Rating:  Summary: You Can't be Serious Review: What disheartens me about the reviewers who gave this book 5 stars is how willing they are to take a history lesson from someone who is obviously so biased, vitriolic, and narrow in her views. I think Michael Moore is fun to read too, but I wouldn't rely on him to teach me about an important piece of our historical past. If you are serious about wanting to know about the McCarthy era or the Cold War, read about it from someone who knows what they are talking about (like a historical scholar), not from a woman who gets paid for being shocking. And, yes, there are many lies and unsupported evidence in this book - again, why does this surprise you?? Ann Coulter HATES liberals - why would you expect her to be objective in her writings? For those of you who are still unconvinced, I challenge you to read some of her other writings, or to go onto anticoulter.com for thoughtful line-by-line explanations of why her columns have been untruthful. And lastly, many of you may not know that in an article that came out today, she calls Nixon one of the 5 heroes of this century (she includes J Edgar Hoover and McCarthy in that list). While she derides Clinton for his lies, calls his supporters treasonous, and implies that he is the root of everything wrong with America (including the Enron scandal), she seems to have forgotten about that little matter of Watergate (I guess that was the fault of the liberal media too, huh?)
Rating:  Summary: Emotionally Satisfying Fiction Review: Like all right-wing ideologues, Coulter relies on 'emotionally satisfying fiction' for financial gain. She's interested in finding a sensitive audience to sell books and stir people in the process. The book is well-researched, but her problem is that she starts her research with her conclusions already made and attempts to find facts and opinions to build around it. No individual with any intelligence should take her work seriously. Try Paul Krugman instead.
Rating:  Summary: Can she go any lower? Review: Quite likely the most dishonest book written in the last decade, and one that makes any thinking conservative ashamed of the label. Shoddy research, distorted facts, logic twisted to the breaking point. Like her previous book, this will convince nobody but those who are already converted. I went through page after page howling in laughter at how badly this gets history wrong. Want proof? Simply go to the sources she cites and you will find yourself saying time after time, "How could she write this? How can she get things this wrong? Is this incompetence or deliberate dishonesty?" You can find a detailed list of her howlers at the non-partisan spinsanity.comConservatism was once a legitimate and rigorous intellectual movement that captured both hearts and minds with a strong vision of a renewed America; this has given way to thugs like Coulter. She's neither a historian nor a scholar; she just plays one on TV, which merely shows the intellectual fraudulence of media journalism and the poor education level of her readers. She's worse than the Michael Moore of the radical right because she's not even funny.
Rating:  Summary: An unfortunately popular collection of lies. Review: I won't spend much time with this review as others on the internet have done far better than I could in debunking the many lies, half-truths, distortions, out of context quotes, outrageous generalizations and slander contained in this book. I recommend checking out spinsanity.com and salon.com for a taste of the types of falsehoods perpetrated in this book. If it wasn't for the boldfaced deceit this book contains, it might actually be an entertaining read. Unfortunately, Coulter is so bent on destroying liberals (or anyone with beliefs other than hers) that she will resort to anything to make her points. Skip this book. If you are looking for well-reasoned and thought provoking commentary from a conservative perspective, you can do a lot better.
Rating:  Summary: Dishonest, through and through Review: Many reviewers have taken issue with Coulter's use of "facts"; I use quotes because many of the "facts" she cites are proven falsehoods (the NYT not mentioning Dale Earnhardt's death on their front page, etc.). spinsanity.org, a media watchdog that critiques those on the right AND left, has a lengthy list of the "facts" Coulter uses to support the arguments in her books and how they are, in fact, FALSE. So caveat emptor -- for you Ann fans out there, that means "Buyer Beware" in Latin.
