Rating:  Summary: This man can't be trusted Review: I guess this book can be summed up with a few thoughts. Brock freely admits that he has lied throughout his career. From whence does he now have credibility? Obviously, the man has none.Brock is also completely off base when talking about the single-mindedness of the conservative movement. Anyone who has been reading the columns of conservatives in the Wall Street Journal or National Review as of late must have noted the trashing that Dubya has received on account of his recent shift in policy with regards to the Arab Israeli conflict and for the decision to impose steel tariffs. In sum, anything in this book that isn't verifiable can't be trusted since Brock is an admitted liar. Meanwhile, generalizations and conclusions that he draws about the conservative movement that can be examined are proven to be wildly exaggerated. Don't reward the writings of a confessed fabricator - spend your money on a real "nonfiction" book written by an author with at least a modicum of integrity.
Rating:  Summary: The Book the Washington Post tried to sabotage Review: Reveals the truth about the "vast right wing conspiracy" that's poisoning our democracy. "Witness" for the real America.
Rating:  Summary: From One Extreme to Another Review: Mr. Brock's work shows the fickleness of modern politics...The only thing that matters to extremists on the right and left is finding material, irrespective of truth, that supports their claims...If you are an extremist on the left, you will feel vidicated. If you are an extremist on the right, you will feel betrayed. If you are an independent, you will laugh at both of them. Overall it's a fun book that shouldn't be taken too seriously.
Rating:  Summary: AS CLINTON MIGHT SAY: GOOD, BUT NO CIGAR Review: David Brock springs from the closet in rare form with this diatribe against mean old Republicans and vicious Christians. As a former member of the "right" (right meaning correct and just) it's hard to understand why he's gone over to the dark side. Perhaps it's because previous books pilloried Hillary (and her sleazy husband) and other liberal icons like Anita Hill; Brock must now mine the other side for a few more bucks. Also interesting: his sudden conversion to left wing extremism coincides nicely with his recent proclamation/revelation of homosexuality. This effort has little credibility considering the author's past work. But I do award it two stars for the few kernels of truth I encountered - however far and few between they are.
Rating:  Summary: Conservatives' worst nightmare--the truth about them! Review: David Brock has done what few have had the guts to do: admit he had unjustly destroyed innocent lives in the name of a political movement by lying about and smearing them. He freely admitted his motivation was kind of childish by reacting to the extreme liberalism of the 1960's by adopting the equally childish, yet far more dangerous, extreme conservatism of the 1980's. He also has the decency not only to admit he had lied about Democrats (or whomever stood in the way of conservative hegemony) for financial and political gain, he admitted to have sold his soul to the conservative movement. Some people might question the credibility of a confessed liar and right-wing hatchet man (the once a liar, always a liar fallacy), but dismissing his confessions indeed dismiss a man who vowed to make restitution for the damage done to the careers of innocent people. The right apparently remain in denial of the character assassination of which they indulge, abiding by the unwritten 11th commandment: Thou Shalt Not Repent.
Rating:  Summary: Rush Limbaugh will not like this one! Review: A first class expose of the Washington establishment cesspool of right wing politics. Brock's mea culpa forces any open-minded person to admit that the Republican and religious hypocrites practice some of the meanest and most hate-spirited approaches to getting what they want. Since the author was one of them, he speaks with authority and knowledge. God save our country from the clutches of the right.
Rating:  Summary: Book title should have been "Say Anything" Review: Just saw Brock on TV getting his booked picked apart with facts, dates, witnesses etc...
His responses of stammering, stuttering and silence spoke volumes.
It all comes down to this: Either Paula Jones, Juannita Broaddrick, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Gennifer Flowers, Kathleen Willey etc... are all lying, or Bill Clinton is.
Since we all know that Clinton and Brock are both admitted liars, it's not too hard to figure out who's fibbing, even for the most synchophantic, myopic Clinton apologists.
The knee-pad faction of the Democratic Party will swallow (no pun intended) this tripe hook, line and sinker but that's about it.
Only the intellectually lazy still believe Clinton was Impeached only for his shenanigens with Lewinsky.
Rating:  Summary: The New Right: Lenin's Real Heirs Review: Brock brings to life one's understanding of how the right has been taken over, not by the heirs of Barry Goldwater, but those of V. I. Lenin. The corporate state takes the place of the communist state in their ideology, but the displacement of all values and morals by a will to power is identical. Grover Norquist has even mounted the icon of the right, Lenin's picture, on his wall.
