Rating:  Summary: I agree, ignore the 1 star reviews Review: Ann's writing is over the head of most liberals and anyone who would give this book 1, 2, or even 3 stars. And what little they do understand, they're programmed to reflexively call her a liar. Remember who these people's heroes are! She's very intelligent, her books are meticulously researched and referenced (as opposed to books who may reference the NY Times, if anyone at all, while the Times is inventing their stories or using "anonymous" sources). It will take many people reading many books like Ann's to overcome decades of liberal programming foisted upon the American public by the media, the leftists, and public educators.
Rating:  Summary: Off the deep end and without any factual content Review: Ann has gone off the deep end this time. This book is full of obviously contrived diatribes and falsehoods, and general lunacy. it's a good read if you're grounded and in the mood for humorous fiction. Gee whiz Ann, you've lost me.
Rating:  Summary: Jihad Jihad Review: She might be more of a worry for Liberals if she weren't constantly chipping away at her own credibility by coming off as a malignant variant of a neo-nutball. She is however a worry in a general sense because of those she may indoctorinate into her cause. I view her more as our Blonde Bin Laden, essentially calling for a homegrown Jihad. Republicans seem to share a few key thought patterns that make them more suseptible to a very basic form of ignorance, and that is a true lack of self reflection and self doubt. Much like our easy answer President, resolute, no looking back, axis of evil . . . GW junior displays the mentality that puts soldiers in body bags and purchases books like Treason. Coulter and Republicans predictably attempt to identify and label amorphous concepts like "Evil". The problem is that evil is a much more sophisticated chameleon beast than those that appoint themselves the bounty hunters of are, and when outsmarted by evil they merely cast a wider net. Such is the crux of the book and Republicans in general is that they actually think they can resample the grey areas of existence to black and white or better yet discount the greys completely. With their lack of hesitation they often make the ideal vessels for hosting . . . . you got it . . . Evil. Ding Ding Ding.
Rating:  Summary: The pure dispensation of Truth Review: Ann Coulter is the H.L. Mencken of our time. Her legal training comes in handy, because she lays out her argument in the logical, orderly manner of an attorney prosecuting a case. Ann makes use of the "but for" premise of the law, otherwise known as proximate causation. That is, she truthfully details how history plays out. Time after time, good results of history would not have occurred "but for" the bold actions of conservatives, while poor results of history would not have occurred "but for" the weak actions of liberals. She lays out straightforward facts that simply detail Truth by reading them with no need for additional commentary. There is another legal term for this: Res ipsa loquiter ("The things speaks for itself"). She does not claim that all liberals are traitors. There is a need for liberal argument in a two-party system. But she does demonstrate that when liberals have power, millions of human beings die. She chillingly describes how the 1995 Venona Project confirmed the worst suspicions of Richard Nixon and Joe McCarthy, that some 500 Communist spies worked for the State Department and the Roosevelt/Truman Administrations, at a time when the U.N. Charter was written to favor the Soviets and China was lost to Communism. Result: Mass murder above and beyond Hitler's regime. She goes on to describe weak-kneed Democrats, who allow every major war to start but never finish them, exposing Lyndon Johnson's losing strategy in Vietnam, as compared to the way Richard Nixon (who had the 1960 election stolen from him by the Kennedys) or Barry Goldwater would have brought victory to Vietnam if they had the opportunity in the beginning. She describes the disgusting manner in which the Teddy Kennedy Democrats used Watergate as pure political theatre, creating first the Church hearings that left the U.S. vulnerable, then hung the South Vietnamese out to dry. Result: North Vietnamese savagery and Pol Pot's Cambodia, where some 2 million died under Communism. Jimmy Carter's Presidency invited Communist expansion and Islamic terror, but Ronald Reagan turned it back. Ann describes Reagan winning the Cold War without firing a shot, and shows us how close we would be to losing the War on Terror if liberals were prevailing in the current climate. God bless a country - America - that produces the likes of Ann Coulter.
Rating:  Summary: Coulter's America -- a One Party State Review: The biggest problem with this book is that the term "treason" is a legal concept -- and a highly relative one at that - rather than one of moral absolutes. After all, dictators like Stalin and Saddam Hussein frequently accused their opponents of treason - yet these are people we would be more likely to call dissidents and "freedom fighters". The American Revolutionaries would have been considered treasonous by the British. Any government will have opponents, and indeed must permit such opposition if a country is to be called a democracy. Even if opponents of a government may be considered treasonous is not the same thing as saying they are evil - unless of course you wish to translate your nation's legal status to that of a secular religion. Ultimately, though, Coulter's thesis collapses on itself: if the country's only real opposition party - and, indeed an entire political class of people - oppose the government of the United States and are by extension treasonous, then what she is really saying is that the U.S. government no longer represents at least half of the population, and is by definition no longer a democratic regime and must be considered exactly the sort of tyranny the U.S. Constitution warned about. Unfortunately, Coulter can't have it both ways: if her nation is the free and democratic one that she would have us believe, then its opponents cannot be considered treasonous, but rather a necessary component of a healthy polity. Otherwise, what she is advocating is a highly undemocratic one-party state.
