Rating:  Summary: Doesn't go far enough Review: "Treason" just might be one of the most important books ever published. Finally, intellectual conservatives have gained enough credibility for the ultra liberal NYC publishing industry to publish a book which directly exposes and then attacks the treasonous liberal soul. Prayerfully there is much more to come. "Treason" deals mostly with how the liberal affinity with big gov't led liberals to spy for, or support those who spied for, the big gov't of the Soviet Union even as that gov't was killing 50 million or so of its own citizens. But there is so much more to come! There is no mention of domestic policy; of how, for example, liberal big gov't Welfare schemes directed primarily at Blacks amounted to little more than genocide as more young Blacks went to jail than to college, as illegitimacy rates rose to 70%, and as, almost, the complete destruction of the Black family was realized. Moreover, there is no mention of how the liberal cancer is killing millions even today. For example, liberal political correctness prevents us from going to Africa and speaking the truth, i.e., "you're savages, millions of your children are dying needlessly; here's what you need to do: adopt our Constitution, adopt capitalism, and invite our army or an army in to kill those who oppose these civilizing reforms." But, liberalism is the spirit of our times; it hates the Constitution, capitalism, and the army; so millions of innocent babies continue to die slow deaths in their mother's arms. "Treason" is a brilliant and revolutionary start. Let's pray there is much more to come. In the mean time there is "The War on The Poor" and the classic "Understanding the Difference Between Democrats and Republicans"
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Always Hurts! Review: I grew up in a Democratic home, worked for and supported Jimmy Carter in gubernatorial elections in GA and for President. I now regret that so intently at times that I cannot believe the erroe of my youth.Ann Coulter is so very correct that despite the fact that I consider myself an Independent, Conservatibe, open-minded voter, I feel sick when reading the misdeeds we continiue to live with from the liberal right. Coulter is a true treasure! She should have body guards to protect her from the revenge of the right! BUY this book, but most importantly, READ and Heed it!
Rating:  Summary: One of the most important books of the century Review: Ann Coulter has arrived on the literary scene just in time. If any book can save this republic this book can. The liberal-left (Marxist-Leninist) allowed the communist party of Stalin and Lenin to infiltrate the highest levels of our government, especially the State Department and Judiciary as well as the major avenues of information dissimination. With their grip on the dissemination of information they have convinced the public that our way of life is in no danger from the leftist forces that would destroy our freedoms. Ann Coulter has exposed the treachery of the liberal-left and minces no words in discribing this treachery. Every American needs to read this most important book. A vast amount of information exist confirming her thesis, including testimony from defecting-high-ranking American communist and Soviet KGB agents. The Vernona cables are the final nail in the coffin. Excellently written, humerous and powerful. Those sucessfully brainwashed by the left will hate the book.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Ever (tied with Slander) Review: This book tells you the real story instead of what the left wants you to know. The only other way that I can find this info is if I ask my grandpa (and I did, he backed Ann Coulter on this). Now I know that McCarthy and Hoover weren't all that bad, despite what the textbooks say. Lets hope that George Bush won't back down to the liberals so we don't go back to the sixties.
Rating:  Summary: A most important and truthful book. Review: Very enjoyable and a credit to the author for exposing the liberals devious ways.
Rating:  Summary: Human Lightening Rod Review: A number of years ago I worked with a colleague, call him Joe, that had a knack for saying the seamingly most outrageous things at formal, professional meetings. The kinds of things that cause people to stop in their tracks, drop jaws, or look down in embarrassment. He could be difficult to deal with and he was prone to getting himself in trouble with higher-ups because his points were some times at their expense. The interesting thing was Joe was never fired because he was sharp as a tack and usually correct in his assessments. He forced us to face up to reality when the easy course would be to continue to delude ourselves with our standard way of thinking about an issue. In essence Joe was a human lightening rod. He attracted wrath from all directions. But he was strongly principled, did his homework, was committed to the greater good, and repeatedly saved us from ourselves. Ann Coulter and Joe would understand each other well.
Rating:  Summary: Made my blood boil Review: As if I needed anything else to magnify my disdain for the liberals who have tried (...and try still) to destroy this country, this witty insightful volume made my head spin and my blood boil. Ann Coulter has done something in this book that no one in the Clinton White House did in 8 years... tell the truth. She has exposed the liberal propaganda machine for what it is... A group of neo-fascists with a platform as flimsy as a house of cards infested with communist termites.
Rating:  Summary: Discredited Left Review: Coulter gives well-documented deatils about why the discredited Leftist Democrat party is finished. They have no ideas and all they can do is attack Conservatives and attempt to advance their cause by character assasination ( a la Hilary). I used to be a Democrat and am ashamed to say that I voted for Clinton twice. Now I see the truth of what the Republicans have been saying all along.
Rating:  Summary: One Star is way to nice to such a Hateful Nut Case! Review: I couldn't get past the first fifty pages before I hit myself over the head with the book for wasting hard earned coin on such Right-Wing-Fascist propaganda! I usally take my read books to the local used bookstore, or give them away--not this one! Too embarrassed to be seen with it on account most my friends are not Klansmen, Skinheads, or John Bircher's and would not understand such a waste of time & money. So I cowardly ignited the gas fire place and burned the load of lies & insidious distortions of history! My choice of fire as a means of disposal was because I couldn't flush the book and I was affraid some softminded person might find it in the garbage, read it and go on a killing spree, plus, throwing it in the garbage would be an insult to garbage. Either Ann Coulter was not loved enough as a child, spent too many summers at Germen Bund Camps, or she is angry and acting out over God's cruel joke of giving her an Adam's Apple, are just a few reasons, I can only begin to imagine, as to why she is the way she is--which is angry & hateful, and full of SH..!
Rating:  Summary: Terrible Review: One of the most poorly footnoted, inarticulate, and unconvincing books I've ever read.