We now know, not only from Brock but from others as well, that Clarence Thomas perjured himself to get his job. Brock has also exposed serious misdeeds by high officials (now of the George aWol regime) Ted Olson and Terry Wooten. Brock explains, step-by-step, how otherwise decent people can come to deceive themselves. The penalties for telling the truth in the New Rome are as large as the rewards for serving as a sycophant to the powerful. And so it gets all too easy to overlook facts or stretch the truth. Once one starts down the road of lying, there is nothing for it but more and more lies-- or repentance. I count myself as knowledgeable on the structure and operation of the right, but reading Brock brought it all to life. We know about the extraordinary hypocrisy on the right-- the philanders like Newt Gingrich, John Fund and Asa Hutchinson who were boffing their bimbos in between calling for Clinton's impeachment, for example-- but Brock presents a far more nuanced picture. He mentions people, including Tod Lindbergh, Bob Bennett and James Pinkerton, who seem to have retained some humanity in what otherwise resembles a cesspool of liars, hypocrites and power-mad tyrants. A common joke nowadays is that if one wants to know what the Republicans are doing, just listen to what they are accusing the Democrats of. This book is excellent, a piece of history that one wants to own. Fifty years ago, prominent members of the left renounced any ties to Leninism. Now David Brock continues that tradition as one of the first prominent conservatives to renounce his ties to Leninism. May many more converts follow, and may all of them have the class Brock has shown. Buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Press Corps needs an eye exam Review: For the past two weeks I have been reading David Brock's Blinded By the Right. I can usually breeze through any book in a couple of days. Not the case with this one. I can only read about 10 pages then feel the need of a shower or a glass of wine. If even half the shenanigans in this book are true Hillary was more right than even she knew. There is not only a "vast right wing conspiracy" afoot but also no less than the destruction of democracy and the Constitution. Crazy people are the characters in this book and most of them are now cabinet members,supreme court justices, heads of agencies, news anchors, owners of newspapers, TV stations, cable news channels, and millionaires with more money than sense. The plots to decimate civil rights, lies to further the right's agenda, destroying reputations and careers, are just sickening and very, very frightening. Their attacks on liberals and progressives as some type of sub-human species raises the specter of the holocaust. This was taking place before 9/11. In the wake of that disaster the agenda has been accelerated. While most of us still morn and try to understand why, the right wing calls those who question or disagree "traitors". The New York Times and the Washington Post are beginning to finally ask the questions we have been begging them to for 6 months and longer. Some journalists are beginning to see that the truth is not a fax from the White House, corporate news owners, or Delay, Armey and various other right wing rouges. The truth behind these folks is exciting, scary, scandalous and lucrative! Maybe now the Kurtzs', Dowds', Kings', Safires', Wills' etc. will take off their $500. rose colored glasses and look at these wingers with some perspective. If a simple "blue dress" could buy most of the Washington press new kitchens, cars, homes and vacations imagine what "oil, Enron, Afghan pipelines, 9/11 investigations, Bush Family/Bin Laden Family connections, etc. could buy! Of course the stories are a bit more complicated than sex. It requires some actual archival research and an attention span longer than a story on CNN headline news. Good luck with getting the stories past the puppetmasters. I strongly suggest reading this book and passing it on to your favorite "ditto head".
Rating:  Summary: required reading for all Americans Review: This well-written book exposes and documents the moral decadence of right-wing conservatives. After reading this book, you will never again look at those right-wing "pundits" in quite the same light when you see them spouting off on television. Clinton may have had his foibles, but they pale in comparison to the shenanigans perpetrated by the Right. Some have dismissed this book as the writings of an admitted liar. But there is just too much that rings true for this to be simply dismissed out of hand. Americans concerned about the health of our democracy will find portions of this book truly alarming, such as how Clarence Thomas and Ted Olson perjured themselves. Hillary Clinton was widely derided for claiming that she and Bill Clinton were the targets of a "vast right-wing conspiracy". Brock's book essentially vindicates Hillary's claim. Perhaps the only word one could take issue with is the word "vast", but there can be no doubt that there was a conspiracy to destroy Clinton's presidency. The book also sheds light on those "think tanks" and other organizations funded by wealthy but secretive patrons with a political agenda (such as Richard Mellon Scaife). For Brock to write this book was a courageous act. I believe it was an honest attempt to clear his conscience, and I recommend this book highly.