Rating:  Summary: Frightening if True Review: David Brock was once a ultra-conservative journalist who among other things wrote a scathing novel on Anita Hill where he coined her as being, "a little bit nutty and slutty". He also happened to be gay, and as he moved deeper within the Newt Gingrich right, began to see hypocrisy rearing it's ugly head as well as lies,deception and slander mostly towards the Clinton administration. Many Republicans have said much of what he recounts is lies. You'd have to be the judge and read for yourself. He certainly isn't afraid to name names, and it's a jam packed who's who of the current Bush administration.
Rating:  Summary: Integrity--or The Lack of it--Is the key to Politics Review: It is rare for any muckracking author to begin his book on a note of unquestioned honesty. In his prologue to BLINDED BY THE RIGHT, David Brock notes: "This is a terrible book." He then spends the next 336 pages proving it.Brock's thesis is that he began his political and journalistic career as a conservative Republican, but as he saw what he termed ideological excesses on the part of the right, he switched loyalties to the left. Now I have nothing against one who decides to do that, but when that happens I look for evidence that this conversion was based on an evolving political philosophy rather than on expediency. My major objection to accepting Brock's having seen the light is that he is an admitted liar and defamer of Anita Hill. When Brock wrote, THE REAL ANITA HILL, he well knew that he was sliming her just to make Clarence Thomas look good. Brock would now have us believe that his evolution from right to left also includes a corresponding switch from telling canards to telling truths. Early in his writing career, he drifted into an accepting of Republican causes, yet, he constantly notes that even then he "consistently sided with the interests of the very wealthiest Americans." (33) Further, he adds that "Libertarianism was perhaps a better fit for me then." (35) What I find telling is that during a time when he was supposed to be forming permanent core values, Brock consistently undercuts his own arguments by wistfully adding that he chose to ally himself to a political way of life (Conservatism) when he really meant to choose liberalism. It is difficult to view his conversion as anything but a waffling sense of moral relativism based on his financial bottom line. Brock mentions the Christian Right in nearly every chapter as an organization that embodies the most extreme of Republican causes: anti-abortion, forced prayer in school, pro-guns, pro-war, and security over civil rights. Even today, I do not know of any identified member of the Christian Right. Those who espouse the aforementioned causes may call themselves by other tags, but not that one. In fact, Brock uses the term as many left wing democrats do: as a means to demonize those who hold views contrary to his. Bill Clinton holds an unwieldy position in the democratic party. During his impeachment proceedings, the ones who howled loudest for his scalp were democrats. Yet, Brock still views Clinton as the apotheosis of political glorification. He describes Clinton as "the most talented and popular Democratic politician to come along in twenty-five years." (127) Further, Brock sees Clinton as one who possesses "awesome powers of intellect and charisma." (127) As evidence of a right wing conspiracy that the right dominates the mass media, Brock notes: "The country was being conditioned to see an invention made up entirely by the Republican right: 'Bill' and 'Hillary' Clinton. Thus,from virtually the first moment that they stepped out of Arkansas and onto the national stage, the country never again saw the Clintons." (128) If the Republican right truly were able to tar and feather the Clintons based on their alleged control of the media, then how did Bill escape being found guilty? BLINDED BY THE RIGHT emerges as a flawed book. Yet the chief flaw lies in the author, one whose agenda has very little to do with an honest discussion of self. The opening sentence of Brock's book stands as an unintended reminder that once he began on a truthful statement, BLINDED BY THE RIGHT goes downhill from there to the last page.
Rating:  Summary: Truth Be Told Review: It is about time that interworkings of the Scafe's family support to encourage class segration be told by way of political sabotage. What I learned from the book was that the right wing conservitives are the most narrow minded individuals with the shortest amout of memory who are only interested in increasing their status while screwing the rest.
