Rating:  Summary: Preposterous claptrap from the Wicked Witch of the Right Review: I don't know what's more absurd, that Coulter can get such a poorly researched, misrepresentative, and fabricated work published to begin with, or that so many people take this patchwork of deceit and opinion from such an obviously third-rate mind seriously. If you think this book deserves five stars, go as quickly as you can to the self-help books. And yes, I read it -- that's what libraries are for.
Rating:  Summary: worth reading for a laugh Review: In case you have read some of the reviews saying "well researched and full of facts" just thought I would point out that the same thing was said about miss Coulter's last book, that is until the Columbia Journalism Review (see nov/dec 2002 edition) reviwed her book- Slander. In that piece the authors randomly selected 40 assertions that Coulter made (with implied facts backing them up)and they found 21 (more than half) were "misleading at best." My guess is when they do the same to this book they find similar "facts" presented. Take this for example from the book: "As a rule of thumb, Democrats opposed anything opposed by their cherished Soviet Union. The Soviet Union did not like the idea of a militarily strong America. Neither did the Democrats! (p. 171)." This is either an example of stupidity on her part or a disregard of history. I suppose Truman loved the soviets and communists when he sent troops to Korea, and also when he pushed for the largest percent increase in military spending during peacetime (1949), yes even larger than Reagans increase in the 80's. And I suppose Johnson kept troops in Vietnam because he loved the soviets and communism so much. Where does she come up with this stuff and why to reasonable people believe her. Also, does anyone see the irony that Coulter wrote a book called Slander about how the left slanders the right, and then in her next book she calls all liberals traitors...isn't that slander. The book got three stars from me because it is fascinating to see how far out those on the right have become. I have a question for everyone who likes Coulter and her book, if McCarthy (Coulter's Hero) was alive today is he the type of person any of you would want in the Senate. Keep in mind he was a drunk who died in a ditch after passing out face first in a pool of mud. A tid-bit left out of Ann Coulter's praise for such a wonderful American.
Rating:  Summary: Shocked Review: I am shocked and sad and utterly dismayed. I cannot believe that anyone who loves history, political discourse, accuracy or democracy would admire this book. I am not saying that because I hate conservatives or because I love Hillary Clinton as some posters automatically assume, but because I love the freedom to dissent, to debate, to languish with my father discussing the ins and outs and ups and downs of 227 years of the good, the bad, and the ugly of America. I am not a traitor. I am an American. ...For a balanced - or at the very least, accurate - view of current American politics, I suggest Fareed Zakaria's "The Future of Freedom," and a healthy dose of "The Daily Show."
Rating:  Summary: The Terms of Debate Review: This brilliant book should set the terms of debate for all thinking people -- which unfortunately excludes most of the self-described intelligentsia. Purged of the ubiquitous one-liners (frequently hilarious, sometimes off-putting), this is a remarkable history text. Anyone who thinks that Ann Coulter is wrong on any of her basic points has the burden of presenting facts in rebuttal. I'm not holding my breath waiting.
Rating:  Summary: Unfortunate and Wrong Review: Being a moderate conservative, I started this book with moderate expectations. What I found was not only unfortunate, but wrong. Unfortunate because it inspires hatred and distrust among this country's citizens. We may not always agree, but we are supposed to get along - and through our different ideas make a better place. The author would have us at each other's throats. And wrong - just flat out wrong in twisting facts to make them seem believable, making baseless inconclusive leaps and trying to make untruths into facts. Don't take my word for it - read the editorial in today's (July 7) Wall Street Journal, a publication that has been at times seen as conservative. Does their dissent make them treasonous? Perhaps the author is not just trying to exonerate McCarthy, but pick up where he left off. Have you no shame?
