Rating:  Summary: I believe him... Review: But not for the reasons you're probably expecting. I am not surprised to hear about conservative conspiracies. Welcome to politics. And while the book is obviously an attempt at redemption, that does not necessarily mean that it's true.I believe it for the same reason that I almost stopped reading it: the editing is lousy. Brock obviously wrote a stream-of-consciousness recreation of the last several years. That's why I believe him. I do not care about the names and the dates and the places. Only memories are this disjointed and sporadic; lies are smooth and cohesive. Of course, his editors should have made some sense out of the rambling. The book is difficult to follow because it jumps around in time... I was interested in the material, and I always finish a book that I start, so I read it. It was still very hard to follow.
Rating:  Summary: First Hand Evidence of Right-Wing Nut-Job Hypocrisy Review: David Brock exposes what we have all known for a long time: there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy" and it is operated by a nutty clique of zealous hypocrites. Does Brock provide evidence of his claims and does Brock back up his charges? YES. Full of first-hand accounts, detailed descriptions, and thoughtful opinions, Brock's book is as enjoyable as it is informative. It is a must read for anyone who wants to know the truth by looking beneath the surface of the hateful spin spewed by the ultra-right. The many reviews by right-wingers on this site is evidence that Brock's former collegues have succeeded with their tiresome propagandist attacks. My guess is that most have not even bothered to read Brock's book, for if they had they would be ashamed of themselves and embarrassed by those they adore.
Rating:  Summary: Blinded by self pity Review: David Brock is a talented writer and journalist. That is why this book, loaded with vitriolic self hatred, is a tragic waste. Every journalist (even Brock) knows that front loaded ad hominem arguments, particularly those designed to attack a person's physical attributes, are meant to instill in the reader a cartoon caricature making it more likely a reader will blindly accept any number of unsupported slanders, no matter how outrageous. Unfortunately this is the pit which Brock has dug for himself in this reasonably well written but poorly documented book. Over 300 pages of this vitriol leaves the reader exhausted. If there is a message that Brock conveys in this piece, it is, "Poor me! I have been victimized by so many bad people..." Somehow Brock would have us believe that all of this drivel is intimitely tied into his homosexuality. Frankly, no one cares about his sexual orientation. Real journalists, on the left or the right, care about journalistic integrity; solid, well sourced reporting. As a political writer David Brock has yet to prove that he has that integrity.
Rating:  Summary: Not Myopic Anymore Review: The book is good, not great. It confirms my suspicions of the conservative slander machine. The book details the Right-Wing as the hypocritical lunatics they are. A must read for any centrist on the right or left. Moderate republicians will gain the most out of the book by hopefully regainging power in the party they lost to the Right-Wing radicals.
Rating:  Summary: A Respone To The Concience Of An Ex-Conservitave Review: I his latest publication, longtime right-wing journalist and wirter declares his defection from the Republican Party. In his book, Brock reveals for all to see the alleged hypocracy and resistance to social change that ultimately drove him to abandon conservitave polotics. What your political leanings are will probably detirmine whether or not you belive what Brock has to say. A Democrat might absorb what is written and belive it. The Left-winger might declare it an expose of a conspiracy against the Democrats and liberal values spanning more that twenty years. A Republican might maintain that David Brock is a muck wirter on the scale of Upton Sinclair. The Right-winger might say Brock is merely underminig the dominat political force in Washington. If Democrats were in power, he would still be attacking them. Whether or not you belive Brock's claims or not, he did write an excellent and well-organized narritave. Definitely a book worthe reading. Whatever your politics.
Rating:  Summary: HILLARY WAS RIGHT! Review: I wanted to get to the meat of the subject immediately, so I found it a bit verbose. But, it did do a fine job of covering the Right Wing [practices]. I knew the right wing would do anything to "get" Clinton, but it was enlightening to actually read about the history and the details of the "war" against Clinton. Republicans should read it to see if they really agree with the ... tactics of the right wing. Democrats should read it to see the kind of deviousness they're up against. And, Independents should read it to get an insight into the effects of a systematic assault on a good man and a great President, Bill Clinton.
Rating:  Summary: Bonjour Tristesse Review: Most readers are likely to either applaud or disparage David Brock's book, Blinded by the Right, according to their own preconceptions. But it impressed me in no greater way than as a note of tristesse (sadness). Any joy gotten from reading about the bashing of the Clinton-bashers is less to the point than that their bashing turned the American mainstream media from responsibility into a state of tabloid mentality. Brock has at least made the rare move of admitting he was wrong. His whole adult life appears to have been a lie, and he undoubtedly has much company among other budding and corrupted journalists. His story is an object lesson illustrating the word "mumpsimus", defined by the Oxford English Dictionary; it is essentially a belief or believer in a notion or concept proven to be incorrect or unreasonable, or an ignorant or bigoted opponent of reform. The book may or may not be a revenue source, but it is certainly a mea culpa of the first magnitude.
Rating:  Summary: There really is a right-wing conspiracy. Review: For thirty years I was a Republican. But events of the past fifteen years or so have convinced me (as they did "Mr. Conservative," Barry Goldwater, before his death) that the far-right wing of the Grand Old Party is no longer loyal to genuine conservative principles but, rather, is committed instead to the enrichment of wealthy individuals and corporations. David Brock was a writer who, by his own admission, unscrupulously wrote whatever would advance the interests of this far-right oligarchy -- without regard for who was hurt or whether or not what he wrote was true. Eventually though, he could take no more and this book is his revelation of what he did and saw others do. Fortunately, there are still honorable Republicans such as John McCain, Bob Dole, and Jack Kemp. But, regrettably, they have little influence on the party in its current stance -- and no influence on it's far-right wing. Read this book and decide for yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Extraordinarily interesting read Review: What a remarkable expose. Regardless of where you fall on the spectrum, I think one has to read this book to help make up your own mind about the political history of the 1990s. It's a fascinating read, full of named names and detailed accounts of a not-so-righteous right-wing machinery. It's a shame to read the ad homininum attacks on the author (some reviews in this space) as simplistic rebuttals. Brock skewers himself as much as anyone with this book; judge for yourself his crediblity. And if even a third of the picture that this book paints is true...I am worried.
Rating:  Summary: Blinded by the Right Review: If you love politics and you love a good scandal then this book is for you. Brock tells the American public all of the un-American tactics that he participated in as a member of the right-wing party during the 90's. Brock reveals that there truly was a right-wing conspiracy to destroy President Clinton and to cast a dark shadow over the entire Democratic Party. The book is written in a flat tone of voice, which comes across rather eerie when Brock describes the dirty tactics used by the right-wing conspirators. Recently this book has come under fire by many people from the right. They say that what Brock is depicting in the book is a lie, my question is, if it is a lie, and the events never truly happened, then why is the right making such a fuss. It seems that Brock certainly stirred up something by writing this tell all political novel.