Rating:  Summary: how to be "progressive" Review: we all want to progress, afterall, change is unavoidable. However, only conservatives realize that the only way we can change things is if we embrace and accept how things are- to go WITH the forces that be. The left doesnt ACCEPT the reality of today- let alone agree or disagree. C learly, the left is not working with reality. "Progressives" should stop trying to CREATE something new by way of trial and error only to venture further into disillusionment and instead should DISCOVER the classical thinkers. For example, the humanities-the sciences of man- (politics, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, sociology..) were once aimed toward discovering the nature of man so we can uncover the GOOD, TRUE,UNIVERSAL, and what is FREEDOM. Our normative values were to follow from our understanding of how the nature of self relates to the nature of existence. This was more than an approach it was a METHOD. Liberal thinking, however, is undercutting this method toward the true, good, and universal in man. They instead try to justify their goal toward "equality" while disregarding the concept of "freedom" . Freedom becomes a FREEDOM FROM- no longer a FREEDOM TO or FREEDOM FOR. Values become relativized and humaness becomes an average. This, In effect, destroys the method toward a science of man. Anthropology becomes reduced to a mere comparative sociology, the concepts of society are left undefined. Someone should tell a liberal that it is never possible for society to be "value-free" no matter how politically correct you decry us to be. As long as there are those unable to reason for ourselves, society, father figures, EVERYTHING will always be implying some value to us. So please progessives, stop "breaking it all down for us" - it is not helping- and have faith in man. A reasonable man looks for truth- not contradictions. We are a capitalist, individualist nation for REASONS worth understanding..... there IS a nature of evil etc etc.
Rating:  Summary: Treason Review: Ann Coulter has no use for the truth. The people that buy into her nonsense have no use for critical thinking. This book is trash.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter a Commie Symp - Khe Sanh Ann Review: Ann Coulter displays her own treasonous soul when she attacks Max Cleland, a war hero who left three limbs in Vietnam fighting for his Country. This attack not only exposes Coulter as the lint she is but also the sneering contempt her and her Fellow Travelers feel for veterans. Wise up and kick her skanky skinny butt to the curb.
Rating:  Summary: from down under - a review by lucifer Review: the liberal media. i blame the liberal media for everything. blah, blah, blah. Take some responsibility, get some integrity, and stop...actually dont. you know what Coulter's got the right idea here. make a bunch of unfounded claims, sell a billion books and spend the rest of your life hanging out in Guam grumbling about the liberal media and homeless people, drinking cosmopolitans.
Rating:  Summary: One thing right Review: Reviewer Joseph Pacelli has one thing right: This book is not written for historians.It is written for gullible rightwingers eager to believe any trash if it serves to echo their prejudices. If accuracy, logic and reason are unimportant to you, this book is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Sickening Review: Doesn't even bother considering to tell the truth. Coulter shows why anyone who has a serious interest in politics dismisses her as a slandering hate monger. This women suggested we convert muslims to christians and destroy their countries after 9/11 folks, if you take her seriously, please, please, try to rethink the way you view the world.....
Rating:  Summary: Complete Applesauce Review: Ten pages into this book, I had to wonder if I was living in the same universe as Ms. Coulter or whether I was stuck in the alternate "Bizarro" universe of the old Superman comics where, for example, selling weapons to the Ayatollah to keep hostages in Tehran for a few more months to win an election was "OK." Neverthelees, if you're tired of reading scholarly, well-researched history and want a healthy dose of an alternate reality, colored by wishful thinking, if you're looking for proof that anyone can take any "facts" and turn them into an ideological "I told you so," if you're looking for straw men to torch, someone to blame for everything that's wrong with the world and, above all, a reasoned justification for your hatred of anyone who doesn't agree with your brand of patriotism, then by all means BUY THIS BOOK. Frankly, I'm glad that that treasonous liberal John Kennedy had his finger on the button during the Cuban Missle Crisis and not Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan or either of the Bushes.
Rating:  Summary: IN A NUTSHELL Review: What a truthful and great book. The liberals love their gulags, don't they. It must be a PAINFUL truth to liberal readers. They must have a hard time avoiding the facts so plainly compiled in this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Review of the Reviewers Review: I have read the reviews so far on Amazon. I am not so surprised that the liberal reviewers are simply mud-slinging. This is something, ironically, that they profess Ms. Coulter to be doing. One liberal even thinks that the book should be banned! Yes, a liberal who believes in book-banning simply because his party has been outwitted! Another reviewer, Karolyn, claims that Ms. Coulter's book is full of bile, when in fact it is full of facts that are meticulously bibliographed. Your defence does not have facts, but Ms. Coulter's book does.
Rating:  Summary: From a Conservative Reviewer Review: First off, I am a proud conservative. I have to admit I was taken in by the whole Anne Coulter thing at first. But in light of the Democrats' new campaign for the White House, I've learned something; simply demonizing the other side isn't good enough. It's downright easy, too easy to sling mud at the political left. Much harder is explaining what's RIGHT about conservatism. It's not good enough to simply rake your political adversaries through the coals, exposing what's WRONG with liberalism. That's pretty much what Coulte does here. And she isn't always accurate. For example, she claims that the pop artist Sting was a Russian sympathizer during the cold war. This is evidenced by the song Russians, in which Sting said "the Russians love their children to." Coulter spins this as an exercise in moral equivalence, by leaving out the first part of the quote. What Sting actually says is "I HOPE the Russians love their children to." The message of the song, however, is that he has doubts. The song actually resonates with fear of Russia, even going so far as to bad mouth President Kruzchef. Sting may be a liberal, but the song she quotes hardly qualifies him as a commmie loving traitor. Such quotes taken out of context convey a level of dishonesty I'd rather leave to the liberals. Sorry Anne, but two lies don't make a truth.