Rating:  Summary: My experience Review: "While quite puzzled at first, our 10-year-old absolutely "blossomed" with our use of the methods developed by Howard Glasser. While the book itself was effective in getting reasonably fast and positive results, attending the presentation was all the more helpful and supportive, and it provided more tactics, ideas and examples to make the program an even greater success. We had almost given up, I thought it was too late to break old habits!" - Nan Macy
Rating:  Summary: I can't believe how much this book make sense!!! Review: I have been waiting on this book for some time now, and when I stated looking at I wasn't sure that I was going to buy it. I can't tell you how glad I am that I did. I started to read the first chapter and couldn't stop. I can't wait to try this appraoch on my son. I like the book so much that I am going to one of the seminar's that Howard Glasser does to help reinforce what I have learn. I recommend this book to anyone who has a child that is very intense . You will not regret it .
Rating:  Summary: More Than Other Systems Review: I hope no one really thinks of this like other methods. Yes, I've read and tried many of them too, but don't fool yourself. No other system I've found makes the success piece anywhere as powerful as these methods. Also, no other system that I know of gets the part about not accidentally rewarding negativity nearly as clean as this. I thought I was good at this already and I wound up finding all kinds of subtle ways through reading this book where I was giving energy to negativity. Changing that made an immediate impact. And the clincher was the perfectly clean way that rules, consequences and accountability happens in this system. I should say bravo. My husband and I have made a huge difference in the lives of our children in completely positive ways. This is so much more than standard fare behavior management. The compelling part is how clearly nurturing and heart-centered this method is. The part about how to work with the rules is so different but the effect is like magic. I wish I knew this when my children were younger. I would have done this from birth. I couldn't imagine giving a stronger recommendation. The metaphors and examples are perfect and the effect is greater than you can imagine.
Rating:  Summary: Thank you Review: Finally I have found a method that makes a difference. My child has responded instantly to these strategies. The book truly makes the points so clearly and all the examples are perfect. Thank you for this book. I couldn't be more pleased.
Rating:  Summary: No "new" approach and an IRRITATING writing style Review: If you're contemplating this book, you've probably read many other parenting books and tried numerous approaches to improve the relationship between you and your children. The book has some variations of ideas that have been around for awhile ("catch them being good", "earning privileges" by using a reward for good behavior, and "time-outs"), but nothing revolutionary. The authors use frequent, annoying metaphors to explain simple concepts and repeat themselves a lot, resulting in a difficult-to-read, confusing book. Before deciding to try the "Nurtured Heart" approach, you might want to read "Punished by Rewards" by Alfie Kohn, who challenges reliance on carrot-and-stick psychology.As an alternative, I highly recommend "Kids, Parents, and Power Struggles : Winning for a Lifetime" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka who also offers a nurturing approach to these spirited children (the author uses a more positive word than difficult, don't you think?), but without a reward-based system.
Rating:  Summary: An Answer to our Prayers Review: This book is terrific. It has been an answer to our prayers. I can't say enough about the wonderful changes in our 5yr old daughter. If you have read all the books and nothing is helping, please try one more. The techniques work and it's easy to do. Our daughter feels confident, we feel confident in our parenting. We saw improvements immediately and things just keep getting better. Before reading this book and applying these techniques, we were sure medication was in our future. We are so proud of her and she is so proud of herself. IT'S WONDERFUL!!
Rating:  Summary: No More Fighting Review: Not only was the fighting most everyday prdictable between my children, but it was beginning to get pretty rough between my wife and I. She'd be mad at me for trying to come down hard when things were falling apart and I'd be half crazy when she would just let things go or always trying to solve things by just being nice and talking things through. Neither way was working very well and we were falling apart. We haven't been anything but peaceful lately. It's been much more loving and I can't tell you how nice that feels. This book gave me the step by step way to make this happen.
Rating:  Summary: Exceptional Review: After sharing my success using this approach in my family I took the risk of recommending the Nurtured Heart Approach to a number of my friends. It has resulted in many exceptional stories of change in our families. The changes in our stress levels, our relationships with our spouses and our children are really pretty amazing. I'm at the point where I really trust that this is something I can keep going and I can see how this will just continue to help my child grow in the direction of success. He's already so much more respectful and responsible and his attitude and cooperation is so improved already.
Rating:  Summary: nothing really revolutionary Review: More of a common sense approach. Could use more real life examples instead of metaphores.
Rating:  Summary: Great Stuff Review: I'm not normally given to using superlatives, but this book isremarkable. I have two children: one an eight year-old with AttentionDefict Hyperactivity Disorder who had been doing horribly at school(calls home every other day) and worse at home (non-stop oppositionand arguments), and a ten year-old daughter who had always beendelightful, but who had recently started being resentful. Bothchildren are doing so much better. It's been about two months since Istarted employing the techniques in the book. They have so greatlynurtured both children. My daughter's back to being wonderful, buteven more motivated and respectful than ever and my son's just thebiggest suprise. He is showing so much dignity and ability to makegood choices and using good self-control and the presence of all theother qualities that the authors taught me to spark. It's almost likemy son is refusing to break the rules. The authors use analogies andexamples so well. I really relied on all the examples to help meimplement the strategies. I've given several copies of the book topeople I knew were having similar problems and the sense I am gettingis that they have had equivilent success. I think the best part isthat my fiancee and my parents are now taking my ability to parentseriously and have followed my lead in terms of following themodel. These are people who were always giving me advise because theydidn't exactly believe in my abilities.