Rating:  Summary: Another masterpiece from Ann Coulter Review: Ann Coulter has written a very well researched, insightful, hard hitting book that is going to make the left wing haters in America choke on their French wines. Need more ammunition to fight the leftist cockroaches in your neighbourhood? Read this boook. Want to help prevent another Alger Hiss from sabotaging American security? Read this book. Want to help preserve all this good and great about America? Rad da book. An absolute must read.
Rating:  Summary: This book is great for America Review: Ann Coulter is a great patriot. Thanks to vigilant American greats like her, the left wing fanatics who control most of the American mainstream media like PBS, ABC, NPR, NBC, New York Times (the fiction writers), Washington Post, LA Times, are finding themselves increasingly on the ropes. Conservative talk show radio and the fair and balanced Fox News Channel are increasingly the sources that more enlightened Americans are turning to for real news. This book by Ann Coulter is yet another nail in the coffin of the loony left haters in America. In 5 years time, more people will get their news from fair and balanced sources like Sean Hannity and Fox News than they do from the so-caled networks. GREAT! So long Peter Jennings the American hating, arrogant Canadian creep. Soon, the only people who will be tuning in to Peter Jennings's daily diatribe against America, posing as news, will be his countrymen in his decadent, British ruled homeland in Canada! This book is a must read. Educate yourself. Buy one.
Rating:  Summary: Anyone Interested in Serious Conservative Thought. . . Review: Should look elsewhere. Coulter's text, like her rhetoric, is founded on anti-intellectualism and shoddy research. (Aside from the content and sentiment of their often incoherent rantings, note how many of the raters who gave TREASON five stars have multiple misspellings and grammatical errors in their reviews.)
Rating:  Summary: Great book! Review: All right thinking Americans should read this book. It shines a bright light on the secret war being conducted against America by the diabolical, masochistic American left. Hey, its not my business if the crazy loony left hate themselves for being born, but should we sit idly by while they try and destroy America? No way! The more people who read this book and believe, the more people we will have to in the fight to save America and smash the America-hating left wing crazies. Buy a copy as quickly as you can.
Rating:  Summary: Only good books cause this much division... Review: Just look at the number of one and five star reviews. Only a good book leave everyone devided. This is great!
Rating:  Summary: Just the facts Ma'am Review: Back in the 1980's, while working on my degree in History in Silicon Valley, CA, I often found myself in heated arguments which fundamentally revolved around a single idea - McCarthy was right. Years later, while teaching a History class at a High School, a new book was published about "Venona" - or decrypted soviet communications from before, during and after McCarthy's supposed reigh of terror. This evidence should have put to rest any questions regarding the accuracy and importance of McCarthy and his efforts. I introduced this information since the history book provided by the district was clearly biased and inaccurate given the latest information. I was told to simply "teach the book" by administrators. I was not prevented from presenting the new information, but sticking to the book was the suggestion first offered. Ms. Coulter, lays out all the facts in her latest work. Sprinkled with her usual witty jabs at those on the left, she takes the reader through a well documented and supported thesis. However, its sad that works like this get couched in the usual left/right, democrat/republican hopper. Instead, you can simply read her claims and check for yourself. Its all there. All the sources are dutifully noted for the reader to fact check on their own. The myth of who and what McCarthy is may never be corrected. A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth... particularly after half a century! Perhaps this will be a good way to discover how many years of facts it takes to restore the truth. Interested in learning more? Simply do a search on Amazon for the word "Venona" in the book title. There are several works on the subject and they are astonishingly eye opening. Finally, when reading books like this, always let the notations be your guide. If the bibliography does not have primary sources listed, its not likely to be worth your time - or its supposed "facts".
Rating:  Summary: liberals should love this book ... Review: because it makes conservatives look like idiots. I'm a conservative and a Republican, and I am ashamed by this book and by the uneducated crowd it seems to attract. This book can only damage the Republican and conservative agenda, because (a) its statements are too easily refuted, and (b) the readers it attracts aren't people I want on my side. There are already so many people who think conservatives are dumb, uneducated rednecks. This book will just reinforce that belief. And please understand that no true conservative -- and no truly patriotic person -- would EVER push for laws "outlawing" liberal opinions or behavior (as some of these reviewers do). Anyone who suggests such a thing obviously doesn't appreciate living in the US, which is founded on the right to have different political opinions. Such a person would really be more comfortable living in countries where you can be jailed for your beliefs -- say, China or Iraq.
