Rating:  Summary: Very interesting book about employers Review: I have such nice time in the couch reading this book. It was very nicely written. I really believe Mr. Burrel was more a friend than a butler. I cannot see anybody who will stand in a job that required 14 or more hours a day, away from family, just tending a single woman (even if she is a princess)if this person was not a true friend. She may have been a "remarkable"woman, but to make a employee work 14 hours a day, she seemed like mrs. X in another bestseller called "The nanny diaries" or the employer in the book "The Devils Wears Prada". Only a true friend will stand such job for that long, putting family behind this remarkable woman. I admire his wife even more for her patience and to share her husband's time with the princess. I believe mr. Burrel understood her much more than Prince Charles, or her own family, and comfort her loneliness with his friendship. Mr. Burrel, i see you as a remarkable man and friend.
Rating:  Summary: The Definitive History ON Diana Review: So many stories have been written, and will be. Paul Burrell is the only person other than Diana herself who can give an accurate portrayl of her life. Even William will know less than her Butler. With honesty and integrity, but candor, he tells the truth. It should be a bestseller.Couldn't put it down. S Brown
Rating:  Summary: A Brilliant, Necessary Contribution to History Review: I just finished reading Mr. Burrell's affectionate memoir, and congratulate his courage, stamina and his great talent as a writer. This book is not a "tell-all," and is suffused with the author's great feelings of respect for the late Princess Diana. I was stunned after completing the book, foremost for the reason that I believe Mr. Burrell has gently revealed the truth of his experience first as a rookie at Buckingham Palace then leading up to his singular position as Princess Diana's butler, confidant, subsequently wearing a plethora of "hats" as his historic account relates. A ROYAL DUTY is a compelling book, and the ending is unpredictable, and unbelievably tense. For an American reader, the ultra class-conscious UK elite closing in on the author after Diana's death seems just a short stretch from the current politcal climate in the U.S. This book is a triumph, a detailed chronicle of how Burrell adapted to an exceptional, singular role under crippling environmental pressure. I loved it, and hats off to Paul Burrell for the fine job he's done both in dispelling the myths surrounding Princess Diana, and in writing this brilliant book to set the record straight.
Rating:  Summary: A tasteful un-tell-all... Review: After the furor from the Royal Family when this book came out (and my initial disappointment in Diana's 'Rock'), I was pleasantly surprised to find that Mr. Burrell did not spill the beans after all! A first-hand account of what life was like taking care of the Princess - both during the last part of her marriage to Prince Charles and in the final days before her tragic death. Just enough of behind the scenes to be engrossing without letting us know the intimate details that, to be honest, we don't need to hear. Hated to reach the end, but will read it again in the future. Happy to know that Diana's right hand man will take her real secrets with him to the grave. As it should be.
Rating:  Summary: A True Friend and Dedicated Servant Review: Mr. Burrell dedicated years to the Royal Family and to the Princess. I think that due to his name being dragged into the mud by the Spenser's, he had no other choice but to write a book to clear his name and get the record straight. People can be so greedy and cold hearted. Lies and deceitfulness make a person so monstrous. The book describes so many things you've ever wondered about the Palace and more. It was amazing. Congratualtions to Paul & Maria on a victorious trial and to the Queen for her efforts in helping Mr. Burrell. Long Live the Queen. And the mistresses of the Prince of Wales. Shame shame we know your name. In the end, Paul still defended the Royal Family.
