Rating:  Summary: Reading Your Worst Fears Review: When Hillary Clinton said that her husband was the victim of a "vast Right Wing conspiracy" many laughed. After you read David Brock's "Blinded By The Right" you'll stop laughing. The conspiracy is spelled out in grinding detail by one of its original authors. Brock pulls back the curtain and unveils most of the major players of the right wing in all of their human frailities from a Supreme Court justice who perjured himself to a Speaker of the House attempting to impeach a President for the same acts he had committed himself. Few, including Brock himself, are spared in a look at Republican politics from the inside out. If you hold a strong politcal viewpoint this book will disturb you in one way or another, but it is worth checking that viewpoint at the door in order to get through this read because many of the people mentioned are still "in play" in the Bush administration and are going to have a part to play in the latest conflict
Rating:  Summary: Great dish Review: I always thought David Brock would write this book someday. He seemed too, well, nice to be hanging around all those creepy, anti-gay bigots on the Right, and that he didn't turn around sooner is the only surprise here. It's a well-researched, at times emotional glimpse into one gay man's experience with hatred from both within and outside his experience. Although it's filled with juicy gossip that only goes to show how hypocritical the Right is when it comes to sexual and moral issues, it never ventures into nasty terrritory. It's a bit heavy on the minutae of Troopergate, and a lot of the names will be completely unfamiliar to anyone outside the Beltway. And I wish he had shared a bit more of his personal life: dating, friendships, social contacts. Still, it's a book written from the heart, and I hope there's more where this came from.
Rating:  Summary: Brock - Clears his conscience and exposes the right Review: Although his excuses for falling for the far right are somewhat lax - He was right on target - you'll see the far right hate machine spring into action now -claiming he was in a mental institution and that he did it for his lover - dont believe it These are the same tactics used by the Clinton hate machine- Brock was much like I was in 97 - I could not believe the hate mogering and the Starr Chamber tactics - The Nazis could not have carried off a better scheme I was sick to my stomach for the United States How could sane people believe such lies Read this book not to reinforce your own beliefs but to see what hate can do to a cause - to a generation
Rating:  Summary: Read it for a laugh, then learned of the author's insanity Review: really no joke, read this; Controversial author David Brock suffered a breakdown last summer and was committed to the psychiatric ward of Sibley Hospital in Northwest Washington, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT. The breakdown came just months before Brock finalized production of his bestselling book BLINDED BY THE RIGHT -- a book that has been widely challenged on points of accuracy! "He had delusions, he thought people were trying to kill him," reveals a source who befriended Brock last July at the hospital. Brock told fellow patients that he did not feel safe -- even inside of the hospital's secure medical setting! "He spent time in the ''The Quiet Room', there was just a mattress on the floor, and he had some books. He was so tired and stressed." Reached by phone in Washington late Tuesday Brock strongly denied the hospitalization and breakdown in any way affected his ability to recall events depicted in BLINDED BY THE RIGHT. Brock strongly denied that any portion of the book was written at the hospital while he was under medical treatments, as is claimed by one source. Publisher CROWN could not be reached late Tuesday. Brock's book of personal observations and first-hand accounts involving various Clinton scandals and scandal players generated divided opinion. Former President Clinton chatted up Brock's effort in Los Angeles last weekend. "Clinton, who seems to have practically committed passages to memory, told his former aides that whenever they feel down, they should read Brock's book to illuminate anew what they were all fighting against for eight years, and as a reminder of what 'unhappy' people their counterparts on the right truly are," the LOS ANGELES TIMES reported. But one source familiar with Brock's breakdown questioned: "With all of this, how can he be considered credible?" Brock said by phone, "I am not going to comment on private medical matters." -combine these facts with the fact that most people involved in his "recollections" flatly deny that the events took place and you have a book written by a paranoid, money grubbing, slanderous, political mercenary. In short no intellectually honest person would believe one thing this man says.
Rating:  Summary: Confirms what you've known for years Review: The knee-jerk mistrust of Brock by many readers and reviewers is entirely understandable, but I have little doubt that the gist of this tale is true. The "vast right-wing conspiracy" isn't exactly shocking, nor is the notion that its defining motivation was a personal dislike of the Clintons rather than political opinion. Conservativism, based as it is on the withholding of political, economic and social power from the greater public, must subvert openness and honesty in political discourse. If conservatives spoke openly of their real motives, they would seldom get more than 10 or 15% of the vote. Therefore, we get a steady stream of character assassination, oxymoronic initiatives like Empower America, and racial, sexual and gender scapegoating. David Brock's past "reportage" isn't even the most egregious example of this. That said, the book itself wasn't easy to read. Many of his anecdotes are entertaining, and his personal affection for former colleagues is admirable, but having seen their performances on television and read their anti-Clinton diatribes in newspapers and magazines, I find his willingness to let many of them off-the-hook ethically to be too generous. My other complaint is that the book is difficult to follow--it skips around chronologically and seems to lack an organizational thread.
