Rating:  Summary: THIS CHANGE MY LIFE Review: I used to give liberals and minorities the time of day, now thanks to the beautiful AnnCoulter, I don't. She lays it all out on the line about how the right people are in charge now, and how we are all going to take on the liberal menace, I mean, I recite her words parrot-fashion and it instantly marks me out as a right-wing rather than a right-on kinda guy. People like her, and the nice things she has to say about people make me proud to be an American.
Rating:  Summary: This book will appeal to followers, but not to thinkers Review: After reading this book, I have to agree wholeheartedly with Joe Gandelman, a Top 500 Reviewer...if you are already on the conservative side, you will love this book. If you're a liberal at heart, you will hate it. If you think with an open mind, you will not be able to really absorb anything, as it reads as if a child who couldn't get her way is getting back at those who wouldn't give it to her. Yes, there are lots of sources for her opinions. This is being hailed as a wonder in the world of books. But, she has taken the facts of history and spun them in such a way that unless you know about the periods that she discusses, like the McArthy era, you will undoubtedly think to yourself "wow, I never knew that." But if you were to go and read up on the entire period, you would see just how flawed her opinions are. It's good reading, but only in that it is very inflammatory and biased. Anyone who reads this book with an open mind will have no recourse but to question her conclusions. The fact that these types of books can be written has made me begin to question just how important all of the books are that are coming out nowadays. It seems as if they're meant to do nothing more than to push one's fame up into the stratosphere, regardless of what historical facts are beaten down in the process. Do yourself a favor. Read all of the reviews her on Amazon. You can tell with 98% accuracy who is conservative, who is liberal, and who thinks for themselves. This should tell you something about the book.
Rating:  Summary: facts Review: The only treason is the treason of the person that wrote the book. Her facts as usual are screwed up. If you want the facts please read slamed by the right. Ann Coulter is mentioned many times by this person who was one of them. In order for this right wing conservatives to write, they must destroy another persons character. They do not use facts, but character assacination. I use to be a republican, but after this group that has now taken over the republican party, I can no longer be a part of their type. There are good conservatives and good liberals and we both want the best for America!! I spent 3 years fighting a war in the South Pacific for the freedom we have. I have always found great people on both sides of an issue, but I use facts not fiction. This book is truly nothing but lies and fiction.
Rating:  Summary: A Lie from top to bottom Review: It's amazing that those on the right, who cry day and night about the liberal press and its manipulation of facts to suit preconceived theories, cheer for the same tactics when they issue from Ms. Coulter. The debunking of Ms. Coulter's previous work, Slander, was thorough and painstakingly documented (see Spinsanity.com, a neutral site dedicated to debunking spin). Since that work sold well to those whose only desire is to see their prejudices confirmed, Ms. Coulter's financial advisor obviously counseled her to keep it up and keep cashing in.Substantively this is one of the shoddiest pieces of political writing in literary history. Some egregious examples: - Coulter lionizes McCarthy as an American hero, but fails to mention that he defended the Nazi butchers who massacred American soldiers in Malmedy during WWII. - she excoriates Democrats who opposed the war in Iraq, but fails to mention Sen Ron Paul, the Cato Institute, Pat Buchanan, or other prominent "real" conservatives (not knee-jerk idealogues) who opposed it. I guess that would make them 'traitors' as well. - She distorts the history of Truman's war against communism, completely ignoring the pattern of Republican isolationism that almost ended the transformation of Europe and Japan that transformed the world for the better. - She blatantly lies when she states that Truman rebuffed Chruchill and sent Acheson to meet him, when the source she cites clearly states that that was not the case. (note to other reviewers - just because she uses footnotes doesn't make this history - look past your preconceptions and go read the sources!) - Coulter consistently uses independent opinions published in the NY Times and the Wash Post, such as book reviews and op-ed pieces, and states "accoding to the Times" and "according to the Post", a deceptive and shoddy journalistic trick that is meant to mislead. - She claims that Congressman McDermott and Sen Bonior met with Saddam, a clear falsehood meant to incite. - She quotes Clinton as saying that Muslims "have good reason to hate us", a quote which never happened. - She states that Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the Agreed Framework, an intentional misrepresentation of the Nobel decision. - She claims "you need a NY TImes decoder ring" to know that the Washington sniper, John Mohammed, was a Muslim. She intentionally neglects to mention that the Times ran a front-page article about religion's role in the snipings. If your goal is to reward dishonesty, as long as that dishonesty confirms your conservative leanings, by all means buy this. If you believe that, no matter what your politics, you have a responsibility to tell the truth and not manipulate facts, then give that money to your favorite candidate and stop the poisoning of the American debate.