Rating:  Summary: Reading reviews has taught me a lot Review: I have to admit, reading reviews for this book has taught me a lot about how certain people think. I love reading books of a political nature, and I have to admit that having read both of Ms. Coulter's books, I have learned a lot on how liberals think. And you can tell exactly that by reading reviews in here about her books. It seems she only gets 2 different ratings, 5 star and 1 star. And the content of what is written tells a lot of the views of who made that review. 1 star reviews are invariably short, rarely more then 1 paragraph. Basically, all they say is "She is wrong", "She is stupid", or as one reviewer stated, "She is a skank". Amazing, because her last #1 selling book talked all about how liberals resort to namecalling when they have no point to make. Her other reviews often go for several paragraphs, stating facts. Her own books are full of facts, over 31 pages of footnotes covering her source material. Try to find that in any book from the other side. They all use each other as source, while she tends to use the "enemy" as her material, proving her points very clearly. And as far as one person stated about the NY Times having a 1,000 word article on Project Venona, 1,000 pages in the Times is NOTHING. I am sure that their review of her book ran for more then that. And she is right, in that any following stories they wrote about the horrors of Sen. McCarthy, none of them mention the revelations of Venona. Her last book (Slander) is dead on right to the fact that when the left has nothing valid to say, they attack. I skimmed through the hundreds of reviews for this book, and in none of the negative ones were there any real arguements. They just said over and over how she was wrong, with no realistic reasons why. And *THIS* is exactly what happens in the reviews here also. In short, if you are conservative, you will love this book. If you are liberal, you will hate this book. If you are moderate, it will really make you think.
Rating:  Summary: She is so awesome! Review: Congratulations Ann, you have done it again! I love this book and every one of my family is reading it, as well. You should also be very proud of the consumer reviews you are getting by all of the "independants" - they hate the book which just proves how spot on it is. The endless documentation backs up every statement you make - hard for even Clinton lovers to dispute, although if the sky is blue, they will still try to make you believe it is green. The book left me nauseated by the ineptitude of the liberals. Now they complain about the world hating us - well of course they do! Thanks to the libs, we have abandoned our allies, double-crossed countries we were supposed to be helping and made back room deals with Communists! I always thought that liberals were stupid (which of course they are) but now I realize they are not only stupid but dangerous. Thanks to Ann Coulter and her books, we have begun the long battle of setting the record straight. I admire her wit (I laughed out loud several times!) and her refusal to be politically correct. Now, I just wish she'd REALLY debate that self loving, arrogant and smug Bill Mahr. I have all three of your books Ann - when is the next one?
Rating:  Summary: As the tripe still churns Review: Nothing more than bellicose histrionics from our nation's paramount leftophobe, Ms. Coulter has outdone herself in this latest personal diatribe passed off as factual history. Anyone that doesn't see the world through Ann colored glasses---and, oh my, are they *ever* colored---ready yourself for yet another in her seemingly endless series of left-bashing books. Barely able to skim through another of her trashy tomes, I am amazed at just how far her degree from the Richard Mellon Scaffe School of hyperbole has led to another 'cha-cha-ching' effort for coulter. One star for the black dress and satiated smile that adorn the cover.
Rating:  Summary: What is happening to our country? Review: This is the new McCarthyism, period, end of story. God help us all.
Rating:  Summary: Spew Review: Ms. Coulter's literary "style" is reminiscent of the remake of "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" where those unfortunate souls who had already been taken over by the pod people would point an accusing finger and issue forth an otherworldly screech upon seeing a human being, causing the other consrvatives, er, aliens, to fall into lockstep and devour all that is good. Senator McCarthy was no more a hero than Senator Max Cleland is a traitor, a claim Ms. Coulter and her ilk make with equal aplomb. Senator Cleland, remember, left the majority of his limbs strewn on a Vietnamese battlefield yet had his patriotic bona fides called into question by the conservatives. Shameless, truly shameless. In "Treason", Ms. Coulter blithely ignores established facts that don't support her argument, creates fictions that do, and tries to cover the whole godawful mish-mosh with a welter of nonsensical footnotes; critical thinking is not in evidence. This is just more of the same with the next installment probably already in the works.