Rating:  Summary: More illogical garbage from liberals Review: If there is one constant in American life today, it is that the liberal "thought process" is so verily based in lies, half-truths, and spin, all for the goal of advancing a political agenda that pays only lip service to the idea of freedom, while working to advance a more sinister agenda of government control over those who actually make this country work. Liberals believe, directly or indirectly, in the tyranny of the inept. I suggest anyone who reads this garbage from by David Brock, read a more balanced view from Ayn Rand, such as Atlas Shrugged.
Rating:  Summary: Hillary was right!! (abount the "right-wing" conspiracy) Review: While i do find faults with this book, it is a must to those who are opened minded enought to want to know the truth about our latest long national nightmare. Conservatives were so bitter about losing to Clinton in 92 that they spent miilions of theirs and our money to try to bring down a President. When they couldn't do that, they decided to steal one and appoint GW Bush as Commander in Chief. I always had a sense that Brock was a decent person even when he was destroying lives w/ his pen. Now I see what was really up. Read it please!
Rating:  Summary: Usual formula to spice up politics as usual Review: Brock was working for a millionaire who paid about two million dollars to investigate Bill Clinton, Anita Hill, and others in order to find information that would help Republicans and hurt Democrats. As a result, Brock was apparently a very popular figure in Republican circles. In this book Brock claims to have intentionally deceived us in all of his previous books. He claims that every bad thing he said about Bill Clinton, Anita Hill, and others were lies, although he does sort of admit that the "vast right wing conspiracy" wasn't "vast". For any well informed person, the actions of those he targets (including himself) are politics as usual, and thus his book would be quite boring except that Brock explains more than their actions. He also claims to know their SECRET thoughts, values, and motives.
Rating:  Summary: no surprise Review: It is no wonder why the United States is fast becoming politically moribund. The ignorance and political self indulgence that Brock so clearly expresses in his book makes a joke out of responsible democracy and/or freedom. Liberal or conservative - the difference is only in the spelling. Is it a wonder that Americans live in fear now? Reading this book makes clear the intellectual and emotional bankruptcy that is now so pronounced. Read it and weep.
Rating:  Summary: DUMBfounded Review: I don't know what to think...Help me, Rush...tell me what is true, Ollie...pleasepleaseplease Our Ronnie Who Art In Heaven, make nasty facts go away so I can believe again.
Rating:  Summary: At least I read the book... Review: ... Having seen Mr. Brock on the various pundit shows, isn't quite the same as having read the actual book. I actually read the book and, having also read Conason & Lyon's The Hunting of the President, I didn't find any real revelations here, so much as confirmation as to what was already known. Part of what makes Blinded such an interesting read is it's insiders account of how small-minded, petty, and sexually stunted, former President Clinton's detractors were (and still are). For many of us, it was always hard to figure out the intense hatred these people felt for the last elected President. Now we can see that, for many, it was money funneled into the many 'think tanks' and foundations dedicated to making the rich even richer. In many ways we can see that when people connect the Clinton administration with sex and money, they should have been looking at the right-wing that was obsessed with it....
Rating:  Summary: Brock's Scathing Self-Exam a Wake up to Decent Conservatives Review: I am amazed and moved that David Brock had the courage to examine his actions in the far-right conservative movement and honestly report on what motivated himself and others. I found it very healing to read; I had suspected some of what he describes and felt we in America were being "gaslighted" by the conservative media who pretended to be perplexed by our outrage and disbelief. I often tried to understand what motivates once middle-class people who would sell out their fellow working Americans in the interests of racists, bad-citizen corporations and the extreme rich. Brock explains what motivated him, and it includes greed, self-loathing, and confusion. I applaud him for having the courage to write this book, and to those who say "if he admits lying then how do we know he is not lying now"---I say, you must read the book because it rings true, and all the lying stories he describes from the conservative press the past 20 years never rang true--at the time they were concocted and spread, or now as he recounts them. Thank you David Brock, for making an attempt to heal some of the pain caused by the scathing, cruel, vicious personal attacks directed at anyone (including moderate Republicans or decent consdervatives) guilty of simply being effective at countering the self-serving goals of the far right. David Brock now is getting hit by both sides. David, history will thank you and I do too, for your courage and honesty.