Rating:  Summary: A history lesson! Review: A very entertaining and informative read! I learned a great deal about Alger Hiss, Joe McCarthy, Whitaker Chambers and the Vernona Project. Ann also explains, in great detail, how the facts about McCarthy, Hiss and others were distorted.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent read Review: I'm going to split this review into two parts, dealing first with the eBook side of things. After paying for this eBook, I (immediately) received a confirmation email that claimed I could download the book "shortly". A mere fifteen HOURS later I was able to perform this two minute task. The fact that I purchased this download on a national holiday (July 4th) is probably the cause of this delay, however Amazon should have warned about this as I spent ALL DAY checking my "digital library" for the availability of the download. Amazon dropped the ball by not mentioning this possibility. It would seem this download would be available instantly. After all, it comes from a server that's presumably on duty 24/7. Coulter, however, gets an excellent review. What a great literary work this is! Stunningly well researched and very entertaining. It is difficult for such a deeply researched (and heavily footnoted) non-fic book to also have the humor element, but Ann handles this task like an old pro. The only other Coulter book I've read was High Crimes and I wasn't all that impressed. It was a struggle to stay awake at times. Not so with this one. There is a lot of thirty plus year old history covered here, so one might think at first glance that it would somehow reek with dry boredom. (That's what I was thinking anyway). Not so! Far from it. In fact, I was regretting the fact I purchased the eBook because it had me chained to my computer desk for so long. I couldn't "put it down" you might say. It is refreshing to hear someone call it like it really is, documenting every detail with watertight footnotes and sources. The liberal establishment is in a snit over this book. I read one review where the columnist stated that Ann neglected to mention the Voice of America hearings. That was a knee-slapper, as I had just finished reading this "non-exsistant" passage not twenty minutes before running across this airhead's hit-piece. It was glaringly obvious he hadn't even read the book, yet took it upon himself to slander Coulter without anything even resembling facts. Their method of operation is soundly covered in Ann's book, yet when reviewing it they use the EXACT same tactics that are written of therein. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pitiful. Great work Ann!
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding piece of historical fact Review: Great book by Ms. Coulter. Once again, the left can do nothing more than scream hysterically about "hate" when the facts are produced. The myth of Mycarthyism has been developed by the left to cover up their own inept and treasonous handling of national security during the fruitation of the cold war. The facts speak for themselves.
Rating:  Summary: Paradigm Challenging Review: Ms. Coulter's newest book may not be literary genius. It is still Great. I consider a book "great" when it permanently changes the way you look at the world by the time you have finished it. 'The Killer Angels' was one such for me, changing forever the way I understood the Civil War, contemporary American culture, and race relations. 'Treason' has similarly shocked my worldview about the last 100 years of American history. Coulter lays out the following argument: the Democratic party as an institution and Liberals as a group are defending and protecting enemy Islamic Fascists the same way they protected Stalin, Hitler and other fascist groups in the last 100 years. She draws comparisons between how the Dems/Libs protected communist sleeper cells in the '50s to how they are protecting muslim sleepers now. She demonstrates how the same smear job used to demonize Joe McCarthy is now being used against John Ashcroft, suggesting that in 50 years Ashcroft's name will also be used as a liberal curse word. It is all written in Coulter's rather shocking, sarcastic style, which caused me to laugh out loud throughout the read (in between shaking my head in anger). Love it or hate it, this book will challenge everything you thought you knew about recent American history.
Rating:  Summary: LOADED with hard facts! Review: I wonder how many of those 1 star reviewers have even read the book. They point to the review of the book on Spinsanity.com. I read the review and I agree that all liberals are not communists or traitors. I dont think anyone who reads the book will either or believe that Ann is trying to make everyone believe they are as half the article wines about. A nice try to discredit the book but A few questionable (and mostly trivial I might add) footnotes cannot put even a chicken scratch into the armor of Coulter's hundreds of stated facts. I think whoever reads this book will come to the undeniable conclusion that liberals are dangerous and thank God Reagan was President throughout most of the eighties. There are literally HUNDREDS of documented hard facts that will amaze you. I dont read a whole lot of books but I could not put this one down.
Rating:  Summary: You can't change history! Review: Ann Coulter makes very strong arguments and then backs them up with sources and references. She is obviously biased, and her sarcasm is cutting, but she is on target............I LOVE IT!!! Oh yeah, keep a dictionary close.