Rating:  Summary: Very well researched. Review: Another informative work by Coulter in her now famous, entertaining writing style. This book was clearly researched throughly for the three years that she worked on it. I counted 891 works cited in her references at the end of the book. Quite a history lesson about Alger Hiss, Joe McCarthy, Whitaker Chambers, and the Vernona Project. Outstanding work. I recommend it to anyone interested in American history and/or the Cold War.
Rating:  Summary: Ann the conservative Review: What trips me out is her hatefullness towards liberals and her outright BS from her little fact gathering file. What is more truthful,is the way the republicans buy into this and say "Duh, I wonder where the liberals are with a response? Well, I'm still waitng for a republican response on Reagan's Iran/Contra? The republican congress attempts to derail the Liberals on freezing terrorist funding? But of course a republican mind, is only a grocery store line Enquiring mind. Thanks Ann for your insight to the harsh, hatefull, view of a republican making money off something that you never experienced but only gathered facts from a republican's point of view.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Does it again Review: Its been out for a week now and the left has still to respond to the specifics of the book and the charges contained within. Instead they contnue to attack Ann personally, which has been their style for each of her books, never deal with the substance deal with the person relating the information. As an historical work this book will be studied for decades to come, because it sets many of the false and misleading ideas for the past 50 years straight. But yet again the left will not pay attention to the facts, the democratic party will not do the soul searching they need to do to get back in touch with America, instead they will do as they have before, gather in their elite high rises at their "club" parties and echo the same utter nonsense they have for decades now. The best thing that can happent o the Dmeocratic Party and America is they end up like the Whigs did in 1850 for the same nonsense.
Rating:  Summary: Treason is Fact - Living History is wishfull Review: Ann Coulter's book is a must read! As a college professor of 29 years, this will give you insights into the thinking of those liberals that indoctrinate our youth on the college campus. Remember these are the same ilk that trains the teachers in our primary and secondary schools. Though many think that Communism is benign, it masquerades as a neo-socialism in our schools and in Congress they masquerade as "progressives." Ann Coulter correctly documents (with end notes) that liberals have been wrong on every foreign policy issue, from Communism as an "evil-empire" to today's war on treason. So-much-so that one wonders if our legislators believe in the sovereignty of the United States or are we subject to the United Nations. Coulter masterfully exposed a liberal bias in today's media in her book "Slander" and clearly pierces, with "Treason," the vale of historical liberal distortion. A "liberal's" loyalty to the United States is no longer off-limits as a subject of political debate. Remember it was Ronald Reagan that said in Berlin, "tear down this wall...", and the collapse of the Soviet Empire is credited to this one great American President, whom liberals have mocked, ridiculed, and sneered. Though Reagan was ridiculed throughout his presidency, he won the Cold War. Get Treason; Read Treason; Take Treason to class with you (especially history and political science); Discuss Treason.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting look at what was versus what is. Review: In the political world there are conservatives and then there are liberals. Some times it is difficult, even impossible to know where someone stands, this is not the case with Ann Coulter. She has become a great voice and influence in the conservative political arena. Over the past several months a number of books have come out "bashing" the left, most since 9/11. Most of them stating that the Liberal Democrat elite have missed the boat on the issues and most of the books do nothing but "bash" them. So why then is this book different? Why then is this book making the news? Ann Coulter, who has already put together 2 other books, has taken the issues, one by one, broken them down and with documented evidence shown that the left has missed the boat on many of them. Does she bash the liberals? In some cases very hard, and in others not at all. Coulter takes the Left to task and put the facts in front of them, there is no doubt as to where she stands and this conviction is what makes this book such a compelling read. I was impressed by her straight forward, no holds barred approach and her unwillingness to leave the core beliefs. So gives no ground and if you look at all the facts and evidence you may start tot think twice about what needs to be changed. Coulter's work is first rate, leaving no stones unturned in pursuit of the truth. While the liberals may find it hard to swallow the information, the work is complete and well organized. Overall an excellent job!!
Rating:  Summary: Stunningly Hypocritical Review: Ann Coulter thesis in her book is just what the title promises. Small problem. Coulter neglects to inform her readers about the most recent spectacular case of treason in America, and a case of treason that is actually factual. I am refering to Katrina Leung, a California businesswoman and powerful REPUBLICAN DONOR and ACTIVIST, who also happened to be a CHINESE SPY. The same time this Republican was having affairs with FBI agents she was on the FBI payroll and giving classified information to her Chinese bosses. Now that is treason. Don't hold your breath waiting for Coulter to cover this story in her next propaganda book, after all this Chinese spy was an important Republican.
Rating:  Summary: Outing Liberals Review: Finally a book that tells the truth about liberals and thier socialistic treason. Liberals have lied thier way into American lives and are deparate anti-American in every way. I was a teen ager when McCarthy was in the news and I can attest for his popularity amongst my people, Americans, not the elite intellectuals and academics or the media who hate this country. The sad case is the liberals are winning. They have taken over our schools (read the Language Police) and are more infiltrated in organizations like the N.E.A., the AARP, the environmental movement and others. Miss Coulter should hailed for this honest account of the false hope that the liberal establishment gives.
Rating:  Summary: A Fact to a liberal is like Garlic to a vampire Review: This book really exposes the blind eye liberals have to facts when it's in their favor to do so. This book corrects the many years of wrong information that liberals have diseminated via the media and the teaching institutions. I was a liberal back in high school and college because of the brainwashing that occurs in these schools. After I was weaned off the brainwashing when I graduated, I realized that the world is made up of many other different ideas--not just liberal ideas.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book of Facts Review: This book is what the liberals do not want you to read. It exposes their cunning tactics and tells the truth about many events in history.
Rating:  Summary: McCarthyism Reborn!!! Review: Ann Coulter has become one of the lead dogs in the ever increasing pack of right wing hounds, baying their distorted world view and pouncing with slathering jaws on anyone they view as their enemy, which basically means anyone who doesn't share that world view. This style of attack dog politics had its modern beginnings with the witch hunts of Senator Joe McCarthy in the early 1950s, so it's appropriate that Ms Coulter spends so much of her time defending Tailgunner Joe. Beginning with the Cold War and running up to the present, Ms Coulter distorts history beyond recognition. She conveniently forgets that liberals were the earliest advocates of a hard line policy towards Communism, while conservatives were demanding a return to isolationism. She ignores the countless lives damaged by McCarthy's allegations and the strong leadership provided by liberals in the 1960s and 1970s as the Cold War continued. In her haste to condemn those she obviously despises, she overlooks the strong support many liberals have given the Gulf War and the War on Terrorism. I suspect that Ms Coulter, in common with her former friend and fellow attack dog David Brock, is primarily motivated by the desire to earn a dishonest buck or two. Mr. Brock has grown weary of his career as a right wing hatchet man and written a confessional: Blinded by the Right. I trust that someday a similar work will be forthcoming from Ms Coulter. Until then, I can only paraphrase Robert Welch's famous rebuke to Joe McCarthy: "Have you no sense of decency, ma'am, at long last?"