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Perspective and Fun Too! Review: Ann Coulter may be many things to many people - subtle is not one of those things. TREASON is one of those books that will either delight you or infuriate you, but it will not bore you. Her indictment of the mainstream media is strident and scathing, yet she punctuates her ides with evidence and anecdotes which strongly support her position. The author is a frequent guest on the many political talk shows and generally holds her own against her counterparts in the mainstream (read "liberal") media. In addition, her columns, appearing in a number of conservative venues (from which much of this book is gleaned), are well written. She is outspoken, often irritating (even to conservatives), yet wholly engaging and entertaining while offering opinions of well-reasoned substance as well. Her main premise (that everything that is wrong with America is due to the liberals) may be over the top, however Ann makes a compelling case for the need to reverse the overwhelming liberal bias in the media and society which often overwhelms fact with a patina of political correctness.
Rating:  Summary: Very important book Review: I read the book in 3 days. Incredible. If you read the reviews that gave the book one star you will see that obviously none of them read it. The left is very scared of this book as they should be. It's a shame that none of them will read it.
Rating:  Summary: Total bunk Review: This book is a product of a fevered imagination.
Rating:  Summary: She can smell the Muslims Review: She says she can smell the Muslims. I say you can smell the stink from this book. It is hard to believe that she did not chuckle a few times while writing this novel. "I wonder if they will buy this load of garbage" Ann Said. Save your money and get it from the library or just read a few David Duke speaches.
Rating:  Summary: Scathing indictment of the folly of Democrats and Liberalism Review: First and foremost the negative, vicious, callous and mindless single-star ratings given to this in-depth factual, quote-filled and referenced book, are clear examples of the utter innate hypocrisies embedded in and indicative of the irrational thought processes and unpatriotic tendencies of many of the liberal persuasion. They surely prove that Treason by Ann Coulter has hit a nerve in the neo-liberals who actually have read it, and simply ignited the intolerance, hatred, bigotry, and partisan idiocy of those who have not, yet rate it badly, just to bring down the averages in the star system. On a lighter note having completed the book, I find Ann Coulter to be one of the most prolific critical thinkers of our time. Seeing through the many layers of false and misleading journalistic and political lines of rhetoric to find the truth and underlying meanings of the horrendously biased and hypocritical view most liberal icons, media types and so-called progressive representatives hold dear. Not all Democrat and liberals are such nincompoops and egg-head-like as to buy into the traitorous acts of these false Gods of liberalism. Yet too many simply follow along like sheep and/or robots repeating the great lies propagated by their fearless leaders. It is actually sad to see them exposed so profoundly by people like Coulter, Bernard Goldberg, Mona Charen and Tammy Bruce. But then like Ronald Reagan against the Soviet threat, I may feel for them, but I herald their self-destructive nature and their demise for they (hardcore liberals) are America’s Evil Empire. In this book, regardless of the spin placed upon any quote or story or event by the biased liberal media and the political pundits of the deviant, degenerate, anti-patriotic, anti-flag waving or singing, socialistic/communist-loving left; Ann Coulter guides us through the Democrat and liberal maze of intrepidity, in spreading falsehoods, even in the face of facts to the contrary. She un-spins the radical special interest group anti-American barrages and lays the truth bare for all to see and examine and she attempts to correct the falsehoods and rewriting of the constitution, history and best referred to model of the world by the left for their own political and influential gains. No this is an intense book, a good book, a book filled with facts withheld from the American people for decades and a book that needs to be read by everyone who values the truth and/or dissenting interpretations (something liberals are prejudices against and cannot tolerate). I'll tell you something else...I will never again look upon those icons of the Democrat Party so higly praised and heralded at public Decmocrat led functions in the future, like Roosevelt, Truman, Kenndey, Byrd, Clinton, most hollywood types and many others in the same way again. It will seem more like a celebration of treason, treachery, corrutpion and deviance than a celebration of great men or women or their deeds, to see liberals slobbering at the mouth, over these traitors of the American character, with praise, like James Carville or Paul Bagala do each and every day. It is impossible to read this book in one sitting due to that intensity but well written, informative, well planned and pertinent to both past as well as current events. Coulter is willing to tell the truth knowing that she will receive the ire and unsubstantiated ridicule of the left, which again is indicative of their inability to take what they give out. Only hers is more factual than theirs has obviously ever been. Great read, highly recommended.