Rating:  Summary: How to spew hate Review: After listening to Ms. Coulter for years on tv, and having read her books, all I can say is that she is one of the most biased, angry and nasty individuals I have ever heard/read. She forgets about the lies and ruined economies given to us by Reagan and both Bush presidents, and the treason of Nixon and his buddies. Both parties have done good and bad things to us, and right now we are in the middle of economic crisis brought on by a Republican president. She apparently is blind to this. All I can say is that all Democrats are not bad, and all Republicans are not good. Coulter's meanness cancels out anything good she might be trying to accomplish.
Rating:  Summary: Liberal response to Coulter's book, "Treason" Review: The one-star, liberal reviews of "Treason" are amusing in that the authors of the reviews apparently failed to look at all of the notes at the end of the book. The references clearly provided there clarify and support Coulter's conclusions. The apparent failure to read the references is typical of the leftists who have been brain-washed for years by the liberal media and who do everything possible to avoid the facts.
Rating:  Summary: A Second Look at Ann Review: I read this book over a month ago and I'm still not sure how to feel about it. On the one hand, Coulter is hilarious writer (so long as you don't take her too seriously). Also, as an increasingly conservative American, I feel that the conservative movement needs a strong, energetic voice like Anne's to ensure it will be heard in debates too often dominated by thought-crippling political correctness. But what to make of Anne's demonization of the left? This is a woman who rightfully attacked leftists for their slanderous depiction of conservatives in her other well-known book, and now proceeds to lump all Leftists into the same camp as Alger Hiss. What is truly unfortunate about this is that Ann is at least partially right in her overal thesis, and makes some excellent points about the far left psychology. For example, why is it that liberals shrink from fighting radical Islam (which enslaves women and kills homosexuals) while condemning Western Christianity for anything remotely approaching sexism or homophobia? It is true, I think, that liberals in general have a tendency towards self-loathing, which translates into a hatred of their own country and traditions, whereas conservatives in general tend to project that loathing onto the outsider. A better book would have been one that admitted this (or at least, that conservatives aren't all enlightened saints as Ann seems to think) yet sought to explain why, in our present situation, it is the excess of liberalism which is far more dangerous to our nation.
Rating:  Summary: But Have They Actually Read It? Review: Reading some of the one-star reviews, I wonder if they even bothered to read Ann's book? The documentation is sound. The rhetoric does not even rise in shrillness to that of the left. Ann sets the record straight and it's no wonder that liberals are jumping on the bandwagon to denounce it. It's also been fun watching Ann being *interviewed* on the Today show and by Chris Matthews. It's a wonder that she doesn't stop a moment and say, "You don't listen very well, do you?" Chris Matthews in particular, who conducted more of a tirade rather than an interview. That man doesn't know how to listen.Nail 'em on it, Ann. (I know you read every one of these.) Say it over and over again, whenever they demonstrate it. "You don't listen very well, do you?" PDS. The Phil Donohue Syndrome.
Rating:  Summary: What Historians and Policiticans couldn't do Review: Little did I know that my knowledge of Joe McCarthy was completely wrong! This book should be required as a resource for any future writings on McCarthy. Although filled with extensive original sourcing and referencing, liberals will no doubt lie about what is said. Ann Coulter has changed one persons view of history and revieled how an agenda can change the truth into lies and lies into the truth.
Rating:  Summary: Highly amusing! Review: Denouncing liberals as unpatriotic is baseless and ridiculous. We support clean air...so we're unpatriotic? We support tougher laws against corporate crime and campaign finance reform...so we're unpatriotic? We support universal healthcare, welfare, and affirmative action...so we're unpatriotic? First and foremost however we support peace and diplomacy whenever it is a viable option; and because of this we're unpatriotic? I guess this is just another book from the "bias liberal media," oh wait, it's another conservative book...
Rating:  Summary: Page turner and eye opener! Review: I cannot understand these negative reviews. No one adduces any evidence to contradict Coulter's well researched book. Her contentions are not flimsily constructed - just the opposite. She builds an airtight case against the Left for treason - then AND now. Few have mentioned just how FUNNY this book is. My wife and I read it to each other while driving during our vacation to Alberta and nearly drove off the road several times. The sourpusses on the Left have no sense of humor. It is just a terrific read and, if you have an ounce of honesty in you, WILL be convinced. Coulter manages to articulate those incoherent inchoate instinctive gut feelings you've had about the perfidy of the Left and bring them all into a very sharp focus that will undoubtedly disturb the Left and is clearly responsible for the dyspeptic rancorous responses we've seen from those same "fellow travelers" who have not even read the book. My advice: BUY THIS BOOK!!
Rating:  Summary: A highly-opinion, fascinating, and flawed account. Review: With Ann Coulter, you're always guaranteed of getting--at the very least--one heck of a read. Her new book, Treason, is certainly no exception, full of her trademarked wisdom, wit, and perception. Her intelligence and acute sense politics permeates nearly every sentence. Yet, as was the problem with her last book Slander, she subverts the incisive power of Treason by coming down too hard--and too cheaply--on the subject she spends most of the book decrying, specifically liberal Democrats in the United States. The premise for the book is hardly a weak one: the efforts, intentional or not, of liberal Democrats in subverting the best interests of the country throughout a number of major conflicts including the eras of McCarthy, Vietnam, the Cold War, the nuclear race of the 1980s, the Gulf War, the Clinton scandals, and the war against terrorism. Filled with personal and historical insight, Coulter's depiction of events is as vivid in description and depth as it is in its utter anger at the people she excoriates. Her constant quipping about Democrats of all stripes and her accusations about their behavior toward all matter of America's enemies are entertaining, but don't exactly make for a balanced, rational account, even by the inflammatory standards of this material in general. While Coulter makes her points well throughout, she makes it too hard to sift through the anger and the hate to find them. In terms of vitriolic excesses, she occasionally rivals Michael Moore on the left. In addition, her tendency to ramble and get distracted by certain issues and bring them up in places where they're not exactly relevant, occasionally makes for a maddening read. This reduces chapter designations to meaningless, turning the book into one lengthy, angry rant about liberal Democrats and their behavior toward the country in the face of America's enemies. And if the events she presents in the book are accurate, she has every right to be angry. But clamping down on the inner voice that gets in the way of the reasoned, intelligent discourse she is of no doubt capable, would further improve her writing and her debating skills. Those on the right will no doubt find this as thrilling and blood-curdling as Coulter does, while those on the left will be outraged at Coulter's style of presentation and the facts she presents. The sad irony is that both sides will be right.
Rating:  Summary: nothing but the truth Review: I love this book. Thank you Ann for the meticulous research of the Marxist foundations of modern liberalism. If you're a Madonna, Oprah, Barbra, or Hillary fan, the truth hurts. Otherwise, this truth can set you free...
Rating:  Summary: Facts, Facts and more Facts Review: This was a good fact-based book. Coulter does tend to repeat her points several times. This is excused since she is so outraged by the Left's treachery. Many of the factual points, I have not been aware of before. Coulter lists many references so further reading is needed to confirm all the facts she presents (which are many). The case that the Democratic Party has been "infiltrated" by many socialist/communists is compelling. You will have to read the book several times to absorb the multitude of examples (I have only read it once). I believe this is a serious compilation of historical and current acts of "treason" or at least Anti-Americanism committed by our public figures. A definite read for political junkies