Rating:  Summary: The "bitter left" takes another one on the chin. Review: To everyone reading these reviews, I implore you: DO NOT LISTEN to the huge collection of negative opinions submitted for this book over the past few days. These people obviously have not read Ms. Coulter's new work, and simply hate her positions and her politics. They hate the fact that her opinions are backed up with FACTS and massive amounts of documentation, largely from their own beloved GOVERNMENT sources. Democrats are obviously unable to refute matters of substance, so they must resort to childish name calling and pathetic antics like flooding Amazon with their shrill screams of hatred. They cant't stand the fact that America is waking up...that alternative voices are FINALLY being heard, and that their socialist agenda is being exposed. This book is FANTASTIC. Ann Coulter really nails the modern left again with this book. Bottom line: The United of America is, and has ALWAYS been the #1 obstacle to global socialism. THIS is why the left hates America. THIS is why they have sided with our enemies consistently over the years. They gag at the sight of American power and are repulsed at anyone who dares wave our flag rather than burn it. This is why they have LOST the battle for the hearts and minds of freedom-loving Americans today, and their bitterness has never been more apparent. Thet have been on the wrong side of history consistently for the past 50 years, and continue even today to stand against America's best interests. I read this book in a little under 2 hours last night. I will be purchasing several copies for friends and family. "Treason" should be required reading for every informed American. You will never look at politics the same way again. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: This book should be entitled "Slander" Review: The good news is that Ms. Coulter is an entertaining writer. She has a way with words and can be quite humorous. The bad news is that she embodies the same brand of vitriol and extremism that motivates some to shave their heads, paint swastikas and burn crosses. This book is to be recommended to only the blindly conservative and not mainstream America.
Rating:  Summary: Screed: With Treason, Ann Coulter once again defines a new l Review: With her new book Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism, syndicated pundit Ann Coulter has driven the national discourse to a new low. No longer content to merely smear liberals and the media with sweeping generalizations and fraudulent evidence, she has now upped the ante, accusing the entire Democratic Party as well as liberals and leftists nationwide of treason, a crime of disloyalty against the United States. But, as in her syndicated columns (many of which are adapted in the book) and her previous book Slander: Liberal Lies Against the American Right, Coulter's case relies in large part on irrational rhetoric and pervasive factual errors and deceptions. Regardless of your opinions about Democrats, liberals or the left, her work should not be taken at face value. In short, Ann Coulter has once again revealed herself as one of the most destructive forces in American politics, repeatedly making outrageously irrational arguments and demonstrably false claims. Treason is the culmination of a dismaying trend toward factually misleading and inflammatory books from pundits such as Michael Moore, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. These authors may delight partisans and make their publishers rich, but their work impoverishes our political discourse.
Rating:  Summary: This woman is nuts Review: How can anyone possibly write a book claiming that any one party is always right and the other always wrong when both of them are guilty of huge screw ups? And to lable one party or the other as traitors only indicates what an idealogue this woman is. When did it become acceptable in the US to label people enemies of the country because they disagree with you? Coulter would spend her time more productively if she would stop writing inflamatory, half true books and spent some time researching what political debate in this country is supposed to be about and how important it is. Conservatives are always talking about what the Founding Fathers intended. Coulter writes as if she forgot to check out their ideas. At a time when they could have dictated one party, they deliberately refused to do so. Tyranny by either party is unacceptable. Coulter proves to be a true disciple of McCarthy with her tactics. Despite her ranting, I doubt that any "true" American would want to return to those days. Hysteria on the right is no more attractive than hysteria on the left.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter's HATE MANUAL is a rave. Review: A must buy and read for all racists, KKK members, biogots, religious fundamentalists, American Taliban card holders, white supremisists throughout the US.
Rating:  Summary: What liberal is she talking about? Review: So, I guess McCarthy, that alcoholic who destroyed countless lives, was actually right? Ann thinks so. And I suppose W, who has never read a book, has a greater understanding of history than someone who has? Ann thinks so. Since the time of Nixon, when Nixon convinced everyone the media had a liberal bias, nobody has been able to name any liberal commentators. Nixon's concern about the liberal bias was about smearing an opponent. In the case of Nixon, that opponent was truth. However, it has become popular to maintain the bashing of the media as liberal. Balanced commentary has been weeded out and replaced with conservative talking heads and "intellectuals" like Ann. And which liberal was it that liberalized the media anyway? Pick the first name in media you can think of. Radio? Newspaper? I bet they are conservatives. There are almost no liberals left. There are certainly no liberals with the seditious opinions that Ann and other conservative pseudo-intellectuals attribute them. The presidents of the mega-corps that control the media are whole-heartedly in favor of trickle-down economics and other conservative views that maintain their wealth. This book is fantasy.
Rating:  Summary: Stop whining Review: This book was a colossal waste of time. Definitely a don't bother. If you've ever seen this woman running her mouth on television for 30 seconds you've effectively read the book.
Rating:  Summary: Why Do They Hate Us? Review: "Papa, why did those men hate you so?", asked Whittaker Chambers young son as they were leaving the studio where an exceptionally venomous, Meet the Press, had just concluded. If you don't know the answer to his question now, you will after you read Ann Coulter's latest, "Treason" (and it's the same reason why many hate Ann Coulter). The Hiss-Chambers case, Joseph McCarthy's career, Ronald Reagan's successful plan to overwhelm the Soviet Union. Ann methodically dissects the Liberal mythology surrounding them all (and more). I can hardly wait for the wailing and gnashing of teeth when The Usual Suspects hear about the contents of her latest best seller; the reactions to the 98lb mini-skirted blonde kicking sand in their faces are always at least as much fun as reading her books.
Rating:  Summary: Empirical evidence wins over hysterical shrieking Review: It is a shame it has taken so long for the evidence to get out and interesting to follow the trail of source documents referenced in the foot notes. None of the evidence is particularly new it has just been catagorically ignored. Miss Coulter's style will irritate the intolerant on the left but those who are reading with intellectual honesty will be forced to face the Machiavellian nature of Socialism in America.
Rating:  Summary: the truth is what you believe....and were probably told Review: Ms. Coulter has certainly solidified her place as an ultra-conservative attack dog. Again, boldly supporting her ideologies with blushing praise for conservative icons, even including Senator Joseph McCarthy, and their Founding Fathers-like importance in making America great, since the death of FDR. All of which is fodder for her sharp venom laden tongue-wagging attack of those contemptible liberals, who left to their own devices would destroy the very foundation of freedom and democracy in this great land. And therein lies her premise, the democratic party is guilty of treason. Political ideology and conviction aside, I am still surprised at the republican right's fascination with limiting minority opinion, attacking opposing views with ridicule and their obsession with imposing their values on all citizens. When opposed, a predictable response has been to label their opposition, those dissenters to the cause, as unpatriotic. I recommend this book for those who would like to facilitate an intelligent conservation concerning the meaning of freedom. Used for this purpose I would rate the book five stars.