Rating:  Summary: Confessions of a Political Master.... Review: I'm all for the whistle-blower. However, I usually cheer for the whistler who gets knocked on his/her rear after doing the blowing. However, Brock is a whistler who whistles his way right up the ladder and then off to the bank. He jumps first on the right side of the teeter-totter then on the left and collects from both. Brock asserts that there is a right-wing conspiracy What is a conspiracy? People working for the same end, or perhaps a group trying to promote certain ideologies? Maybe it's 'unfair' tactics used to advance the goals and beliefs of a particular group? However Brock define it, it becomes a two-edged sword with the other edge pointing right at the other side -- in this case it points back to the left. This is because Broak would not only have been part of a conspiracy - for the right, but he would be part of one now - for the left. His book ends up indicting both sides. After publication of Brock's book a number of people have claimed that 'Hillary was right!' This is rather baffling since Hillary called 'foul' when her husband was accused of lying. She said he was the target of a right-wing conspiracy. Then, just a few short weeks later, Mr. Clinton confessed to his affair and his subsequent lying to cover it up. In effect, he said that his wife was mistaken and there was no conspiracy. How can people now claim that Hillary was right when her husband said she was wrong? From the start of Brock's journey a the University of California at Berkeley to his idolizing of Bobby Kennedy to his allegiance to Oliver North, Brock comes across as one who has never been committed to his beliefs. Tim Appelo says that, "if Brock says he was a liar for much of his life, how do we know he's not lying now?" I'm not sure Brock can get around this question. Even Brock admits that he profits by moving to the left and suggests he's made a lot of money in doing so. This probably isn't his motivation for writing this book, but it must factor in. Yes, he makes some good points, and I don't think he's making this stuff up. At least not the majority of it. However, his commentary ends up being somewhat questionable and more of an indictment against politics in general - both left and right.
Rating:  Summary: Very Compelling Account of the "Right Wing Conspiracy" Review: This book is very compelling. The media seems to focus on Brock's credibility, and indeed, that does taint his reputation. But, in the end even Darth Vader was not beyond redemption, and obviously neither is Brock. His story "has the ring of truth," so to speak, and fits with everything we all know about the nineties. He not only tells us what happened but explained why it happened and the motivations of the people behind it. I applaud Mr. Brock's bravery for bringing this story to the account of recent history (and thereby gives us a better understanding of what is happening today). It is not surprising, for example, that Election 2000 was as nasty as it turned out. Many of the figures in Brock's book were prominent in the Florida fiasco. I must chide the media for focusing to much on Brock's reputation, and not discussing the serious issues that his work brings up. Reading this book is essential to being an educated and informed citizen.
Rating:  Summary: Less Insight Than I Had Hoped Review: I picked up this book with high hopes. As a liberal, I had hoped that David Brock would have some insight into where he went wrong in his sojourne with the extreme right. As a citizen, I hoped that Brock would shed some light on the prevalence of political hatchet jobs from both extremes. Sadly, this book contained little of either. Brock never gives us any insight into his own mistakes and never has anything beyond the most facile explanations for how he got involved in spreading malicious falsehoods and half-truths without regard for the damage done. In short, Brock has given us some juicy gossip, but little regret and no substance. While Brock has now bitten the hand the fed him (the Right), he gives precious little comfort for moderates or liberals, because he demonstrates how little genuine remorse he feels for his past misdeeds. The story of how well financed hatchet-men have sabotaged the political landscape, making it impossible to arrive at political censensus on the important issues that confront us is an important one, well worth telling. Sadly, Blinded by the Right is not that book
Rating:  Summary: Hypocricy is the only reason to read this book. Review: Let's get to the basics! Mr. Brock attended Berkley, need I say more? His owns columns and rights to free speech were suppressed by the left and liberals because they didn't like what he said! Ironic isn't it? Do yourself a favor, save your money. If you are to purchase this book, do it for one reason only, to see the hypocrisy and confusion he struggles with in his own life. Maybe it was the lattes at cafe roma, (ROFL)!
Rating:  Summary: A Real Eye Opener Review: I read this book without knowing what to expect. I am new on the political world and have read about Brock passingly. But even though the book is not very scholarly, it helps to explain how the political right works and how the underworld of political struggles largely defines our political discourse.