Rating:  Summary: Uh-oh. The libs here are getting snippy. Review: Having read many of the reviews for Treason, I can't help but comment on common elements in the one-star reviews. The recurring themes of these liberal ranters include calling conservatives names, sneering at their intellectual or education levels, and recommending better reading by other, more-informed and enlightened (translation - liberal) writers such as Evan Thomas. Please! I can just see the liberals who claim to have read her book (right - like they would spend the money) frothing at the mouth as they punish their keyboards in an pounding effort to scream their outrage to the "uninformed" conservatives. The rants by those who can't handle the truth about liberals are hysterical and lacking facts to support their opinions. Liberals claim to be the party of tolerance. What a joke! Tolerance to liberals means you must toe their socialist line. The whining, screaming, and crying as well as their attempts to shout down the truth simply prove Ann Coulter's book to be truthful in how she describes liberals reacting when they are challenged. On behalf of right-thinking people everywhere, thanks, liberals, for demonstrating the truth of Treason through your consistent screeching. And thanks, Ann, from a female reader in Virginia!
Rating:  Summary: Bravo, Ann! Review: What can I say? Ann Coulter is quite simply one of the best contemporary writers and political commentators in America. She is indeed a rare breed. America is lucky to have a writer like her. She is the Dickens of our time! Every assertion is solidly backed by copious, well documented, unimpeachable references. No fly by night half backed liberal nonsense here. This is the real stuff. A chilling account of how much real damange, hell bound liberals have done to America the land of the brave, stretching back as far as anyone can see. Because of books like Ann Coulter's books, America has every chance of being steered in the direction of hope and strength. Make no mistake, this book, like other Ann Coulter books, is going to do plenty of real damage to the lies and propaganda of the evil liberals. Expect the liberal cretins to resort to incresaingly more desperate (but ultimtely hopeless measures) as the America public's eyes are opened to how realy insedious the liberals are, and then turn around to squash the liberals under their feet. Strongly reccomended
Rating:  Summary: Now Ann, let's be serious Review: It's hard to take Ann Coulter serious. After all, most (if not all) of her television and radio appearances show her in a giddy state, just dripping of controversial tidbits that are rarely backed up with facts.There are intersting points in the book. McCarthy, despite the contempt with which he is now viewed, did have a tremendous impact on America's view of communism in the 1950's and one has to wonder if the fall of the Soviet Empire who have come quite as quickly if he hadn't been so intent on weeding out their loyal followers in the US. That being said, McCarthy's tactics, despite Coulter's arguments to the contrary, were unexcusable. History has shown that he wasn't always wrong, but his accuracy rate certainly leaves a lot to be desired. The problem with those type of statistics are the undisputable facts that he left many lives in ruin. In the end, he suffered a similar end. Certainly Ann Coulter, for all of her brilliance, could find a more worthy hero for the conservative agenda.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, it's serious... Review: Cracks me up to see the leftists trying subvert Ann's book rating! I guess all we're going to see are 5-star and 1-star ratings. I swear, ever since clinton, politics have become strikingly more polarized, and this is just a microcosm. May God help us... and Go Ann!
Rating:  Summary: The facts check out.... Review: I was very skeptical about this book that went against everything I had thought about that era, but once I started to research first hand sources - to my amazement, everything she said checked out. McCarthy may not have been a saint in the way he handled himself, but he was far more right about the threat to this country than anyone knew at the time, much less now.
Rating:  Summary: Treason Review: Saying what needed to be said. A true education of the events surrounding McCarthy
Rating:  Summary: audacious ann little more Review: After reading some of the reviews here, I'd like to make a comment. The word Liberal is a proud word, but some of us are using it as another word for cockroach. If there's any doubt, when some reviewers, or Ms Coulter for that matter, use the word simply substitute Jew or Nigger or Mick instead. Are we really this small minded? Is Coulter for that matter, or is she simply manipulating her readers? I really think we need to look around and see what's really going on in the USA and the world. Coulter is truly off planet, but I give her five stars for sheer opportunism and pure unalloyed gall. Didn't like the book much; she obviously never paid attention in History class.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter hammers Liberal morons again Review: No wonder liberals hate Coulter, she backs up what she says with facts. Liberals hate facts, hate history and of course hate America and American values. Of particlar interest is how liberals have tried to re-write history where macarthy is concerned. Now that the USSR has fallen and venona paper have been declassified we are finding out how Macarthy was right all along.Another great book
Rating:  Summary: Just as ice melts under the hot sun... Review: the liberals cannot stand the truth presented here by Ann Coulter. How ironic that the criticism of this book speaks not of facts but of the past 50 years or so of liberal dominant media and government. This book should open the eyes of those who have blindly led down the primrose path by our nations liberal thinkers.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing is "Objective" Review: People who rate this book one star haven't read it, obviously. One person said "how can someone take anything seriously from someone so obviously biased?" I'll tell you how - I'd rather know the point of view of the person telling me something, and be given sources (which Coulter does, in great detail) to check out any of the information for myself, than read something claiming to be "objective" while spinning the facts, or leaving out important information. Coulter presents the facts, then adds her own lashing toungue to the page. She presents her case like a great attourney, not one of those who is all show and no substance. She is all substance. Read SLANDER.