Rating:  Summary: Muckrakers never really come clean Review: One of the previous reviewers comments on how this muckraker is coming clean. I think not. When I was done reading this book, I felt just a little bit dirty in having read it. David Brock admits to having lied, but now seeks rehabilitation by telling the "other" side of the truth. The truth is that once a writer surrenders to mendacity, his credibitiy is irretrievably lost. In this respect, the most damning indictment against Brock come from his own sticky keyboard. Whatever truthful substance might have been present in this book or any of his previous books is so obscured by the opaqueness of his sordid agenda that nothing shines through. "Blinded by the Right" represents a total eclispe of quality journalism and common decency. And as if his admission to calumny wasn't in itself sufficient to ruin his claim for public attention, his efforts to expose & denounce his former friends & associates only adds additional disgrace. Whatever a person's agenda might be, they should have a reasonable expectation that their colleagues will respect personal privacy. Brock's persistant expose mentality is little more than mean spirited villany. I know many liberals would love to believe the substance of this book, just like many conservatives would love to believe the substance of his previous books. However, from whatever side of the aisle you view this matter, you cannot honestly say that an admitted liar has any credibility.
Rating:  Summary: Muckraker Comes Clean Review: For anyone interested in current state of political discourse, this book is a must-read. I read this book without much knowledge of Washingtonian politics, and found this book helpful in providing a foundation in understanding how the right wing media and Republican politicians work together to forward their platform. Brock began his career as a political journalist in Washington right as Reagan came to power, and was present at the birth of the neoconservative movement that would later come to a head in the 1994 midterm election, now known as the "Republican Revolution." Brook's insight (and indeed his own complicity)in the workings of the conservative media, from the coverage of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas, through the fabricated Clinton scandals, is invaluable for anyone looking for an understanding of the current tone in Washington
Rating:  Summary: Another Title Would Have Been More Accurate Review: This book would have been better titled: "Blinded by Myself." Brock himself talks about the number of times he chose to look the other way when "the Right" was doing things that bothered or offended him. I didn't get any sense that anyone was trying to pull the wool over his eyes. His blindness seems to be of his own creation. I think he knows that and is angry about it. And, as well he should. Unfortunately, he has misdirected his anger and has lashed out at people and ideas rather than engaging in retrospection and holding himself responsible for the fact that he did not see clearly for so many years. This book would have been more credible had he done so.
Rating:  Summary: Who's really blinded? Review: As a compassionate conservative, I have to say this book couldn't be further from the truth! Mr. Brock apparently was low on his personal income so he off-handedly decided to publish a pile of mush between two cardboard covers. (Excuse me while i gag on my own tongue.) The economy may have been 'good' during Clinton's reign of so-called Presidency, but who made it good in the first place? Clinton? Hardly! Only through Reagon and Bush Sr.'s well-thought economic strategies was there such a prosperous time. Meanwhile, while Billy was gettin his balls licked by interns, we had terrorists plotting against us and Dot Com companies beginning to bust. Yeah, great job Bill! So after reading this book, tell me: Who's really running a conspiracy?
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Biography, excellently written Review: Regardless of whether or not you agree politically with Mr. Brock, you cannot help but be drawn in by his fascinating narrative of how the Washington system caused him to forgo the journalistic ethics of his peers in exchange for grazie from his fellow right-wing muckrakers. It is an enthralling tale, full of personal conflict and is sure to leave all but the most embittered conservative utterly disgusted by the way our democracy is manipulated. This is a must-read for any would-be leftists and any self-confident rightist who wants to know what really happened behind the conservative scenes during the Clinton Administration.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: A revealing look at the conservative right from a former insider, the book portrays the right under a spotlight that members within it are less than eager to have on.
Rating:  Summary: Laughable at best. Review: This from an admitted liar who changes "ideology" as often as he changes his socks? With his mercenenary bent, it kind of makes you wonder whose agenda he is promoting now, and how much he's getting paid to do it. What's truly amusing however, are the rapturous reviews from the left-wing faithful, blindly following another dissembling Pied Piper off the cliffs of reason. When paid political hacks, has-been comedians and the likes of this vermin are your strongest voices, you know your party is in trouble.