearings, but Democrats aggressively resisted them. Ms. Coulter's book insists firmly that he was correct all along. She will get a lot of grief from the left for exposing this in "Treason."
Rating:  Summary: Ann has crossed the line--she is now officially a joke Review: This book is so ridiculous that I can't even get upset about it. An alternative opinion is treason in a free country? JOE McCARTHY WAS A HERO? Ann can't really believe this junk. Funny funny stuff.
Rating:  Summary: Grandma from Ohio Review: As I was reading this book the thought came to me that you can only be a traitor if you are from the left, but then the picture came to mind of Rumsfeld shaking hands and hugging Saddam Hussein and George Bush I and his involvement in the Iran Contra mess that in the end saw 14 of his administration (as Vice President) convicted of crimes and I thought wait a minute how can this be????? I believe 80 to 85% of the people in America are right down the middle when it comes to politics and people like Ann Coulter, who is fanatic right, is every bit as dangerous to America as the fanatic left. This book page after page, even down to the title, only showed me hatred and we can certainly do without that.......It deserves a minus 5 stars.
Rating:  Summary: Liberals beware. The truth hurts. Review: Ann Coulter's new book is a must read for anyone concerned with or interested in history, politics and the media. Her sharp and witty writing style has you laughing out loud one moment and then shocked and amazed the next as she methodically spells out just how the Democratic party consistantly takes an anti-American stance and has been on the wrong side of every issue for the past 50 years. As if the copious footnotes in the book aren't proof enough, the one-star reviewers that precede me, all of whom seem to have received their DNC talking points before writing their "review", just prove Ann correct. Their "reviews" are rife with hateful comments like "dillusional, paranoid, schizophrenic, lunatic", "liar", "revisionist" and "arrogant" which is exactly what Ann discusses at the beginning of the book. Had these "one-stars" read the book, they perhaps would not have unwittingly proven Ann's point. Liberals, when confronted with irrefutable truths, resort to name calling. Thank you Ann for a great read.