Rating:  Summary: Always a lib, never a conserv Review: This guys is full of it. He never was a conservative. He builds strawmen arguments then tears them down. Heck anyone can tear down a strawmen. Not convincing at all. If it walks, talks and quacks like a duck, let's call it a duck. If it wreaks of social istic and communistic idealogies then call it that. As for me I will continue to pay my own way, that is why I will vote for conservatives.I ain't left the party it left me!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Help Me! Review: How about --blinded by the money? Or, another wannbe for the Hilary bandwagon? Or, please forgive me, liberals--I will never tell the truth again? A sorry excuse for a book and a sad ending to whaa career that had promise.
Rating:  Summary: Highly recommended Review: This book needs to be read by Americans of every political persuasion. The author puts names and faces to the forces that allied and conspired to destroy the Clinton presidency. Perhaps some Democrats will be glad that this book was written and view it as a vindication of sorts, and no doubt certain Republicans will continue to be unhappy with the contents and the author. But I had a different reaction. I view the book as a wake up call to any American, (Republican, Democrat or whatever) who cares about his country. The book is a warning about the dangers and consequences of intolerance (on all sides of the political spectrum) and what can result when a group of determined individuals decide they are going to have things their way, somehow. Mr. Brock's distress at seeing conservative speakers shouted down in his early days at Berkeley should be a warning to liberals who view themselves as the standard bearers of inclusion and diversity, but do not actually walk the walk. However, events described later in the book are not excused by the author as a reaction against liberal intolerance. The underlying, recurring refrain in the book is the unscrupulous pursuit of power by any means. Mr. Brock gained fame and money working for the individuals who financed the "Get Clinton" and "Get Anita Hill" movements. Their agenda and methods are made plain, and as a beginning journalist he was their willing tool. Slander, calumny, lies and invective were used to achieve preconceived ends. The Special Prosecutor laws were warped, the media were manipulated, and so on. It is there for everyone to read. Historians and people who have watched American politics for a long time may say that that this type of thing is not really anything new for either party, but the lobotomized, unremitting hatred with which Clinton was pursued is noteworthy. The book describes it as a kind of cottage industry, financed by wealthy people with an axe to grind. Some critics question the author's motives for writing the book, or are leery of it because of the author's past writings. But I fear that this book is truthful. In the end, the author has done a great service by holding a mirror up to a recent chapter of political discourse in this country. Its not his fault that the reflection is revolting, or that some of the chief villains of the day are a faction in the Republican party. Judging by the large number of Amazon.com reviews of this book, many Americans have read it and are dismayed. Now that we have this information, now that we know what went on, what is to be done? The answer is easy, it's the execution that is difficult. I like to think that the bad guys will reap what they sow without any action on my part, but it doesn't seem to work that way in politics, at least in the short term. Americans need to be more vigilant. We have to continually hold our elected leaders and the organizations that support them to a higher standard. We must be more discerning about what we believe and hear in the newspapers, radios and tv. We must cry foul, and snap the reins, even if its the "other side" being smirched, when political discourse begins to turn sour and muddy. Perhaps I am dreaming, but this is such a wonderful country, we musn't let a malicious group of a few people (of ANY persuasion) make it less so.
Rating:  Summary: I'm a conservative who appreciated this book! Review: Does the title of this review seem confusing? Well, let me explain. I grew up in a culture that was "conservative" -- an ambiguous term, to be sure. Some may still consider me conservative. I don't like excessive deficit spending, I think the Federal Government has gotten too big, I'm pro private enterprise, I'm pro-family and hold to a myriad of other principles that many would consider "conservative." But I have not liked some of the directions I've seen the more extreme right taking lately. I don't have all the facts and figures that both the liberal and conservative commentators have, so what I share here is impression which may or may not have to be corrected. But my discomfort will show why I appreciated what Brock had to say. Neither conservatives nor liberals have a corner on lying. For so long I've listened to conservatives bewail the lies of the liberals, and they may very well be true. But I have often wondered if the conservatives might be doing the same thing. Brock's book was interesting for me because it addressed this question that had been nagging me for years. I didn't see Brock trying to espouse any particular political view. But I did see a writer who was trying to correct some wrongs that he felt were promoted by "The Right." He tries to give a balanced view of the Whitewater matter -- something I can't comment on because I don't have the information that he does. He tries to give a balanced view of Hillary Clinton as well. He also tries to correct a lot of information he previously gave about Anita Hill. I appreciated this book because: 1. I am a Christian who is distressed at seeing the Religious Right grab the flag and the cross and try to promote their political agenda as being straight from God Himself. 2. I am a straight, white married woman, but I don't like gay-bashing. For that matter, I don't like the outright bashing of any people different from oneself. 3. The ultra conservative right doesn't seem to be very concerned about the needs of the poor. While I'm not in favor excessive government handouts, I do believe that we need to have a system that will be fair to everyone. I think Brock's book needs to be read, even by people who think thy don't agree with him. I'm not sure if I agree with everything he says, either. But it brings a perspective that needs to be seen, if we are to be open minded and consider all sides to the issue.
