Rating:  Summary: Gripping from start to finish. Review: After finishing this remarkable work the only way that I can think of to describe it is, that it is gripping from page one to page four hundred and one. Professor Balakian's careful reserved approach and use of language truly makes for a haunting, sometimes depressing read. I had never really heard of the Armenian Genocide until last month when a close Jewish friend of mine who had lost many family members in the Holocaust and who has read many books on the topic of genocide recommended Professor Balakian's book. After taking a month to carefully read this book, how anyone could give this exemplary scholarly work a negative review makes absolutely no sense, the only thing that I can think of is that either they didn't read the book and they are reacting on emotion, or like someone below already commented on, their grandparents were involved in the crime. What struck me most about this book was how easy it was to read for a history book, I found myself turning the pages with great interest as the immense timeline of World War One played itself out. I never knew that the first major humanitarian effort of many American philanthropic organizations was focused on the Armenians of Anatolia. Another thing I never realized was that there was a "Turkish Hitler," named Talat Pasha who was every bit as evil as Hitler, and who Hitler actually admired. As an avid watcher of the History Channel I can recall seeing dozens of segments on World War One but I don't ever remember the topic of the Armenian Genocide, or the person of Talat Pasha being covered. This lack of coverage is a little difficult to understand since according to Professor Balakian, Teddy Roosevelt considered the greatest tragedy of World War One to be what happened to the Armenians. The Armenian Genocide is truly one of the greatest hidden crimes in history, I am just surprised that some Hollywood writer or director hasn't picked up on the epic nature of this theme - especially the Armenian valiance in the defense of Van in May 1915 - it seems to be an Academy Award waiting to be won. I highly recommend Professor Balakian's book, it is an incredible, eye-opening book.
Rating:  Summary: A great book... Review: First off, I think people are using this review board to convey their personal feelings about the (very factual)Armenian genocide. But let's remember folks, this is a review about THE BOOK, not a chance to talk about your opinions about what happened. So, with that said, I am giving the book a very positive review. It is amazing. A true masterpiece. Give it a chance- you will not be disappointed...whether or not you are Armenian. Next, I must mention a couple other points. The review from "A reader in Yerevan" (ya right) was totally useless AND false. I have a feeling that that person was of a particular ethnic origin and I don't think I really need to specify it. Honey, everything in this book is true. If you know anything about history you would know that these are all FACTS. Otherwise are we Armenians absolutely NUTS with A WHOLE LOT of time on our hands to be ranting and raving about something that didn't happen? C'mon. And I find it kind of hard to believe that you are a "reader in Armenia" since this book isn't even available there! Didn't think you'd get caught did ya? Also, please take the time to read one of the first reviews left on this book (available on this very same review board)--that also is by a Turkish author...but it actually has truth to it.
Rating:  Summary: Riveting and compelling historical work Review: We should all take note of the 1st genocide of the 20th century. Prior to reading this book, I was aware of the accounts of U.S. Ambassador Henry Morgenthau, so the attrocities of the Ottoman Turks were not a surprise. However, I was surprised and disappointed by the failure of the United States government - in the years after WWI and still today - to use our considerable moral authority to condemn the genocide. One can only speculate about the linkage between our failure to hold the Ottoman Turks accountable and the next genocide some twenty plus years later: The Holocaust. The lesson of this history book is straightforward, but the political factors are complex, and persist through this day. The book is quite detailed and appears well researched, but at times can be a task to digest. However, it is worth the time it takes to read, because you simply not be the same afterwards.
Rating:  Summary: I am ashamed to be Armenian Review: I am very ashamed of the the old lies that fellow Armenians feel they have to tell, so they will have identity. The Armenians need common enemy to feel good about ethnic self identity. It is easy to have identity in other ways, but they not feel good about themselves, they have identity crisis so unfortuate they want to blame Turks. Turks are good people and do not deserve this bad mouthing. I am ashamed of this bad behavior by Armenians mostly in California, LosAngeles, Massachusetts, Boston. My family prospered under Turks, Ottoman Empire and some of my children married to Turks--wonderful people, very generous, they do not deserve this. My people, the Armenians were guilty to give support to Russians during 1915 and I have courage to say this. Most Armenians not able to tell truth because afraid to get hurt by other Armenians with political reasons for telling lies. I know, when I made point that Turks were not to blame, Armenian community blacklist me. They not telling truth. I believe in TRUTH. DO NOT BELIEVE the stories in this book. This book only create hatred. I am sorry to my Turkish friends and to the government of Turkiye for the behavior of Armenians.
