Rating:  Summary: Comical Science Fiction Review: TREASON is filled with Right Wing propagandist Ann Coulter's trademark illogical/insane hate-filled theories and easily discredited "factual" claims. Did you know that anyone who openly speaks against the current administration is not merely practicing his or her right to free speech but is in reality irrefutably a traitor? Did you know that Joseph McCarthy was a "great American"? Did you know that "liberals are always against America"?Incredibly, Coulter makes these and other patently lunatic claims in TREASON with apparent utter seriousness. Or does she? There is a growing theory that this notorious pundit spews such nonsensical and odious rubbish only because she knows doing so will earn her intense media coverage and, consequently, huge book sales. Watch her appear on dozens upon dozens of TV shows squealing about how the mythical "liberal media" doesn't allow conservatives any say. Listen to her well rehearsed and disturbingly obsessive slanderous rants against Clinton. Read her bizarre claims in TREASON about how absolutely everything that is wrong with the United States can be blamed squarely on the evil machinations of liberals. Perhaps Coulter is only a clever charlatan out to make a buck and truly believes none of the monstrously evil garbage she dispels. That could very well be but, sadly, the most dismaying thing about her latest pathetic excuse for a book is that there are perhaps tens of thousands of readers out there who are ready and willing to accept each one of her odious lies as gospel truth. And that makes TREASON a genuinely repulsive book. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AS AN ANTIDOTE: David Brock's superb BLINDED BY THE RIGHT, which goes into great detail about how the Right Wing spends millions of dollars funding exactly the kind of obscene liberal-bashing Coulter has so thoroughly mastered.
Rating:  Summary: This joke is no joke Review: As a conservative this book prompts me more than anything I have read in recent history to urge fellow conservatives to respond to outrageous garbage like this in a far more critical way. All you have to do is read the reviews submitted by those who are critical to see how easy it is to take shots at conservatives when writing like this is characterized as a representation of our view. We as conservatives will never have any credible or lasting influence on political direction and discourse if we rally behind charlatans who use absurd devices such as this book to grind out their personal bitterness and attempt to sell it as scholarship. It's conservatives who should be outraged by this travesty, not liberals. For liberals this book is a Christmas present. For conservatives it's now to time to once again defend ourselves as we always have to do when some irresponsible huckster gives the erroneous impression that we are all stupid.
Rating:  Summary: STALIN'S USEFUL [DUPE]S EXPOSED AS SCOUNDRELS Review: The hysterical anti-Ann Coulter "reviews" are the best endorsements that she could desire. The lunacy of her detractors should encourage everone to buy her timely book. No longer will the sheirk of "McCarthyism" be able to silence informed discussion. The publication of the Venona files of decoded Soviet communication with American agents is truly astonishing. Communist infiltration at the highest levels of the Roosevelt and Truman administrations was even WORSE than the badly slandered Wisconsin senator had told us. None of Coulter's critics seem to have read the Venona Secrets either. But liberals are never bothered with truth. They like smears, hate, guilt tripping, mindless phrases and pseudohistory. Their institutionalized lies about anti-communists are no longer tenable. Credulous useful [dupe]s will remain, and Stalin will still have divisions. But the liberals will no longer be able to lie through their teeth without having them knocked out by the truth.
Rating:  Summary: hack Vs hack Review: let me tell you the book is good. Ms.Coulter, I tell is from the gut but, she also highlights what the liberals have been saying all along. She says that, the government must do in "America's best intrest" then I say ask your marine buddys to pack their bags from their bases around the world and go home. An army is for the defense, yes the government has to be proactive, but it does not mean poking their nose into every other countries affair and try to push your clout here and there. that leads to nothing else but retaliation. for example we have problems with Pakistan , but we dont go around asking for bases in Iran, Iraq etc. This is just one example there are other issues which come under the conservative list of " pursuit of happiness" that I have not mentioned, like trade issues. guess we have to start a bulletin board or blogs for this huh.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth At Last! Review: Anyone who HA HA's this great expose is a traitor. We knew most of the material Ms. Coulter used but she had the drive to write about it! The truth is out. She's now naming names!
Rating:  Summary: Talentless, Witch-hunting Hackwork Review: This book, as all her works, is nothing more than talentless, witch-hunting hackwork; it is the worst kind of populist tripe-and shows itself as exactly what it is-intolerance at its most egregious-which wraps itself in the banner of patriotism and concerned conservatives, while she rakes in the cake with both hands as the cash register sings to the tune of "God Bless America." What a laugh!
Rating:  Summary: Excellent historical review of spys and espionage Review: My wonderful wife bought me this book because she knows I like history and uncensored information about history. Ann's research on the subject of spys and espionage in our government at the time period covered in her book was remarkable. I would highly suggest TREASON for anyone interested in American and World History in areas that cover politics, spys and espionage.
Rating:  Summary: Historically Inaccurate Review: Any sane Conservative would do well to distance themselves from this woman. A number of conservative writers have come out speaking very negatively about her latest book. Here are a few tidbits that Andrew Sullivan (a well known conservative columnist) wrote about Ann: ...One of the most reputable scholars who has studied the McCarthy era in great detail, Ron Radosh, is appalled at the damage Coulter has done to the work he and many others have painstakingly done over the years. "I am furious and upset about her book," he told me last week. "I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments....
Rating:  Summary: Schlock Mistress Review: I was surprized to see that Ann Coulter does not recommend Mein Kampf as additional reading! This book is drivel from a knee-jerk reactionary bimbo who should be hailed as a female Wally George.
Rating:  Summary: The only "treason" occuring here is this book. Review: I checked out this book to see what all the fuss was about. Of course I knew that conservative du jour Ann Coulter was trying to attack the Democratic party with every shred of evidence she could find. She supports the Bush administration with no clear thought of reality. THERE ARE NO WEAPONS IN IRAQ, ANN! If the Republicans are so good, I'm wondering why they aren't focusing more on strengthening security on our borders instead of spending that money on attacking other nations for their oil (IE: Dick Cheyney's former VP of Halliburton). Ann is once again in denial about her own party and failed to recognize the current Administration blurring of Church and State, and all the crimes that have been committed under Republican Presidents (can you say... watergate?). It is true that Democrats have their flaws, but this book is way too biased on her part and should be shelved in the "Brainwash" section. Maybe Ann should wake up and smell the coffee... and find out who's been brewing up all these lies- HERSELF. Find something less biased with at leased some sense of reality.