Rating:  Summary: Suspicions Confirmed Review: All the whining by the right-wingers crying foul to this book only confirms Brock's witness and testiment to the reprehensible political assault on individual civil liberties and justice by the WASPish homophobes that have taken over the republican party and the country. David Brock's soul-searching revelations give us a peek into the rotted inner sanctum of the extreme right. He gives us a gift - a road map to the future if they remain in control of this country. No wonder they cry foul. Brock's book is a blow by blow history of this perverse group's path to power through the 80s & 90s to now. Pick up the rocks and check out the slime that steals our tax dollars under the guise of government contracts. Read the names. Who's on Fox News (truly an oxymoron if there ever was one)- who OWNS Fox News? Brock's book is chunky-jammed packed with names. True, Brock is an example of a vulnerable young journalist who was slowly corrupted by the access to power and the easy money and fame. But once he began questioning the status quo (and, horror of horrors, writing the truth) he was dropped like a lead balloon. Brock's own conscience pulled him out of the corrupted fog. It took great courage to write this book, much less admit his role to the world (and to himself). The ridicule and insults hurled by the 'religious' right in response to Brock's book harkens one to Shakespeare- "methinks thou doth protest too much." Thank you for this book, David Brock!
Rating:  Summary: Confessions of a Hit-man for the Conspiricy Review: I was reluctant to buy this book because I didn't want to reward the reprehensible behavior of the author. I still feel that he profited from his crimes and now is profiting from his confession. Just the same, this book is a great read and an important history lesson. Brock does Hillary Clinton the invaluable favor of justifying her phrase "vast right-wing conspiricy". She was completely correct, and quotes Brock in her own book, Living History. We don't have to approve of the character of the author to enjoy his story and learn from it.
Rating:  Summary: Eh.......... Review: David Brock, Stephen Glass, Jayson Blair, et al. should get together and start their own newspaper. They could call it "The Daily Load of Crap," edited by Howell Raines. There is no reason to believe that Mr. Brock is any more truthful and "unbiased" now than when he was working for the other team 10 years ago. It all appears very self serving to me. Some reviewers have said that many of his facts in this book are just as iffy as in his earlier tabloid publications. It would be a much more effective, interesting and enjoyable read if he stuck to politics and journalism, and did not turn the book into some type of pop-psychologico journey for personal identity salvation. Also, for someone who in the past had as much media clout as he did, and who seems to have a commercially succesful writing career yet in front of him, the lack of reflection, thoughtfulness, and general intelligence is disheartening.
Rating:  Summary: Read it and weep, right-wingers! Review: "Blinded by the Right" is essential reading for liberals who wish to understand how the conservative political machine functions and thrives. I also recommend it for any Republican naive enough to think that his or her party really stands for integrity and morality. Brock reveals how he and other journalists became trained character assassins, taking out any and all who stood in the way of complete right-wing dominance. He chronicles the bitter hatred that many extreme conservatives feel for those unlike them (moderate Republicans as well as Democrats), describes and their smug feelings of "legitimacy" that drove them to wage (and lose) an unconditional war against the Clintons. Probably most interesting is Brock's own realization of how he had betrayed his own identity in working for a movement that hates homosexuals. "A Jew in Hitler's army" is how he describes being a gay man in the right-wing hate machine. Worthwhile reading regardless of your ideology.
Rating:  Summary: A case of check your facts before maligning people Review: This is a story where the author was so bent on acceptance that he wrote what he thought would please his so-called group of people and make him noticed big time. He was used by this group. They fed him facts and he believed them and wrote the stories that made millions of people believe these lies without checking the facts. His conscience got the better of him and he wrote this book to try and rectify his mistakes. It helps, but there are still people that believe the lies and our country is still feeling the results. It is an interesting book. It gives us a better look at how deceitful politics is. You can't believe everthing that you see on the news. You have to figure who is telling the story and then read between the lines. Its sad that so many people believe everything they hear on the news as fact, but with a little emphasis or lack of emphasis on facts and omissions and half-truths a story is easily distorted. So people use the brains God gave you and when you hear something, think where it comes from, who it comes from and how it benefits or doesn't benefit that person and read between the lines (this pertains to all parties and people). I think it is very brave to admit you have been wrong and try to right the wrongs made. David Brock has a conscience and he felt bad about the hurt he caused Anita Hill. A lot of the people he has worked with don't seem to have a conscience, which is a scary thing in this country. I want our country back to where it was when honesty and goodness and looking out for your fellow man was a virtue. I want a leadership that looks out for the majority of our countrymen not the 1-2% with money. This book has shown how our country is being manipulated by certain rich people. Richard Mellon Scaife spent 2-3 million dollars to try and ruin the Clintons. Money was paid to troopers to tell stories, and in the White Water affair. There had been nothing to it. It had been looked into and dismissed, but they sent Starr in and when he couldn't find anything he went smutt hunting. They wasted so much of our taxpayers money on this, to drag up tabloid stuff. This is what our money went to. Basically, having an affair is not illegal in most states. It is something that is between the husband and wife. It is morally wrong, but unless it was something that endangered our country it was not worth 70 million of our tax dollars. The way Starr went at it was a form of entrapment. Unless I am mistaken, taping someone without their knowledge is illegal and yet they used Tripp's tapes with Lewinsky? I am glad he wrote the book. It is one more validation of the right-wing conspiracy, but for those of us, and there are a lot of us, we already knew that. Shame on the news people for reporting such tripe. Give us facts that affect the country, not tabloid gossip. Read the book. It is interesting, informative and eye-opening. Worth every penny!
Rating:  Summary: Brock writes a great book exposing my beliefs about the GOP Review: I found this book very interesting, coming from an extremely right winged conservative family. I agreed with many of the points that Brock makes, especially after seeing my parents opinions mirror those of Rush Limbaugh and Jerry Falwell with no real thought on their own. I really found the relating of the GOP to the Christian Right interesting. Overall a great book.