Rating:  Summary: Kemalist denial of genocide exposed Review: First I like to say this is most important work on the genocidal ethnic cleansing of Ermeni people from Anatolia. I am Turk and I am from the area where the Ermeni were killed that is mentioned in the book, Hazar Golu. Around this lake are buried thousands upon thousands of Ermeni. Everybody who lives around here knows this is truth! They know Ermenians were killed like sheep not fighting! In my family village Ermeni lived peacefully, strangers came and murdered all of them! No deportation, no relocation. My grandfather tells me this. Only people who lie about this are kemalists who profit from illegal government of Turkiye. The kemalists who deny Ermenian Jenocide in reviewing this book are the grandchildren of those who killed the Ermenians. It is their interest to lie. Turkish government is built upon the bones of the Ermenians, Greeks, Suriyani, Zaza, and Kurds. Who does jenocide and admits to it? Nobody! Germans did not say even when they were killing Jews! It was "relocation" just like what the kemalist government of Turkiye says today. There two types of people in Turkiye today: kemalists and the good people of Turkiye. I hope this book will be translated to Turkish. This book tells the truth about everything Turkish government did and does to the Ermenian people. The most important chapter is on Turkish work to lie today about what happened. Many Ermenian village and homes are empty even today. I hope when the kemalist government and their agents leave power forever, the Ermenian people come back to their properties and villages and live happy lives. This book could be a stepping stone to a confederation of Anatolian peoples.
Rating:  Summary: Well researched and historically very accurate! Review: The author's research is extensive and based on American Archives and other researchers' independent studies. Unlike some of the Turkish reviewer's comments, Balakian's research is fact based not anectodal as Meltem Deniz claims. It seems like Meltem Deniz has an agenda that is exactly as the turkish government's denial ploy. I do not believe history of this crime against humanity should be distorted as it is being done by Meltem Deniz.
Rating:  Summary: BURN ME TIGRIS!!!! Review: Mr.Balakian unfortunately as other many Armenian authors, wrote a fairy tale instead of a history book. The chapter related to Adana, 1909 was particularly to my interest as it is my home town. There is a saying in Adana: When someone gets mad and feels there is unjustice, he says "Even Agop is better than you". I asked once to my uncle, who is born in 1909, as a kid what this saying means. He said, after the Armenian insurrection in 1909, Talat Pasa and an Armenian representative "Agop Efendi" (Hagop Babikian)came to Adana. Talat Pasa, supposedly to provide justice sentenced about 30 Moslems and some Armenians to death. Agop Efendi asked Talat Pasha to stop the death penalties and said : "It was Armenians who started this after all. And many people have already been died. Let us give an end to death penalties". Agop Efendi's comment was very welcomed particularly by the Turkish public. And to refer this, there was this saying since then.... Mr. Balakian! Are you sure your sources are reliable? Where did you get the idea Hagop Babikian was mysteriously killed by the Turks (that's what you are implying)? Is there any chance the Turks in Adana who felt they owe thier life to Agop Efendi would have killed him? Are you sure if he indeed were killed mysteriously later on was not killed by Armenians who were mad at him because he said it was the Armenians who started it? It was definetely not Talat Pasa either as Talat did his best to convince his Armenian citizens that he is objective and on their side as well... It was also to my attention you refered to English archives and put the number 2000 Armenians killed in Adana, but forgot to include 600 Moslems (who were killed) which was in the very same archive..Apparent, you selectively picked the section of the archive you liked and eliminated the part you didn't. Don't you count the ones who died if they are Moslems? What kind of human being are you? Are you an Armenian? I found your approach quite unethical and therefore would not even give one star to your book, but I have to put something.... It's unfortunate, but reality, this book is garbage..But again unfortunately, because the Americans do not know and cheer up with their Armenian fellows, probably many will like your book without even knowing its true value (= 0). This book is another "Midnight Express"... Please ask me about this book: meltemd3@yahoo.com
Rating:  Summary: Hate inspiring book with one-sided views!!! Review: As a professor of history with specialization on Caucasian history, I advise people who might be interested in reading this book to not waste their money on this ill-written and one-sided "analysis" of the so called "Armenian Genocide". I am not a Turk nor do I have Turkish friends or family. In a world that contains many ethnic, religious, or racial disputes, I believe that ethnocentricity should be fought against. The Armenians are trying to get the sympathy of the Western world in order to recognize what they call"genocide". But the word genocide is a strong vengeful word. One cannot look at only one side of the story. Yes, many Armenians died during the First World War but who knows about the many Azeri that died in the hands of the Armenian people. I am sick and tried of one-sided accounts and I believe books like this are actually causing hatred and ethnocentricity in this world. We have to start to understand from past mistakes and start seeing the two sides to everything. I strongly discourage anyone who thinks about buying this book.
Rating:  Summary: Deception! Review: I couldn't help myself but to point out that the review titled "Sad Book" posted by "A reader" is not a genuine review. It can only be an Armenian posing as a Turk who is apologizing to the Armenians while accusing the Turks. The Turkish names he used are not right, the spelling and punctuation erroneous. I advise the readers to disregard his deceiving review.