Rating:  Summary: Jerry Springer goes political Review: I've been reading the reviews on this site, and they all follow a simple trend: Hard line right wingers love this book, and pretty much everyone else thinks its a journalistic and ideological disgrace. I think Coulter's writing style is not one which attempts to explain anything, but rather expresses her own vicious contempt in the hope of drawing an audience. This is Jerry Springer gone political. It's a shame she has been so successful in this endeavor, as it lowers the standards of political debate and cheapens public discourse. There are Democrats in this country and there are Republicans, the strength of the country comes from a RATIONAL balance between the two, and disagreeing with John Ashcroft does not make you treasonous. This is just shock-value drivel that no one who takes a serious interest in either history or politics need bother to read.
Rating:  Summary: Very Well Researched Review: A very clear and well researched book. Ann's forthright manner makes it easy and enjoyable reading. Most importantly it tells the story like you have never heard it. The liberals in this country will absolutely hate this book....and her for writing it. Conservatives and libertarians will love this book...and her for writing it. I challenge any liberal to read this book in its entirety without, in the end, feeling just a little queazy about their party.
Rating:  Summary: what is america then? Review: this book could be titled "if you don't agree with me you're un-american". however, since only a very small percent of the population could truly feel that a man who declared that anyone who disagreed with him was a communist and should be destroyed, this book seems to say that over seventy-five percent of america hates america. one problem with this book, is it all depends on what you feel america is. if america stands for putting people on trial for having views that you oppose, then liberals are wrong. if america is a country where we cannot express our own opinions, then mcarthy was right. liberals and conservatives both love america, they just have different ideas of what america stands for. the biggest problem with this book is that it claims to "prove" things which can never be proven. "everything liberals believe is wrong" cannot be proven. the book also assumes that the author's opinion of what is important is the same as the reader. yes, reagan and bush won military victories, but both have been less than stellar at dealing with the economy, with health care, and other matters that liberals such as myself care about. war seems to be a central focus of this book, and it must be remembered that war is not the sole basis for judging politicians. basically, this book's sole purpose seems to be to say that over half of americans hate america, and deserve to be put on trial by the next mcarthy. this may be america to ms. coulter, but if this isn't your view then this book seems to be written solely to insult you.
Rating:  Summary: Wrong Section! Review: This book is incorrectly classified as nonfiction. It should be in the FICTION section, or possibly the FANTASY section. The fact that so many people have read this book and are buying into this woman's half-truth's and distortion helps explain the current state of affairs in this country. Right Ann, the Republicans are the saviours of this nation (don't get me wrong, both parties are clueless and have made some MAJOR mistakes). Personally, I think anyone who smokes as much as she does need to learn a bit more and. Don't waste the money on this book of opinions, form your own..
Rating:  Summary: Sign of the Times Review: If anyone who reads this poorly written diatribe and is somehow shocked at the 'facts' presented herein, I truly feel sorry for you. Leave to those Fox news loyalists to believe the garbage Coulter spews forth here and claim it is the 'truth'. Those on the far right are much more adept at being a good solider and follower to the end, never really questioning the reasoning behind their 'leaders'. Or the same people who still believe that Al-Qada and Saddam are golf partners, 'well that's what Rush said so it's good enough for me...guh"As far as the book goes, Coulter will never be taken seriously due to her inflammatory, overheated writing style. If you are trying to make a rational arguement, you don't get personal. Wasn't Coulter ever taught this in school as a child? It makes you think that Coulter is serving some other agenda here, something that goes beyond being bitter at the left. Something personal is going on here. The most blatant example of sloppy 'journalism' contained in this book is the use of quoting A COLUMINIST in a newspaper, then taking those columnist's words out of text, then saying "The NY TImes said..., ,The Washington Post said..." Give us a break! I know there are a lot of dim bulbs in the country, but there are quite a few of us who arent that easily duped. For someone as educated as Coulter you think she would of realized this. In an age of 24 hrs of constant information being spewed out of all media, there is a trend to not do your homework and just say whatever outrageous thing without having the facts to back it up. Michael Moore, Sean Hannity, Limbaugh, all guilty of this. Whatever will get you on the map and on the talk shows. Gone are rational debates on issues, it's all 'Jerry Springer' style these days. Coulter and her ilk arent interested in an opposing viewpoint; they cant ever believe someone would DARE think that way and rather than maybe having an open mind and possibly being able to LEARN from another perspective, THEY and only THEY are RIGHT! IF you oppose them, you are a TRAITOR! Sad, sick, let the stratification of society unfold. Let the dupes follow El Presidente to his downfall, and let's blame those treacherous liberals because we all know how much they hate America. How dare she. How dare she.
