Rating:  Summary: Compelling Saga Review: I expected to like this book, but it surpassed my expectations. I wanted to learn how a relatively openly gay man descended into the heart of the fundamentalist, racist anti-Clinton machine. Brock covers the matter in short order moving on to confess his sins, along with those of his fellow right-wing "journalists."This book has survived. Unlike the sclock Brock wrote about Anita Hill, no one has refuted the facts he presents here. The stories Brock relays are all the more credible because he has surrendered his friendships, his comfortable living standard, and his career to tell them. It is apparent that this book was written as part of an inner-journey of self-forgivness, not for popularity or money, and we are lucky to be invited along to watch. It is sad that more people to do not read. The reviewers who say they found this book difficult or confusing are disingenuous. It is a smooth, crystal-clear read. I digested the entire thing in about 24 hours. Learning that Clarence Thomas is unethical and lied at his confirmation hearings (as even his closest friends now seem to acknowledge) was no great revelation to this reader. His self-confessed addiction to pornography does but results in pity more than anger at his hypocritical behavior. Neither does the frightening inflitration of the federal judiciary by minions of the Federal Society come as news to anyone who follows case law. What does, unfortunately, become impossible to deny after reading this book is that Hillary was correct about the "vast right-wing conspiracy." It may not be vast, and it is out to destroy more than the Clintons, but it is not fiction. The reason for the wholesale right-off of this book in some quarters will be apparent to most readers. Fundamentalist christians, for instances, could not confront the reality put forth by Brock: they have been duped by the elite of the Republican party who do not really share their social views. Of course, that is the beauty of duping fundamentalists; they do not concern themselves much with reality. The contents of Binded by the Right are disturbing. They represent the worst in American politics. But they show the brainwash performed by the conservative "movement" and the undeniable pursuit of the Clintons at any expense. It is unsavory but a must-read. If nothing else, then it clears Anita Hill's good name and forever buries the ficticious claims raised in Troopergate. Recommended for people who use their intellect in their political decision making who are willing to accept an work of contrition.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but not balanced. Hardly credible.... Review: David Brock has some explaining to do. He starts out liberal, and then becomes a conservative. Well, not just conservative, but a hatchet-man for the Clinton-hating far right. Then, we are told, he has an epiphany. Now he has morphed again into a born-again liberal. His tale is interesting, but the book is clearly intended to do what he does best--character assassination. The only thing that changes is his target, which is generally one of convenience (or whoever will sign the biggest check apparently). Brock's hatchet job on the right can be construed as no more credible than his previous hatchet job on the left. We are left wondering to what values does David Brock owe his loyalty other than character assassination for $$$$. This makes him the worst sort of political being. He failed to pull off what others have what other pundits have done so well. Chris Matthews, for example, is an admitted Liberal but he treats the opposition with respect and is willing to concede a point here and there. When he speaks, we listen. Dick Morris has the same sort of credibility. He understands politics and the mood of the electorate. He has political leanings to the right, and thus what he says is powerful because he helped people on the left ( Bill Clinton ) tap into that understanding. This book represents David Brock cashing in his credibility for a paycheck. Now that nobody will likely befriend him, much less trust his loyalty, who will he have to assassinate next? This book is more interesting as a psychological study of David Brock than it is a truth-telling portrayal of the realpolitik we live in. David Brock would have done better if he had done less hatchet work and more honest discussion about the dangers of what the far right is doing to the Republican party, and how it might reform itself to win elections in the future. He also ignores that the same type of "conspiracy" exists on the far left. An honest discussion would have salvaged David Brock's credibility and perhaps brought him to the forefront as an honest broker in the world of politics. What a shame...
Rating:  Summary: Excellent read Review: This man really knows how to write. It is fluid and fairly easy to follow, considering how complicated the plot gets with all the various characters he knew throughout his career. The book is very insightful. I was left wondering where he stands now, since I don't believe he is a staunch conservative or a liberal. Gee, he may just have made it to the center!
Rating:  Summary: Shining a Light into a Vast Well of Darkness Review: It is a rare person who can own up to past mistakes and youthful delusions. More rare is a person doing so publicly. So, bravo to David Brock. I've nothing but admiration for that all-too-rare quality of trying to correct personal wrongs. (And David, a request? Please call Anita Hill and finally apologize. Does she not deserve this? And will you not benefit as well?) That said, Brock's book is a fascinating, grim, and quite scary insiders look at what is wrong with American politics. Sadly, I've no idea of how to repair the serious decline in ethics, standards -- and vision -- that has overwhelmed American politics (right and left), but I thank Brock for shining a light into a vast well of darkness.