Rating:  Summary: Liberals must read...know thy enemy Review: This book is another of the typical outrageous work from the conservitive press. I urge all liberals to read this so you know the lies that conservatives will accuse you of for the next six months. First and foremost Ann Coulter writing a book about liberals is like Osama bin Ladin writing a book about America or Yasser Arafat writing a book about Israeli seiges of the West Bank, the side and information is a bit skewed to put it lightly. Treason shows that conservatives will do anything to turn America into a single party, fundamentalist Neo-Christian dictatorship. Coulter's previous work, Slander, has already been proven to be filled with misinformation and out of context quotes. Time and time again we hear conservatives railing about how liberals are pulling our country down, by protecting the people's right of choice, speach, religion, voting, etc. I suggest that everyone read this book along with The Best Democracy that Money Can Buy. THe Best Democracy...is an example of liberal work: fully researched, evidence is presented and both sides liberal and conservative are attacked for their lies and misdeeds.
Rating:  Summary: I take issue with... Review: ...the cover of this book. Why is the author presented on the cover wearing an attractive form fitting outfit. Would the author's name alone and a more subtle image on the inlet of the book not be enough to make any sales? Are they trying to showcase her "wits" or her "wears?" Its a petty complaint, I know. The book's content is middle brow and mean't to be read as if you're in the middle of a one-sided fun filled debate. The author is entitled to her conclusions based on her research. And she is free to publish them, especially if she can make more money writing the book than a series of articles in some political monthly. However, her conclusions are not to be taken as the last word. Absolutely no one in the media has the last word on anything at all. Everything I read or hear, I take with a very light foot. All I accept as truth are scientific conclusions based on empirical evidence, and eye witness accounts or videotaped events. Everything else is open to interpretation. And lastly, it is so easy to identify who's in the right wing fanclub on these customer reviews because they are always so belligerent in their criticisms of people who disagree. And it holds true for all the right wing pundits in the media namely that Hannity guy, the O'Riley guy, of course that Savage guy, and the author of this book. On and on and on the list goes of aggressive opinionated media people who waste not a second to jump down your throat, call you names, and not even budge in their views to allow for a discussion without animosity. Have you ever seen Coullter on a talk show where if she thinks something a person says is so ridiculous she gets red in the face and her eyes begin to pierce the lighting. That's when you can expect something short of "liberal retard" on the tip of her tongue to spew out at her fellow guests on the panel. All the right wingers get red in the face. They can hardly contain their emotions. Hannity and O'Riley turn into virtual bullies on the air. O'Riley is a bully off the air as well. I used to work at the Fox News Channel and he walks and talks with an air of superiority that everything that comes out of his mouth is condescending. It even trickles down to his writing crew, where because they work for the mighty Riley they feel they can cop an attitude with the rest of the staff. Aye yai yai, I digress.
Rating:  Summary: Ann Coulter should start her day with Webster's dictionary Review: It's not odd that someone who chooses a title like 'Slander' for one of her books would demonstrate so convincingly with the title of this book that she seems to be incapable of examining the literal and political meanings of 'treason, 'liberal,' and 'conservative.' Were she to consult any grown-up's version of Webster's, she would find far different meanings for those terms than she so viciously expresses here and in her public appearances. I don't think it useful to quote her here and give any attributive comments, but rather comment on her apparent intent: to label liberals from our recent past as traitors. Those who choose to read this book should experience it for themselves. In any serious high school civics class, she would surely not earn a very good grade, although her book could be used as an example of obverse politics and reasoning. As for American historical fact, which she so crudely ignores, she cannot escape a simple truth: Almost all of the profound, progressive movements and actions of our citizens and their governing bodies were accomplished by the liberals of their time. To be chronological, let's start with the Boston Tea Party and the Declaration of Independence. Remember, Ms. Coulter, that the conservatives of that era were loyal to the British king, who pronounced the Founders all to be traitors, and in fact charged the participants who most Americans revere so highly, with treason. Fast forward through our history, starting first with the 1789 Constitutional Convention, followed by the passage of the Bill of Rights and we come to the Emancipation Proclamation. Another jump and liberals are giving women the vote. All fought for and won by liberals, and most definitely and vigorously opposed by conservatives. I could go on, but mercifully pause here with a public challenge to Ms. Coulter (or any other conservative) to attempt a similar list of significant conservative achievements. As a minimum standard, they should demonstrate, by result, a significant improvement in the welfare of we the people. My guess is that it would be a very short list. There is no reason to believe that liberals have changed their stripes or their hearts. Conservatives have been pretty much in charge during much of the period described by Coulter. A reader of her book might ask themselves what benefits have resulted from that and compare their judgment to that of Coulter's. Please note that my critique was done in a liberal fashion, that is, without trashing anyone, and by using actual facts. As a further demonstration of my liberal progressive heart, I was most generous in giving Ms. Coulter's book a single star. I could have said, "The covers of this book are too far apart," but Ambrose's Bierce has already used it.