Rating:  Summary: Republicans: Spare Us Clinton Voters Your Diatribes Review: There are a couple of reasons why Mr. Clark is right on the money here. First, as Republicans continue to tighten their grip on the IMF (International Monetary Fund), they are proving to the world that their main goal is to put control of the levers of production such that only WHITE MALES will ultimately be driving the purchasing decisions that fuel our economy. From there, there is no doubt that the Republicans next step will be to place ugly women, children, and old people in CONCENTRATION CAMPS so that these pigs can have their way in the world. Clinton was our savoir! We were his children! Now Bush is in the white house and now our daddy has been turned into a BAD DADDY! Oh, daddy Bill, we were all VERY BAD for electing an evil Republican. Can you ride out to us on your white horse and glistening armor and be our daddy again? We're democrats. We can't think for ourselves. We need you, daddy!!!
Rating:  Summary: Never let facts get in the way! Review: Clarke and Kerry both seem to have a problem with their own statements and history. I advise both to figure out who and what they are before going public. It is starting to feel like Clinton all over again...
Rating:  Summary: We really need a scale starting with zero on this trash! Review: How can Mr. Clarke claim that he was the expert and not take the responsibility for being such a failure? Interesting that he waited almost two years before he decided to write his book since it is obvious that he is unable to actually remember what he said before being dismissed. The mistake made by the White House was to keep the people from the last administration.
Rating:  Summary: Another potboiler written by a publicity hound Review: As some other astute reviewers have noted here, isn't it interesting how Mr. Clarke has changed his opinion on 911 during an election year. Where was this infomration nearly three years ago Mr. Clarke? Hmmmmmmmmm?Methinks you are disgusting turd only looking for publicity, to make a quick buck and to attack a President who was heroic in his efforts to do what never would have happened if his PREDECESSOR had done his job RE: Losing Bin Laden. I highly recommend that readers read Losing Bin Laden which tells why Bill Clinton is responsible for 911, not G.W. Bush. Mr. Clarke should be ashamed of himself for outright lying but I doubt if he has any shame.
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating exposé Review: For those who want to deny the truth in Clark's fascinating exposé, note from the Washington Post today: "Clarke's complaint resonates with other former administration officials. Rand Beers, who served as counterterrorism chief after Clarke, has voiced the same complaint .... Flynt Leverett, a former CIA analyst and Middle East specialist who left Bush's National Security Council staff a year ago, also agrees. 'Clarke's critique of administration decision-making and how it did not balance the imperative of finishing the job against al Qaeda versus what they wanted to do in Iraq is absolutely on the money,' Leverett said."
Rating:  Summary: Who's the real enemy here? Review: Richard Clarke reminds me a lot of Sen. John Kerry in that he flip flops from one opinion to another and tries to lie his way out. Clarke has the right of freedom of speech but to exploit the lost lives that came out of 911 is inexcusable. Perhaps Clarke should write a book called Against All Lies and expose himself for what he really is: a liar trying to profit from a national tradgedy.
Rating:  Summary: Bush Bad...Kerry Good Review: The bluebird sat in the tree singing harmoniously. The cat sat in the hat along the green stairs. The red fox sat in the box eating his dinner.
Rating:  Summary: This book is a wake up call for America Review: Thank goodness this book came out when it did -- and that Senator McCain persisted in getting the 9/11 Commission established -- or the American public might still be slumbering under illusions that the Bush White House is effectively fighting terrorism. This impossible-to-put-down book exposes the troubling truth that was merely hinted at by Paul O'Neill, another Bush appointee who was ultimately dismayed by the stubborn focus on invading Iraq, before and after 9/11. I'm certain most of the Republican machine reviewers posting here haven't read the book. They would be enlighted if they did. So many of the critical reviews here are parroting, word-for-word, the talking points of the White House defenders. These attacks are on Clarke personally, for being disloyal and partisan (although I fail to see how a life-long Republican hawk's criticism could be deemed partisan). Reading the book, however, reveals that Clarke was the ultimate expert on terrorism and that he was not listened to in the Bush White House because he vehemently disagreed that Iraq should be the main thrust of America's anti-terrorism efforts post 9/11. I understand that Against All Enemies was vetted by the White House and CIA for over three months. The Bush Administration had plenty of time to plan their attacks on this book (the parts that weren't removed for National Security reasons) and on Mr. Clarke. One can only imagine what bombshells were contained in the original unexpurgated text of Against All Enemies. Also, it can be argued that the publisher's release date probably had nothing to do with proximity to the 9/11 Commission testimony, since the book was completed and sent to the government for review many months ago. If it had been cleared sooner, perhaps it would have been published sooner. All in all, this is a must-read for every citizen with an open mind who is curious for the truth. Everyone I know is reading this book, including people who rarely read non-fiction. It has to be setting some book-selling records, and this reader is grateful for that.
Rating:  Summary: A history lesson - not just about Bush Review: A must read. Starting with the Reagan administration, it presents a side of history that most of us dont'know about. Well written, informative and frightening - this is our government.
Rating:  Summary: Bush Push: New Info Revealed Here Review: When I think of Mr. Clark committee testimony, I'm reminded of something extremely relevant that happened to me when I visited our nation's capital a few years ago. I was on a class field trip, passing by that same committee room, when I noticed three democratic senators (who shall, of course, remain nameless) heading down the hall. It looked very much like all three had soiled toilet paper trailing after them from the leg trouser of their pants. I was totally grossed out.