Rating:  Summary: A Journey through America Political Culture War's Right Review: David Brock, former right-wing conservative pundit and inner circle (investigative) reporter tells his story of becoming a rabidly conservative writer and then his turn of conscience to the compassionate left. Pretty interesting read about the workings of the inner circle of the right wing conservatives. He wrote a bit of material in the Washington Times, the Spectator, and a couple of other conservative rags. He wrote the book about Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas, "vindicating" Thomas' alleged sexual misbehavior (which turned out to be true in the end). Eventually, he came out of the closet, but remained a friend of the circle due to his excellent ability to bash democrats. In the end, he was cast out because he wouldn't write an inaccurate book about Hillary Clinton (however, he wrote an ill-informed book on Anita Hill during a time of more innocence -- at least this is how Brock puts it) and because he was gay which had been accepted as long as he was bashing democrats and the left. Brock tells all. He drops lots of names and stories about how this upper circle operates and what they hope to accomplish. Mostly he claims the information within is true. At times he offers some speculations and some rumors, but mostly not. The story runs chronologically and adds a lot of his personal insights and some quotes and references. It does seem a bit repetitive at times, but its removal might have made the book seem more a list of facts than feeling like you're sort of tagging along looking over his shoulder. Interesting nonetheless and a good reason for all of us to remain wary about and attentive to what is happening now. The main unfortunate thing is no cheat sheet on the cast of characters, although it'd be pages long. At times, it was hard to keep up with all the people introduced. You'll have to make your own.
Rating:  Summary: A Behind the Scenes Look at the Right Wing Review: David Brock's "Blinded by the Right..." is required reading for political junkies, especially those who were on the battlefield during the "scandal" hysteria over the Clintons in the 1990s. Brock, who began as a Bobby Kennedy follower, changed when at Berkley during the early 1980s he witnessed the intolerance of leftist student politics. Disillusioned, he moved right--far right--and became famed at a journalistic hit man for the Right, targetting Anita Hill, the bimbos in Bill Clinton's past, and other liberal icons working for the Washington Times and The Spectator magazine. In some ways, Brock's book is two stories: one is of his political journey from left to right to, I guess, moderate. This should be taken into account in reading his account because passionate devotees of a cause who recant are not always the best reporters of what in fact took place. Brock's accounts of his former right-wing friends, their physical appearance, their homes, mannerisms, etc., is often biting and a bit snippy. The other story is of Brock, a gay man who was deep in the closet during his long association with Rightist moralists, and his "coming out" and the effect it had on his friends and associates. The most useful part of the book is Brock's detailing of the "vast right-wing conspirators," the venom and hatred they displayed against the Clintons in which truth and fact are sublimated to their eventual goal of the overthrow of the Clintons, and the generally unflattering portraits of most of the Conservative movers and shakers. It is, in many respects, a chilling portrait. Liberals, too, can be mean and nasty but as a whole they are Sunday School players compared to the Rightist opposition. One drawback to the book is the lack of an index and, perhaps, some sort of list of names and who they were and what they did. Those who follow politics closely can get by, by those not immersed may find the going a bit confusing.
Rating:  Summary: I Wish I Could Believe Him Review: I don't doubt that there is the possibility of a right-wing conspiracy. I enjoy seeing people like Ann Coulter get trashed in print...to a point. I would just rather have the source of this information be someone with a bit more credibility than Mr. Brock. When all is said and done, one is left with the impression that the only cause David Brock truly believes in is David Brock, and that totally undermines his credibility. I would like to believe him...but his rather compromised background makes it impossible. The result leaves the liberal reader more unsatisfied than anything else.
Rating:  Summary: Don't know if I can finish! Review: I'm about halfway through but I have become so angry that I had to put it down and switch to a book on herb gardening for a breath of fresh air. It amazes me that people can sink so low under the guise of being minders of the country's best interests. How do these people go to sleep at night?
Rating:  Summary: Conservative....YEAH RIGHT Review: ... Not only does this book lack in any good reason for being Liberal it is poorly written, boring and sometimes hard to understand who this person is talking about. I'd pass on this book if given another chance....
Rating:  Summary: A Fascinating Book, important to understand the 90's Review: This is simply an amazing, detailed and damning book that gives a complete documentation of the conservative tactics used during the 1990's. Liberals should read this to understand what they are up against and conservatives in the hope of making up for some of their egregious actions.