Rating:  Summary: Snooze Review: Many reviews have been posted concerning the content, I'll focus on the style.One word: boring I am an open minded person, and I believe the truth lies in the middle. Which is why Michael Moorer's book is so entertaining, as it is the polar opposite of books from the right. My issue with this book is that Ms Coulter is so dry and boring. Its very difficult to keep focused on the material.
Rating:  Summary: Scholars dispute her work Review: . Thinking Conservatives would do well to distance themselves from this woman. A number of conservative writers have come out speaking very negatively about her latest book. Here are a few tidbits that Andrew Sullivan (a well known conservative columnist) wrote about Ann: ...One of the most reputable scholars who has studied the McCarthy era in great detail, Ron Radosh, is appalled at the damage Coulter has done to the work he and many others have painstakingly done over the years. "I am furious and upset about her book," he told me last week. "I am reading it - she uses my stuff, Harvey Klehr and John Haynes, Allen Weinstein etc. to distort what we actually say and to make ludicrous and historically incorrect arguments.... .
Rating:  Summary: Why do they hate so much? Review: I have just finished this book and find it a glaring spotlight on the fallacies that have been foisted on us through the years. I was one of those duped back in the 60s and 70s by the Left (I even voted for McGovern), but the more I read and the more I study, the perniciousness of the liberal falsehoods continue to amaze me. Some of the critics of Ms. Coulter follow her criticisms of the Left to the letter, either by attacking her personality, or by saying how Hillary's book (written by ghostwriters BTW) is more congenial. I'm sure Ms. Coulter would love to be congenial, but her critics would discredit her as just "another addleheaded woman." There are people critizing the people that read her books as flunkies and stupid (as they did to President Reagan). ........ Thank you Ms. Coulter for exposing the travesties of the Left.
Rating:  Summary: She knows what's at stake Review: A few weeks ago, I criticized Michael Lind's "Made in Texas" as a clichéd and cartoonish look at Texas and its influence on modern politics. I have to admit that there's a certain element of cartoonishness to Ann Coulter's work as well. It's easy to picture her eyes bugging out and hair spinning around in rage, steam shooting out her ears, as she fulminates against some lie from the American Left. It's easy to get hung up on that -- as indeed the Left has been hung up on Joe McCarthy for 50 years -- but to do so would be to ignore the very important points Coulter is making. The comparison to McCarthy is an apposite one, and one I'm sure the author herself wouldn't object to. Indeed, substitute her name for McCarthy's in several of her defenses of him, and the argument still makes perfect sense (e.g., "Lost amid all the mandatory condemnations of Joe McCarthy's name -- he gave anti-Communism a bad name, did a disservice to the cause, was an unnecessary distraction -- the little detail about his being right always seems to get lost" [p. 71].) Writing as a free-market anarchist (or "anarcho-capitalist") with roots in, and a remaining sympathy for, the conservative movement, I think one of the great values of this title is the light it shines on issues that all too many conservatives seem to consider resolved. From what I've read, many College Republicans and other young conservatives seem unaware of the history and context of their movement, and too willing to accept the myths, fed and sustained by the Left, that (among other things), McCarthy was the worst evil to stalk the face of the earth and Truman was a great Cold War president. Neither of these, of course, is true. And the former lie, Coulter argues, is especially obscene, given that nothing McCarthy did compares even remotely to the things Joe Stalin was doing at the same time, and that Stalin's crimes were often endorsed or covered-up for by the very people McCarthy is alleged to have "destroyed." Treason, of course, is a serious accusation to make, whether you're Joe McCarthy or Ann Coulter. And it's certainly open to debate whether the American Left was always *consciously* in alignment with the aims and policies of the Soviet Union. At the same time, it's clear that, exactly as Coulter notes, "liberals think they should be able to root for the reds without anyone being so uncouth as to point out they are rooting for the reds" (p. 177). Another of the great values of Coulter's book is to shake up conservatives who place gentlemanly comity ahead of defending liberty. But in the struggle of freedom versus tyranny, the object is not to accommodate the other side, get along with, or establish a détente with them, but to defeat them and render them unable to impose their collectivist aims on free individuals. As Coulter argues, that's what Reagan understood about the Soviets that made him such a threat to international socialists at home and abroad. And it's what Ann Coulter understands about domestic Leftists. In style and substance, Coulter may sometimes be less than perfect. But she understands what the fight is about, and that's worth an awful lot.
Rating:  Summary: So sad... Review: I have not read this book, nor will I because it is so disheartening to read of an American who views any other opinion that disagrees with hers as un-American and threatening. I find it ironic and hypocritical that a woman like Ann Coulter cannot recognized that she is being used by the Republicans to appeal to a sector they never want heard or consider in the first place. So sad...
Rating:  Summary: In your face book! Review: I absolutely love this book! I love the way it was written - how she tells it like it is, no B.S. involved. History classes in high school were pretty much a joke for me. After reading this book, I realize how much I don't know and how I want to learn more. This is definately a book that I am going to read again.
Rating:  Summary: Ann pulls no Punches Review: I just read Treason and found it to be very well written. Ann Coulter cuts through all of the spin and lays out a very compelling case of treachery at the highest levels of of the Democratic Party. Agree or disagree, this book is very well written and researched. No wonder the Liberals are having such a fit. I would recommend that all of my liberal friends read this book. I don't think that rank and file Democrats are traitors and from what I gathered neither does Ms. Coulter. She is making a case against the Democratic Party Leadership. She calls its like she sees it.
Rating:  Summary: Crackpot Review: Filled with pure hate and distortions. She defends McCarthy - how more unAmerican can you get.
Rating:  Summary: Treason??? Review: Does she even understand what this word means?? Oh, sure Liberals want Iraq to take over the US...give me a break. Meanwhile, I am watching on TV that some republican just exposed that a wife of a democratic congressman is a CIA agent. Now exposing an agent and risking national security and the life of the agent is treason...she will never mention this type of example which involves republicans. This book is a piece of garbage meant to overthrow the two party system that has made this country what it is today. Real patriots will ban this book and Ann Coulter.
Rating:  Summary: For republicans only Review: If you are a right-wing Republican this book says everything you want to hear and will justify the continued destruction of the liberties that American's enjoy. I heard her interview on CBN and the author is very ignorant in my opinion. I can't believethis book is getting all the attention it is. However, it definitely speaks to that large group of igornorant Americans who want to deprive the liberties of others becouse of their own set of distorted beliefs and want to impose their own form of Sharia law in the United States. McArthism is alive and well. If you are an ignorant right wing Republican then this book is a five by all means. Otherwise, this book is a joke too sorry to even think it is funny. It is sad.