Rating:  Summary: Hmmmm... Review: I found this exceptionally interesting but I have to say I am not helped a great deal. I much preferred and am guided by a reality based novel I've just finished by Jerry Furland, "Transfer-the end of the beginning". Furland's book is stunning, where Icke is more froth and foam. Which is not to say I dismiss his work. I just find it, well, not as helpful.
Rating:  Summary: thenk you thank you thank you Review: I have known about the Bildebergers, the trilateralists and the Masonic groups and there one worfd Gov't for a long time now but have always felt "stupid to mention it to anyone I knew because it sounded so far fetched and made me look like a fool.Now I feel vindicated and "won't be fooled again" .David Icke has put together all that I have been hearing for the past 40 years. However he hasn't corolated it with the Bible.David of the old testemant and Revelations in the "new" told us that the last government on this world would be a ten nation confederation that shall be made of iron and clay. A beast of 10 nations that shall rise up in the last days that shall cause all people to have its "number" in their hand or forehead,and that without that "computer chip" installed in them they cannot buy or sell" and HERE it is. But thats not bad .It means this system of things is almost over!!!!! One more thing David didn't mention is that the U.S gov't is probably responsible for the AIDS epedemic in Africa . for whatever reason the One World Elitists have for doing it
Rating:  Summary: Read it as fiction, get past the first chapter, think! Review: In all fiction there is some truth. What "shakes out" after reading this book explains much of what is really going on in the world today. Now I understand how and why our health care system is being destroyed through the government and who is profiting as a result. What shakes out explains Kosovo, Timor, Desert Storm, Mexico, India, China, and all the players on the world stage in a manner too familiar to anyone who follows the news. However, I agree that some of the material seems to be disinformation and I am forced to wonder whether Mr. Icke is one of THEM. If he truly wished to expose a global control conspiracy (The New World Order) in a believable fashion, the 4th dimension and ET's, vibrations and other New Age claptrap would have been left out of this writing. However, if he wanted to totally discredit his own theory of global control by an "elite" few, and to make anyone who took it seriously look like a nutcase, he almost succeeded. Read this book as fiction, get past the first chapter, then think real hard about what is happening around the world and what part of this might be true. See what "shakes out." If you are thinking of voting in the next presidential election, this is must reading.
Rating:  Summary: A Bible for Paranoids Review: David Icke has woven half-truths and suspect genological research into a web of inanity that boggles the mind. It would actually be funny if there weren't people who believe this sort of thing. It is interesting that he drops the suggestion that those who don't believe him are under the Conspirators' control, a specious tactic used by other such luminaries as Hitler, Stalin, and Jim Jones... There are so many holes in his logic and "proof" that I can't list them all--or even begin, in this forum, to address them all. Suffice it to say that this book is one of the biggest wastes of time I have ever encountered. I am considering suing Mr. Icke in order to get my four hours back (that's how long it took me to read it). I am aware that there is a certain segment of society who eats this kind of stuff up, and I am sure for them, this book is a godsend. I hated it, and I am filled with despair and pity at the fact that at this advanced state, human beings are still so gullible as to believe something like this. Rather ironic, too, perhaps we should have extra-terrestrials controlling us--things might go more smoothly...
Rating:  Summary: Sometimes the truth is more complex then you can accept! Review: Listen to everone, Read everything, then do you own research. David Icke himself will tell you not take any information as the 'gospel', do you own research. Just because something seems to be beyond belief doesn't mean it's not true. There are very bizarre things going on in the world and the illusion of reality that we create around ourselves it not 'True Reality'.What's really interesting is how people tend to believe whats true or not based on the interpretation of some institutional professional;i.e. Doctors,Lawyers,College Professors... However ,most of the time these sources are as disillusioned as the rest of us, although they claim to have been granted some higher wisdom , when in fact to the contrary. Be assured the facts of the truth have been withheld from all, regardless of their brainwashing education...David Icke is 99.9% right on the money with the information he presents and if you doubt it, then do you own research...
