Rating:  Summary: Save us all... Review: from radical extremists of any stripe. This book demonstrates how one of that ilk will cynically bend, distort, and even lie to promote her agenda. Coulter is on the brink of joining history's select club of all-time-greatest crackpots with this one. Unfortunately, there are many who won't exercise their powers of critical thinking and will swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Our country's spirit is sullied whenever it encourages demagogues like this one.
Rating:  Summary: A screw loose? Review: This book is either a con job by Ann Coulter to come off as the vilest person on earth (and in the process help her rake in even more money, since there's no such thing as bad publicity) or she's a mentally unbalanced sociopath. I happen to think it's the latter. Her assertion that the opinions of liberals--who, unlike self-centered conservatives, are for the common good--is not only nutty but outrageous.
Rating:  Summary: Facts and Rants Review: While 80% of the book is filled with the facts and the references to the varios sources, the rest 20% are Coulter's remarks about the true character of the liberals. I might agree with some of her conclusions, however her rants while witty were distracting and annoying. I can rant myself so much better. From a book like this I'd rather get organized facts and sources - only. Hence - four stars. I understand that some might disagree - for many people Coulter's caustic wit is the main attraction of the show, information being the distant second. Which is not so bad - everyone can find something interesting.Except for the former communists. For quite a simple reason. It just so happens that McCarthy was right. American Government was infiltrated by the Communist spies on an unprecedented scale indeed. While the evidence that was presented by MacCarthy himself was largely dismissed by people who see no evil in anything with a red star on it, a great deal of hard evidence have been made available lately - from Venona project to the admissions of the former spy-handlers from the former USSR. Of course, you wont read about it in the New York Times. so I guess, if you are intrested in finding out what was happening then - you have to buy this book. (Look at it this way - Coulter's book is much cheaper then NYT in terms of a price per unit of information).
Rating:  Summary: About what you'd expect - only less. Review: I have always had the suspicion that the far right is a tool of the far left - after skimming (okay, full disclosure: I couldn't read the whole damn thing) this "book," I know now I'm correct.
Rating:  Summary: Half-truths and poor research passed off as fact Review: Wow. This book is even worse than Slander. Coulter shows once again why she is an embarressment to "history". Attempting to cast fanatics like MacCarthy as sympathetic misunderstood "patriots", Coulter twists the few historical facts she includes and omits the rest. People who dearly want Coulter's version of the past to be true are willing to ignore factual evidence, and that is exactly what Coulter counts upon.
Rating:  Summary: Perhaps we deserve this Review: So few of us take the time to refute or question what we see and hear that it's easy for people like James Carville and Ann Coulter to spew skewed "facts" and smile smugly, secure in the knowledge that we'll swallow anything if voiced with conviction (or in an entertainingly flip manner). We are awed by blonde hair and the use of footnotes (footnotes!). Take out your yellow highlighter and red pen and it's laughably easy to dissect Coulter's childish constructions. She sleeps well at night knowing that the average American will do no such thing. Even the blessed existence of a site like spinsanity.org - - where the right and left get equal and deserved comeuppance - - is not enough to encourage critical thinking among those who have mystifyingly given this pack of childish semantic fumbles FIVE STARS and actually SIGNED THEIR NAMES. I can see why canny Democrats are hoping to keep Coulter front and center. She sends undecideds with even a shred of intellectual discipline sprinting over to the left. And it's not like that's such a great place to be, either.
Rating:  Summary: Ann hits a homer! Review: Ms. Coulter factually exposes the lies that liberals have created about Senator McCarthy, President Reagan, George Bush and every other conservative patriot they have hated over the last half century. Her facts about the the now declassified Venona Project's intercept of Soviet cables to their spies in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations is truly shocking! Those administrations gave away half the world to a Communist hell and have never been held to account. Thanks, Ann.
Rating:  Summary: Treason Review: Wow! was that eye opening. Liberals will surely try to do and say anything to keep you from reading this book. A must read.
Rating:  Summary: Truth will out, even if it takes fifty years... Review: She's baaaa-aaack! And with yet another "as amusing as it is important" book. Using primary sources (something liberals don't do when talking about Joe McCarthy), Coulter demonstrates that we've been had about the Cold War and the people who fought it, not to mention those who resisted our efforts to win it. We now see that Joe McCarthy was right about Communists working for our government (that was proven in the mid-90's with the declassification of the Venona project documents, which amazingly never became "big news" with the mainstream media). We also see how complacent liberals of his time not only couldn't have cared less, but worked hard to smear those who, along with McCarthy, wanted to do something about it (it seems that the only difference between the liberals of the 1950's and turn-of-the-century liberals is that the latter have dropped "homosexual" from the list of names to call their political opponents).
Rating:  Summary: A Consesrvative Street Fighter, Ann Coulter Review: She's terrific. Clearly she's smart and articulate. Nothing seems to get past her. Lots and lots of notes back up her comments and claims throughout, so we know that she's scholarly,as well. And, heavens knows, she is funny. Not comedic funny, but wonderfully ironic and sardonic. As with her first book, Libel, I found myself laughing my way through the parts, and being left with the profundity of the whole. But I think what I like most about Ann Coulter is that she is a conservative street fighter who knows how to get down and dirty with the liberal opposition. The scrapping, unscrupulous liberal Democrats are so accustomed to the chronic support of the mainstream media and to the refined rebuttals, careful criticisms and dull diaglogue of their gentlemanly Queensberry Rules Republican adversaries that Ann must knock them for a loop. (Notice in all of the one and two star ratings found on this site, the attacks are personal, not substantive.) She has taken the battle to the liberal enemy and uses their rules of engagement-- EXCEPT she is honest AND she loves her country.