Rating:  Summary: Has Coulter No Shame! Review: Once again Coulter has proved that she is no historian. Coulter should leave the writing of history to the professionals and stick to wrtings columns for newspapers. Poor reasearch, biased comments, and laughable accusations fill her so called book, if you could call it that. Coulter, we were glad to have Roosevelt and Kennedy as our presidents. Roosevelt was our great leader during the war and Kennedy managed to prevent a showdown with Soviet Union during the crisis of 1962. Also, unlike the current occupier of the White House who just blamed the chief of CIA for the Presidential Comments, Kennedy had the courage to tell the Americans that he was fully responsible for the Bay of Pigs crisis. If Coulter wants to discuss treason why not discuss the Iran Contra Affair of the 1980's during the Reagan Administration or the very questionable invasion of Iraq by George W Bush despite the apparent lack of any WMD's? I would like to make it clear that Alger Hiss was convicted of perjury, not treason, in the 1950's. The evidence for his guilt only came out in the 1990's. However, his guilt could have never justified the actions of McCarthy and Roy Cohn. Democracy is a beautiful thing, but unfortunately when one opens the window flies come inside and Coulter is a perfect example of those insects.
Rating:  Summary: Huge eye opener! Review: This is the first book of Ann Coulter that I have read and . . . WOW! I could not put it down. Ann you have really done it! Literally, jaw-dropping and shocking reality at its best. I really have to ask these people who are giving this book a low rating and using words like "bold faced deceit" to describe this book. Where do you see the deceit? Was it in the 1995 release of the decoded messages proving the treason of Alger Hiss and hundreds of other soviet spies that the liberals have been protecting over the years? How about all the other bits of overwhelming information that point to the fact that many liberals including Presidents protected spies that directly endangered the very safety and security of our country? Ann lays the evidence out with a meticulous attention to detail stating sources and providing footnotes at every turn. There is really no escape from the truth in this book for these liberals. Whether these critics are in denial or are just plain spinning they refuse to admit that liberals supported and embraced enemies and spies of the US whos intent was to do harm to our country. All the facts point to it. I don't think these critics even read the book. Really a very credible and eye opening book. Ann you are defenitely a desired roll model for my daughter !
Rating:  Summary: I'll admit it... Review: Ok, I'll admit it: I haven't read this book, but probably for the same reason that you haven't read the Satanic Bible. Hear me out though. Look at the title of this book. Aren't you related to liberal/progressive thinkers? What about your kids or grandkids? Chances are they're liberal minded. So, think of that liberal loved one when you purchase this book of conservative hate. Are you really going to help this evil, evil woman accuse the only other major party in our democracy of treason? People like her would be perfectly happy if we lived in a totalitarian society ruled by the republican party. Ann Coulter is an enemy of democracy. Personally, I think this woman is guilty of treason against humanity from just what I've heard her say on television. Also, consider the fact that most of the people that would actually buy this book are probably so stupid that they don't know how to read. That's why it's at number 10 in audio CD's. Not a serious review, but something for you to think about before making this purchase.
Rating:  Summary: William Buckley, where art thou? Review: I learned a lot from reading "Treason." I didn't know that President Kennedy was a traitor. Or that Joe McCarthy was a national hero. "Treason" is chock full of such information. School book publishers must be busy revising 20th century history books in light of Coulter's brilliant scholarship. Ann Coulter gives to Conservatives what Jerry Falwell gives to Christians - a bad name. I can understand that if one is as unhinged as she appears to be, it would give one solace to connect with those similarly afflicted -- by publishing a book. In other words: "I can't be nuts; look at all the people who think the same way as I do." What's harder to understand is why a reputable publisher would want to publish such rantings. Oh, that's right. The money. Coulter's last book put me to sleep. This one makes me cry. In politics, hatred is the lowest common denominator. If "Treason" truly reflects her views, Ann Coulter is a hater, not a Conservative.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling Review: In "Slander" Ann Coulter simply used her perspective to accuse the media of liberal bias. However, with her latest book she paints all liberals with a broad brush, and says that they are guilty of one of the highest crimes we have. She holds McCarthy up as a hero and a victim of treasonous liberals. She claims there is this massive liberal conspiracy, which leads me to wonder why our government is firmly controlled by conservative interests, and she resorts to base name-calling of former President Clinton. Her book seems one shade away from suggesting that all of "THOSE" kind of people be rounded up and placed in camps "for their own protection and the protection of the country". A good read in the sense of seeing just how radical the radical right is becoming, right up there with "Mein Kampf".