Rating:  Summary: BURRELL SETS THE REAL ROYAL HISTORY RECORD STRAIGHT Review: I cannot stand the distance that the Royal family has with the common people. If they want to preserve the monarchy, they need to begin expressing a little more warmth towards people around the world. Instead, they choose to be downright disturbing, ultra-spoiled, and mean hearted. On the other hand, Burrell's book actually goes out on a limb to express the importance and generosity of the MONARCHY. You can see the love and Royal respect he has for the Queen, the Duke of Edinburgh, and Diana!!! Burrell knew the real Diana and provides the truth about her boring and deft husband who cheated like the sack of dirt that he chooses to be. I sure hope that the Queen, an extremely intelligent woman, outlives her own son and gives the title of King directly to William. Don't kid yourself she will hang on to her title as best as she can because she too is disillusioned with her son's spoiled ways. The truth is definitely revealed in this book the way history truly unfolded. Nothing is twisted, contorted, or made to fit an agenda!!! Of course, he knew the princess inside and outside as he was her true confidant. You begin to understand the princess and observe her idiotic, cruel, distant, greedy, and hypocritical SPENCER family the CORRECT way. They are nothing but royal brats. May the two sisters and brother live a wonderful life with sweet dreams haunted by their sister!!! I feel Burrell tells this story in an extremely judicious mannner. He explicates the good and bad on practically everbody including himself. I don't feel he is obsessed like some of you naive gray suits out there. Anyone, who feels he is obsessed in a bad way is disrespecting the memory of Diana. She behaved more royally than some of the Royal family members. No, I am not suggesting she is perfect, but she was definitely not ourageous or mentally ill like some people would like to suggest to tarnish her character. Diana knew that the Royal family needed to change and update their old fashioned ways with some reality. She could have been a wonderful asset to the monarchy just like Paul could have been with her Memorial fund. Unfortunately, the ... gray suit people remain the problem with the monarchy and will probably be the demise of it in the end. This is by far the best DIANA book or Royal book that I have ever read. Of course, Paul loved "The Boss" and the Queen because he was bred to be the best servant and friend ever!!! Paul Burrell's writing is extremely honest, and he is an extremely likable character. This could be the real reason people don't like him. People never want to hear the truth!!! Diana is definitely gone for a reason. Think about it!!! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE. Diana was courageous, passionate, and stood for the truth. Most people refuse to put themselves on a limb.
Rating:  Summary: Worried about Burrell's mental health...... Review: This book was an overall interesting read. I enjoyed the details about life with the royals. But after the first half of the book the story seemed to get bogged down with Mr. Burrell's "obsession" with Diana. I am surprised that his wife stayed with him -- it was quite obvious to me that his true affection was for Diana and he even admits at one point that he had "more respect" for her than for his wife. It leaves me wondering what would have happened had Diana not been killed.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Diana Book I've Read Review: I was very impressed with the way this book was written. I feel it is the most believable one written. There is no mud slinging in any direction. Of all the books written about Diana since her death, I believe this one (and I have read them all) to be the most honest. Paul Burrell was the closest person to her. He sets the record straight about Diana and the kind of person she was without painting her as a perfect saint. I highly recommend this book.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Travel Book Review: Wonderful book. Took it with me to Honolulu ..and while I was on the beach it never left my side-fascinating story. Mr Burrell's honesty and loyalty are impossible to miss. He gives the first believable account of the Royals, their society, and an understanding of the complexity of the beautiful Princess Diana. His story is defintely worth reading!!
Rating:  Summary: Burrell shouldn't have been summoned by Wm. for a meeting Review: This is one of the most fantastic books ever written about Princess Diana. I have most every book out there on Princess Diana, her life, her death, practically anything anyone could want to know, I have in books, and plenty of them. I was so very impressed how Burrell maintained a certain level of dignity, respect and honour for Princess Diana. I do not feel that he "spilled any secrets", on the contrary. Paul Burrell cleared up alot of information and set the record straight about the information that was roaming around untrue, confused or exagerated upon. William should not have summoned Mr. Burrell to a meeting with him unless it was to shake his hand and tell him Thank you for upholding his mother. If William wanted to summon anyone to a meeting with him to discuss his unhappiness about a book written about his mother, he should have summoned James Hewitt. Hewitt's book was nothing but a money maker for him. He prostituted Princess Diana just like all the other slugs that wrote garbage about her for a quick buck. Burrell's "A Royal Duty" is the one book that I highly recommend to all readers, especially the British readers that wanna bash Burrell. If anyone in royal circles knew what was goin on in Diana's life, Paul Burrell would have known and I am sure that there are thousands of secrets he could have told but chose not to and I don't blame him one bit for writing this book and reaping monetary rewards for it, look at all the man lost because of the Spencer family. Not only did he lose money and nearly his freedom, he also lost the respect of the British citizens, he was humiliated, he was embarrassed...just to name a few. Why shouldn't he get repaid for all he went through. I'm sure Diana would agree. Kudo's to you Mr. Burrell.