Rating:  Summary: While quite scholarly, David Icke selectively uses facts! Review: While taking staistics in Graduate School my Professor would state that " there are lies, damn lies and statistics." He would also note that one could do anything they wanted with a set of facts so be carefull to understand that person's bias.David Icke's ... and the truth shall set you free constantly, as I read it, reminded me of my Professor's admonitions. Mr. Icke's agenda bursts forth as he unfolds his created hypothysis' of " Controll & Conspiracies." I was particularly disturbed as I read this negative "expose" of how bright and scholarly Mr. Icke is and therefore how convincing his treatise is for so many impressionable readers! After sex scandels I guess conspiracy will always sell; but to spend a whole life on Negativity when a bright viabrant person could write about so many Positive things seem to me to be a waste. Richard M. Stein ( I belong to no organizations, orders nor am I a Puppet to anyone!)
Rating:  Summary: A lesson in Reality Review: I found the early chapters very difficult due the emphasis on 'new age beliefs' and extra-terrestrials, presenting subjects with which I am not convinced. However, once the author began with the crux of his arguments, and the very believable presentation of theories and facts that were inter-related with the 'global elite', I could not put the book down. I have since had a really good look through the internet and many of the names and organisations mentioned do in fact stack up. It was a fascinating read, and it has certainly opened my eyes, indeed, a reality check. My one question is, what will we do with his information?
Rating:  Summary: excellent book- full of rare information Review: the book was well done- a bit long though. Also, a bit much on the New Age side, but full of good, hard to find, factual information not covered in the mainstrean or alternative presses. An excellent read
Rating:  Summary: Explosive, liberating stuff that's a must for any open mind Review: This was probably the most captivating book I've come across. I do not agree with everything the author says. I was particularly annoyed by his stance on religion and I have great difficulty buying his concepts about the solution to this problem. However, the logic behind the Conspiracy Theory is basically sound and very difficult to dismiss as rediculous. Ordinarily I would dismiss the theory of a small group effectively running the world but the argument was persuasive. It expalins many of the realities were are faced with today. Coming from Africa, I never really understood why corruption is so rife on the continent and why these very ruthless dictators are supported by the West even when their activities are common knowledge. Now I shall wonder no more! In fact, it is sobering to realise that the endless civil wars (Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia) are now escalating to inter-country wars (D.R.Congo/Zimbabwe vs Uganda/etc) as has been happening in the past two years. In short, read the book and have your eyes opened to what's really happening!
Rating:  Summary: An intriguing explanation! Review: Icke's book offers an intriguing explanation for many events and seeming coincidences. What's even more remarkable is the irrepressible march of these events across the centuries toward a single goal: this goal is worldwide control. Such tyranny or totalitarian government was impossible until the technologies of today became available. The third Roman Emperor, Caligula, an insane despot, once wished that "all humanity had one neck so I could cut it through with one slash of my sword". His wish would be possible two thousand years later, though the "necks" appear to be interconnected financial interests and the sword the blade of debt. I wonder if this blade cuts both ways, however? Another thought this book brings to mind is a comparison of the goals of the "manipulators" with those of the "world controllers" in the 1930-something book "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley. Unlike 1984, this Brave New World (or the New World Order?) has attractiveness in its seduction of human freedom. Humans caged in comfort, as long as they don't know that they're caged, could be quite happy. At least as long as the keepers of the cage keep it clean and bountifully stocked. Now if they're in the cage with us, hmmmm. The only thing I did not like about the book was the discussions at the very beginning about "extraterrestrials". Whether true or not, it would certainly repel some serious readers. For example, I almost returned the book, thinking it was a crock though later, upon further reading, I was persuaded to keep an open mind. Regardless of what you might think of Icke's explanations, his evidence and conclusions regarding the human affairs described are powerful and unnerving. Indeed, the truth will set you free. This book adds some truth to the propaganda our masters (Corporations and a new form of slavery) dish out to us. (Small footnote: The quote, becoming the title of the book, is attributed to the New Testament, where it does appear; however it appeared a hundred or so years earlier than John's gospel in the Aeneid of the Roman poet, Virgil: "...veritas te liberabit" - "the truth will set you free".) Highly recommended!