Rating:  Summary: Coulter is an hateful, ignorant person Review: Someone please tell "Twiggy with Tourette's" (as I've heard one comedian call her) that dissent and free speech do not constitute treason.Small wonder that Hillary Clinton is out-selling Anne-thrax by about 5-1. Senator Clinton's book is fact, while Coulter's tome is completely fiction! We have "Treason" in our local library and I was told that no one would touch it. Maybe they're afraid of Coulter's ignorance and hatefulness rubbing off on them.
Rating:  Summary: Treason Review: Reading this book provides insight into Ann Coulter's character and why she is the way she is. It is a wonderful book that Conservatives will greatly enjoy. The primary reader, however - should be Liberals. Coulter's insights will open their eyes to the ideology they have embraced, force them to question their long held beliefs and perhaps, allow them to reassess their political leanings. This book cannot be compared to such ideological writings as Michael Moore's Stupid White Men. Coulter backs up every statement with facts and provides the sources for her information. This is an honest, clear and concise, often humorous look at Liberals in America since the FDR administration. Joseph McCarthy will never be viewed in the same light.
Rating:  Summary: The shining star of truth Review: Despite a few minor factual errors, I think this is a great book that should be required reading in high schools across the country! What really counts is Coulter's commitment to patriotism, her spirit, these shine above and beyond her technical oversights. For instance when she shows so convincingly that Thomas Jefferson really was a Soviet agent. Pundits have criticized her for this because the Soviet Union did not exist in Jefferson's time. Notice that liberal slander only concentrates on technicalities like this one because they can't argue with any of her basic claims. It's a well-known fact that Jefferson spent several years in France and that France did not support our president when we went to war with Irak, what more proof could you want? It is beside the point to argue over semantics, whether Jefferson should be rightly identified as a soviet agent, an undercover communist or a misled liberal. My only quarrel with the book (and why I gave it 4, instead of 5 stars), is that Coulter doesn't seem to give any thought to what her propositions for a patriotic society are going to cost the taxpayer. For instance, page 163, when she proposes having all the children of liberals sterilized at birth. I agree that this is much more humane than having them eliminated outright, but I think she is going too far in trying to present a balanced viewpoint (liberals claim to love their children too, she says). What I want to know is how much is that going to cost the taxpayer in medical bills and what about all the lawsuits?
Rating:  Summary: Leave Defense to the Conservatives Review: What an eye opener for all Americans. Ms. Coulter is painstaking in her marshalling of evidence in "Treason". (Superb notes.) "Liberals", as we see, don't really have a fair and impassioned dialogue. Hate, snearing derision, name calling attack is their response to data, statistics, facts like the Venona Papers and open KGB files of the Soviets. Joe McCarthy was exonerated by Venona Papers, there was Soviet agents working for the US government. What a nerve she struck with this tome. We can see how "Liberals" have been horribly wrong in their political analyses and decisions since the FDR administration. The "Liberals" bankrupt movement has intellectual roots in the crowds who slurred Churchill and praised Chamberlain. Ann Coulter is absolutely correct, the "Liberals" should leave the defense of the U.S. to the conservatives.
Rating:  Summary: Partisan, Racist, and Dangerous Review: The most striking contradiction in Ms. Coulter's book is the way that the "liberal" historical revisionism that she reviles is held in such disgust while her own brand of revisionism is revered. Furthermore, her racist attitudes are hurtful and closed minded. "Treason" is dangerous in that it casts the nation's problems on a particular group (liberals) rather than looking for a viable solution. Additionally, her attitude almost becomes laughable when you consider her assertion that it's easy to spot a terrorist because "Muslim's smell." Laughable, that is, until you consider that she is completely serious. Here, she is perpetrating not only one, but two damaging stereotypes: That all Muslims are terrorists and that they smell. Additionally, her thesis is made even more dangerous by the current war-fervor gripping our country. Ms. Coulter goes back fifty years and "proves" that liberals have been wrong on *every* foreign policy issue, and so therefore have been nothing but hindrances to the nation's best interests. What Ms. Coulter fails to take into account is that America is a country founded on pluralism and democratic values, meaning that even if her thesis were true, the liberal viewpoint should still enjoy as much credence as the conservative. For sure, neither side of this debate has ever been completely in the right - this is politics - but several glaring conservative policy mistakes and blunders come to mind that shadow the very foundation of this book. After considering McCarthyism, the Iran-Contra affair, and the historical Conservative stance towards the civil rights movement (to name a few), I begin to wonder how she feels about the constitution? How does she feel about international law? Is she aware that when in 1985 President Reagan ordered the CIA to perpetrate a car-bomb assassination outside a Mosque in Beirut that killed eighty innocent people (and missed its target), it was clearly in violation of both of the constitution and international law? I could go on and on, but all I'm trying to prove is that bad policy falls from all sides of the tree, not just the left. Both conservatives and liberals have been guilty of endorsing it more times than can be counted - and this is exactly why debate and dissent is needed. It's debatable whether it was morally right to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, and that is exactly the point: it's debatable. God help us if the debate ever stops.
Rating:  Summary: Tell it like it is Ann! Review: At least someone is not afraid to tell the truth about this countries real enemy, LIBERALS! Ann keep telling it like it really is, some day all of the liberals will wake up. Liberals, please read and convert, all of the information is backed up with FACT, not bias and fiction. Some thing that most liberals are not use to reading.
Rating:  Summary: Ann is so right. And so thin. Review: If Sen. Joe McCarthy had not had people like Zero Mostel blacklisted back in the 50's, Americans might have been laughing much too hard to fight Communism. Thanks to great Americans like Ms. Coulter, it is truly "Springtime for Hitler."
Rating:  Summary: Attention Freepers: You Have No Chance with Her Review: Upcoming books being scribbled by the bulimic bombshell: 1) If I Looked Like Lucianne Goldberg, I'd Sell Nothing 2) Will You Freepers Please Stop Abusing the Dust Jacket 3) Throwing Up For Beginners 4) When 41 Equals 39 5) Joe McCarthy,Charlie McCarthy and Their Similar IQ's 6) Sirhan, Oswald and Ray: American Heroes 7) Smoking, Drinking and Dating Muslims: My Story 8) How to Make a Living as a Lawyer and Never Enter a Courtroom 9) What To Do About a Secret Love Named Bill
Rating:  Summary: Funniest Piece of Fiction This Year Review: Coming off of last year's best-selling, thoroughly (misleadingly) footnoted "Slander," Coulter must have struggled to come up with an idea to top her previous brilliant deconstructions of the liberal media (and anyone who doesn't agree with everything she believes). Well, she's definitely outdone herself this time around. Being an open minded, free thinking, history buff with apparently "treasonous" leanings, I have to admit Coulter has some really great insights and supports her arguments with "facts." Unfortunately, her spurious conclusions, leaps of logic, misrepresentations of well-known facts, and vitriolic assaults on everyone to the left of Mussolini (FYI, he was a fascist Italian leader who became the ideological hero to John Ashcroft) are her best supporting evidence. I advise anyone who doesn't know the true history of McCarthy not to take Coulter's interpretation seriously. This book is so over the top that I would hope people who read it finally see Coulter for what she is. I, however, will continue reading her stuff ...
Rating:  Summary: Exciting books coming soon from Ann Coulter: Review: For all you fans, here's what Ann's cookin' up for you next: "How America was Fooled: Why Hilter was right to attack the USSR" "Churchill and Roosevelt: As Red as Satan's Cape" "Father Coughlin -- The American Father" "Mr. Chamberlain: The Right Man, Wronged"