Rating:  Summary: If she's wrong....prove it! Review: For those who have written negative reviews of this book, I have yet to read one that cites some specific facts that Ann Coulter is wrong about. Challenging ones ideological views is one thing. However, even those who purport to have PhD's in History talk about the divisive nature of Ann's research and opinions and fictitious nature of her sources. Yet they fail to provide any specific proof she is WRONG! This book is simply outstanding and shines the light on the left for a change - and they can't stand it. Thank God for free speech and thank God Ann is out there calling liberals for what they are not based on what they say, but on what they have done. The truth hurts.
Rating:  Summary: the really funny thing is..... Review: okay, i admit - i haven't read the book. i'm unlikely to read the book - political opinion pieces don't interest me, i have PLENTY of opinions of my own, thank you. what i HAVE read are some of the reviews of the book here. and it's funny to see the depths to which people are attached to their political leanings. the reviews tend to be polar - you either love it or hate it, probably at a one-to-one ratio of whether you are liberal or conservative. but the really funny thing is the "was this review helpful to you" rating. take a scan through them - they run generally 50/50! if a review was positive, half the people give it thumbs down, half give it thumbs up. if the review was negative - half thumbs down, half thumbs up. hilarious! okay, maybe not hilarious. amusing. oh - i gave the book three stars. right in the middle. since i haven't read it, i can't give it a one or a five. since this is a meta-review, that seemed appropriate. now, the fun part will be to see how 'helpful' people will rate this non-review. heh.
Rating:  Summary: Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Review: I read this book with horror, thankfully a friends copy, no money from my pocket supported this sad little book. The tactic seems clear. To justify the demonization of the opposition, with righteous indignation. Make the opposition afraid to opose. Scare the moderates into keeping silent. Deter honest debate and free thought. If someone disagrees with you, question their loyalty. If they are insulted and cry foul, tough. You have a right to question their patriotism, you are right. This woman is revisiting, and encouraging the employment of truly evil tactics that play to the worst part of human nature. Look back in horror at McCarthy, Wertham, Hollywood black-lists and such, and see this book for what it truly is.
Rating:  Summary: TREASON, SADDAM, HITLER Review: The first sign of tyranny throughout the ages has been the elimination of dissent. All dictators, from Hitler to Stalin to Saddam, have started by eliminating opposing views of any type and classifying them as treason. Actually I gave this book 2 stars because it's very good to read and then compare to the WHOLE story and real history... and see how much you can manipulate facts to suit your cause and paint a dark picture of a sunny day... if you get my drift ;) This is NOT to say that the liberals are blameless. They have made mistakes as did their conservative counterparts. So if you're into the whole conservatives vs. liberals "war", and you're on the conservative side, then buy this book and have a blast. However, if you're more grown-up and consider yourself an American, not a donkey or an elephant, then get some real books and learn the real stuff, warts and all. You can take the saintliest person in the world and if you chop-up their qualities concentrate only on the negative and build an image based only on that... you'd end up inevitably with the boogey-man... This is what Ann Coulter does. Sure, it's all based on facts, chopped-up, distorted and taken out of context facts... to achieve the "Boogey man" aspect... 'Nuff said. Just for the record, I am NOT a liberal and I do consider a large part of liberal policies ill thought. But to scapegoat them and call it treason... Grow up.
Rating:  Summary: Do you hear the Left screaming???? Review: Ann Coulter has done it again - brough well researched FACTS and laid them out for all to see. Is it any wonder the Left is screaming bloody murder? Their deep dark secrets are bing put on exibit. Ann's writing style along with her exhaustive reasearch has lead to yet another brilliant expose on many of the ills of our country. In this work, she undo's many of the revisionist's history lessons on the last 50+ years of our country. This book is an eye-opening look at just how active the left has been (and still is) at trying to bring our country into the communist fold. This book should be mandatory reading for high school students. I just wish our current history books were as well researched and honest as Ann Coulter's books. I hate to say it, but those who find this book to be offensive or objectionable are obviously taking her words as personal attacks - and probably for good reason.