Rating:  Summary: Mea maxima culpa And an overdue apology Review: For those of us left of center, the mendacity and injustice outlined in "Blinded by the Right" is no surprise. What is shocking, however, is Brock's 180 degree shift in direction, full disclosure, and furthermore complete acceptance of responsibility. The extent of his disclosure tends to strain the credibility of this memoir, as well as some excessive detail, e.g. the point is not enhanced by his recalling that he was sitting on a blue linen couch when he was advised about damning evidence concerning Clarence Thomas. Additionally, there appears to be a some zeal, and no small amount of shadenfreude in his revelations about the many prominent and pivotal figures in the radical right. However, the credibility is sustained by Brock's willingness to accept complete responsibility for his sins, and his acknowledgement of how hypocritical, loathesome, and entirely self serving his actions were. I was disinclined to read this book after its very critical review in the New York Times. However, Hendrick Hertzberg's review in the New Yorker intrigued me, because besides the reviewer's own credibility was his belief that this was a sincere apology, not just an expose. This is a very important source of information in terms of revealing the means by which the radical right encumbered duly elected officials and thwarted the people's will, as well as their ruthlessness by engaging in outright fabrication for character assassination. It is a critical read since many of these same people hold prominent positions in the current administration. Fairness requires you to read this with a raised eyebrow, in light of what he confesses to having done in the past. However, it is credible as little good in terms of self promotion could have motivated what he writes here.
Rating:  Summary: Common Sense Prevails Review: This is an excellent book telling me things I always had a hunch on but never expected to see it in writing. Good work! Too bad most people who really need to learn something from this book won't have the open mind to actually read it. I'm glad I found out about this book...and I hope more people do, too. In addition, I saw the author interviewed on TV recently about this book. Very articulate, intelligent man who seems sincere in his desire to set the record straight. God bless him.
Rating:  Summary: Credible witness? Review: David Brock portrays himself as someone who was excessively naïve. I don't think he has alleged that he lied intentionally, rather that he trusted others who deliberately lied to him. Obviously, he was a bad reporter. Was the cause a lack of training, or an overwhelming need for approval by those rabid right-wingers with whom he had aligned himself? Read the book with an open mind and reach your own conclusion. However, this book is not the product of research, it's a memoir. David Brock is describing his own experiences, and I believe what he is saying. This is a fascinating account of how Mr. Brock's need for acceptance involved him in a conspiracy to undermine the Clinton presidency. He enjoyed success in his career at an early age and he was an enthusiastic tool of those he worked for, writing only what they wanted. But as time passed, he came to realize that the admiration that came to him was based only on how willing he was to wear blinders, to ignore all evidence that contradicted their desired message. As he matured, he saw that he what he experienced was an illusion, not real achievement, which led to his questioning his own position, and to facing his own complicity in the creation of a lie. By not talking to anyone willing to contradict the story told by Clarence Thomas, Mr. Brock presented their biased view in his book, The Real Anita Hill, and gave him status with the right. When he read later of evidence that contradicted what he had reported, he expected his "friends", those people who he had believed when they told him that Clarence Thomas was incapable of the behavior that Professor Hill accused him of, to be able to counter that evidence. When they laughed and declared, "He did it, didn't he?" he finally realized that he had been deceived. David Brock details the behind the scenes machinations that led to the investigations of President Clinton, hounding him during his entire term of office and wasting millions of taxpayer dollars. Why is Kenneth Starr the darling of the right? Did he unearth any hard evidence of criminal activity? No, he presented documentation of a consensual relationship between the President and a woman who was not his wife. If even a fraction of the evil were true that some people believe about Bill Clinton, Mr. Starr was an incompetent investigator. It seems incomprehensible that anyone could cover their tracks as well as the Clinton haters want us to believe he did. The right got what they wanted, insinuations and innuendo. But ultimately, they were not able to fool the American people. The voters did not want the President impeached and they saw the Monica Lewinski scandal as something that should have remained a private matter. I wish I could say that what I read here surprised me, but it did not. It's frightening to understand that while the conspirators were unable to destroy the Clinton presidency, they have accomplished their ultimate goal. I am troubled to realize how many of those who were involved in this story have been rewarded with positions of power within OUR current government.