Rating:  Summary: poorly written drivil Review: I am a registered republican. I saw Coulter speak at my college this year and was, quite honestly, frightened. She ignores all concept of logic or reason; is racist, homophobic and for the repression of women. She is not conservative, she is so regressive she meets Stalin coming the other directions.Beyond her views, this book is still absolute garbage. Her research is poor, her writing bad and, as mentioned before, her logic non-existant. If you are a right-wing neo-Nazi looking for a pat on the back, you might want to buy this book. Unless, of course, you have any taste in writing. If you are looking for a true rebuttle of American liberals, I suggest you read the Economist.
Rating:  Summary: Whatever happened to "Respectfully Disagreeing?" Review: Someone a few pages back (who gave 5 stars) said, "This book was full of historical facts I'd never heard of!" How fitting that the reviewer didn't stop to wonder exactly WHY he or she had never heard of these 'facts.' I say 'fitting' because this is precisely the type of reader Coulter is pandering to. She's aiming for readers who are automatically impressed by the sight of footnotes, and that's why the book is teeming with them. It doesn't matter that she violently skews facts, takes quotes so far out of context that they are meaningless and (what can I say) LIES... No, it doesn't matter because THERE ARE ALL THOSE FOOTNOTES! So this poisonous vomiting up of all Coulter's hatred actually sounds like scholarly research. A colleague of mine who is practically an expert on political history firmly believes that Coulter is either insane or is downright evil and hate-mongering. I will settle for the words 'fanatical' and 'disturbed.' I am a liberal but I am often embarrassed by the rantings and ravings of Michael Moore - I don't want to be associated with his fanaticism. Likewise, if I were a conservative, I would not want Coulter 'on my side.' From what I hear, a lot of conservatives wish she would shut up and stop trying to give them a bad name. I honestly don't understand why people cannot disagree without acting like the 'other side' is the personification of evil. Wait a minute... I DO understand: It's called 'paranoid schizophrenia.' I'm not joking, either. Mama needs some help bad.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth often hurts........ Review: Ann has opened the door to the mis-deeds of decades from some very important people including Popes as well as well known figures from Washington, D.C. You can research her research on the recently released Verona Papers, it will astound you. Other authors have over the years touched on the Vatican - Nazi partnership, some have written in depth about that alliance. Her book of very revealing about what is still happening today with powerful people. This is a brave and honest book - beware.
Rating:  Summary: The Right's Favorite Lap Dancer Returns Review: It must be nice to live in the simplistic world that Coulter dreams about on a daily basis -- a world in which there is only one way of thinking (hard, hard right) and in which those few who dare to occasionally think differently from her are branded as treacherous and evil. No shades of gray in this black and white world. You are either for us or against us. Well honed skills such as listening and thinking, especially critical thinking are not necessary and not even welcome. And don't even bother with common courtesy. After all anyone who disagrees with Coulter is evil. Coulter's revisionist history of the McCarthy era is quite telling. Never mind that innocent people had their lives and career destroyed by McCartthy's ultimately self promoting grandstanding and never mind that it was the REPUBLICAN that eventually censured him -- not the Democrats that Coulter so enjoys painting with one sweeping broad brush as pinko lefties. But in Coulterland one should never let the facts get in the way of the bucks one can rake in by catering to the lowest common denominator. I'll give her this. Coulter knows her audience and knows just the kind of red meat that will get them marching into bookstores (where they no doubt are shocked to see that there are so many different kinds of books for sale) but ultimately this is not a compliment. Pity she can't, or won't, take the opportunity to enlighten them rather than just pandering and feeding their fear and ignorance over some vast, left wing conspiracy.
Rating:  Summary: what better way to promote liberal thinking Review: As one of the previous true conservative reviewers commented, with this book and others she has written, she has actually made the liberal way of thinking look much better and nicer. Many have turned away from the Republican party because of her, and other extremists, vileness and hateful way of looking at the world. Read this book and then read LIVING HISTORY by Hillary Clinton and compare their personalities. Hillary comes off sounding like a true,fair and compassionate lady and Ann comes off sounding like an uncontrolable shrew. I am serious. Ann labels anyone who disagrees with her way of thinking as treasonous and yet I know many people who don't agree with me and I think the world of them. Liberals love our country just as much as the conservatives. I believe you need a balance to keep the country healthy and happy.
Rating:  Summary: Thank God for the Truth Review: For years, I had suspected that Joe McCarthy was on to something and that there were soviet spies implanted in our government and liberat Democrat, Communist sympathizers were harboring them. Because he was so incessantly villified by the media, I thought, "Well, either he is a beast or he is right on." Now, I have the well-documented, undeniable evidence confirming the latter. This book pulls the big steel statue of liberal propoganda to the ground! I praise God He led me to this book. Finally, the hysterical liberal reactions to this book also confirm it's veracity. Isn't it great how God is using people to expose the perverse agendas of the traitors in our society these days?
Rating:  Summary: A must buy! Review: Ann Coulter does it again! All right thinking Americans must buy and read this deep, insightful look into how the loony left have systemtically conspired to work actively against American interests as long as anyone can remember. At the very least, this book will arm you with intellectual weapons with which to shoot down another rabid left wing American hater when you next come across one of these degenerates.
Rating:  Summary: Utterly flawed polemical -- ahistorical and paranoid Review: Evidentally, for Anne Coulter, many of the framers of the Constitution would also be deemed betrayers of this country.
Rating:  Summary: Don't be fooled by the left! Review: I just finished reading this book and it is incredible! I became even more outraged at the liberals after understanding the lies about McCarthyism that my generation have been fed in junior high and high school. I absolutely loved Chapter 13: "Now That I'm Sober, I Watch A Lot of News". What a hilarious expose on the Hollywood left. All of the liberal elite say that their dissent is patriotic and that the "ultra-right-wing conspiracy" is trying to "McCarthy-ize" (the quotations are a tribute to you, Ms. Coulter) them by blacklisting and boycotting, which is our God-given right and constitutional, and yet, they turn around and blacklist people like Michael Savage, Trent Lott, Dr. Laura, just to name a few, for their conservative views. How dare the liberals! It's time for people like Rush and Ann to stand up to the liberals and beat them at their own game instead of profusely apologizing for their views and wetting themselves everytime an accusation comes their way. God bless you Ann!
Rating:  Summary: Read this book for the *TRUTH* Review: Notice how the negative liberal reviewers here give no basis or factual reasons for the bad reviews. Isn't this more of the same from the liberals? Read this book to see how liberals so often stay detached from facts and reality as apposed to the Ann Coulter's of the world. Read and learn.