Rating:  Summary: Liberals have one defense--attack the messenger Review: AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! HA! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!
Rating:  Summary: Make money selling hate! Review: Ms. Coulter should have used the money she made from her first book of fiction to buy some talent!
Rating:  Summary: The GOP's Queen of the Night pens another Aria! Review: Ann Coulter is a national treasure: intelligent, aggressive, fiery, assertive, unapologetic, patriotic, unequivocally politically incorrect, and not afraid to say precisely what is on her mind, no matter the situation. Combine equal parts Ambrose Bierce and H.L. Mencken, add a spoonful of Camille Paglia, and spice with a dollop of George Sands, and you have Coulter, the political analyst and attorney who fires her third broadside at American liberals, "Treason". With this third volley, the Right's Queen of the Night asks three intriguing questions: 1) What is patriotism, exactly? 2) Why is it that questioning the patriotism of the American Left has always been off the table, and why have those raising questions about Liberal patriotism been reviled as "McCarthyites"? 3) And finally, speaking of McCarthy, was he really an enemy of American civil liberties, or was he a vindicated crusader against subversion and communism at a time of great peril? With an eclectic central thesis like that, and particularly considering the vitriol, confidence, and scholarship with which Coulter delivers it, is it any wonder this pungent, refreshing, and hysterically funny little tome and its brave author have drawn so much fire? In this methodically researched (the book is bristling with more than 45 pages of footnotes, most of which are taken from liberal columnists, writers and scholars)and bracing assault on liberal sensibilities, Coulter analyzes the behavior of self-professed American liberals from the beginning of the Cold War to the Second Gulf War, and comes up with a number of troubling points: 1) Why did liberal Americans throughout the Cold War routinely understate the bruality of Soviet regimes, downplay the USSR's hostile intentions, work with 'peace' protestors to unilaterally disarm the United States in the face of an aggressive Soviet build-up. Why did American liberals preach 'moral equivalency' between the United States, which can't keep immigrants out, and the USSR, which built walls to keep citizens in? 2) Why have the American Left constantly and lavishly praised ruthless dictator Fidel Castro, lauding Cuba's health care and education even as millions there are tortured and imprisoned by the vicious Caribbean tyrant? 3) Why have liberal Americans and their interest groups (including the ACLU and People for the American Way) been in the vanguard of those attacking symbols and traditions associated with American patriotism and love of country, including the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments, and the Flag? 4) Why has the American Left and the Democrat party allied themselves with America's enemies (the UN, France, Russia, Palestine and other Middle East terror states) and worked to undermine our friends (notably Israel)? 5)Why, after 9/11, has the American Left and the Democrat party been eager to a) attack President Bush for taking unilateral action to protect Americans against terrorism?; b) been quick to accept uncritically the most unflattering and demagogic attacks on the White House, but reserve judgment on the terrorists who have sworn to destroy America? c) why, in the wake of the arrest of 'dirty bomber' Jose Padilla, did the New York Times rush to brand "a rising McCarthysm" as a threat far greater than that posed by Islamic fanatics who aimed to render Manhattan uninhabitable? 6) Finally, why is it that the Chief Boogeyman of the American Left is former Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy, who dedicated his political life (and ultimately sacrificed his political career) to ferreting out Soviet agents and fellow travelers in the U.S. State Department and military? Why McCarthy, but why not true monsters like Lenin, Stalin, Ho Chi Minh, Mao Tse-Tung, and Fidel Castro, among many others who are generally revered in the university departments dominated by American liberals? The conclusion that has rattled teeth: American liberals hate their country, hate America with a black passion (for a variety of political, social, and psychological reasons) and are, effectively, traitors who wish to see America humiliated and submerged beneath a largely socialist global order---if they even have a goal that coherent. Regardless of what you think of Coulter's conclusion, it is hard to come away from a reading of "Treason" with any doubt about the Left's passionate hatred and contempt for traditional America. Another mark of American liberalism has been a movement to redefine patriotism to 'support the liberal agenda', writes Coulter: a true patriot, according to a Liberal, doesn't wave the flag or support the Pledge or go to church, but supports gay rights, multicultural studies, affirmative action, and mulilateral institutions like the UN. But that doesn't jibe with the true definition of patriotism: a love of country, of patria, of the Homeland, and a desire to further its interests over those of other lands and foreign institutions. Treason, by contrast, is disloyalty to country and fealty or providing aid and comfort to its enemies. If the current campaign by America's left-Liberal dominated press and its Democrat candidates to belittle the War on Terror and discredit the administration is not comfort provided the enemy, then what is? More to the point, Coulter addresses what many call the 'death of treason', meaning that in the new Liberal lexicon even the high crime of treason itself is rendered meaningless and extinct. In that perverse mind-set, John Walker Lindh (the 'American Taliban') was guilty merely of misplaced idealism, not treason; to the American liberal, Lindh was just a young man discovering himself, much like Bill Clinton marching against the Vietnam War in the streets of Moscow in 1968. Coulter's language is strident, passionate, angry, and vitriolic, to be sure; but it is a manifesto and a screed against a rot that endangers a country she loves. In that sense, "Treason" is both an engaging and often blackly funny read, but it is also a revolutionary document. "Treason" is an engaging read, a meticulously well-researched book on the American Left, and a rousing fusillade in the American Culture Wars. Read it, feel your blood boil, and join the debate.
Rating:  Summary: Gotta love Ann. Review: Ann may sometimes be a touch annoying to those who don't agree with her, but mostly it's because she is right. And she is a master of clinically shredding any arguments against her. You might think she is just parroting some right-wing conspiracy, except that she incredibly detailed in her documentation. Bottom line, liberals don't like her because she exposes their lies. Conservatives love her because she is not afraid to speak the truth.
Rating:  Summary: (1 + 5)/2 = 3 star Review: Haven't read the book, but it is interesting to figure out Americans' political view from a simply calucation.
Rating:  Summary: Treason? Review: I truly feel embarrassed and pity for any person who reads this book and believes that it is factual. Everyone who takes the time to verify, knows that Ms. Coulter tends to embellish the truth. She has every right to write her opinions but she shouldn't sell her books in the non-fiction section.
Rating:  Summary: I almost got fooled. Review: I was going to buy this book, but then yesterday I heard the author on the radio. Wow....this gal's a nut. She really has a bone to pick with somebody...her descriptions of people bordered on the libelous. The more she went on the more I was convinced not to buy her book, as she only rants and raves. She makes absolutely no sense, and apparently must have been turned away from the Democratic party at some point. I chalk this up to an "almost". Thank God I didn't buy the book.
Rating:  Summary: Treason: Liberal Treachery Review: What an eye opener, I did not know all the facts about the McCarthy years but this book gave me a good base to start my investigation into another liberal myth. Good work Ann keep them coming.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: I can't wait for Ann's autobiography -- Insane: Ann Coulter Sells Middle-school Lies to Neocon Geeks! There's a reason Coulter's publisher puts her photo on her books: it's the only way to sell half-truths and outright lies to aging nerds with arrested development. Read "What Liberal Media?" instead.
Rating:  Summary: Sad Review: If you hate communists, read this book. It will convince you that you are right, make you think you are therefore a good person and so on. However, if you're more interested in truth, honesty, would like to learn something about American history, read something else.