Rating:  Summary: Finally, a feminist view Review: The Bush administration surely is the worst regarding core women's issues, such as bodily sovereignty, adequate health care, indifference to unemployment, discrimination against single women, diplomacy rather than militarism in international relations, and dozens of others. Finally, we are blessed with a feminist deconstruction of this administration's window dressing pretense of supporting women by appointing what can only be called Bush worshipping females. Thanks, and congratulations to Laura Flanders for this gift.
Rating:  Summary: yeesh Review: the word maroon is an insult as in this sentence "what a maroon". it is also a color and also a verb! a word can have many meanings!!! isnt english a great language. also missing the point, The study wasnt to show that abortion is wrong or right. It was to show that people really shouldn't speak for an entire segment of society, especially one as diverse as an entire gender making up over 50 percent of population. though i forget that liberals like putting people into catergories because it makes it easier to understand them. People shouldnt base thier opinions on polls or on how many people agree with them.and yes the last reviewer is a maroon
Rating:  Summary: yeesh Review: the word maroon is an insult as in this sentence "what a maroon". it is also a color and also a verb! a word can have many meanings!!! isnt english a great language. also missing the point, The study wasnt to show that abortion is wrong or right. It was to show that people really shouldn't speak for an entire segment of society, especially one as diverse as an entire gender making up over 50 percent of population. though i forget that liberals like putting people into catergories because it makes it easier to understand them. People shouldnt base thier opinions on polls or on how many people agree with them. and yes the last reviewer is a maroon
Rating:  Summary: Required reading for all Americans Review: This book is an absorbing, enlightening, and thoroughly captivating read. Packed with well-researched information and analysis almost never found in newsmedia coverage of these women with a capital "W", this is honest journalism that exposes these key players in the current administration for who they really are. From "Condi" Rice on down the line, Flanders carefully unearths each biography and track record with a "just-the-facts" approach that leaves no doubt as to how these women have served a radical right-wing agenda even as they've benefitted from the womens' and other progressive movements along the way. Should be required reading for absolutely everyone.
Rating:  Summary: Required reading for all Americans Review: This book is an absorbing, enlightening, and thoroughly captivating read. Packed with well-researched information and analysis almost never found in newsmedia coverage of these women with a capital "W", this is honest journalism that exposes these key players in the current administration for who they really are. From "Condi" Rice on down the line, Flanders carefully unearths each biography and track record with a "just-the-facts" approach that leaves no doubt as to how these women have served a radical right-wing agenda even as they've benefitted from the womens' and other progressive movements along the way. Should be required reading for absolutely everyone.
Rating:  Summary: A Different Kind of Bush Book Review: This book is different from other books on Bush. For one thing, it's solidly researched, for another, it is really fun to read. Flanders isn't catty, instead she sounds genuinely curious -- who on earth are these women in high office -- and are they anything like the image that's been created by the White House pr machine? Along the way, she finds some interesting documents -- I was suprised to learn that Condoleezza Rice's father spoke out against the Vietnam War -- and she illustrates just how much our political process suffers when stories about women emphasize the personal and play down the political. I read a lot of political books, but so far this is definitely my favorite this year. I bought it for my Republican mother and even she enjoyed a lot of it! I'll certainly be recommending it to my friends this year. Flanders predicts we'll be seeing more of the Bushwomen as the election heats up, and she makes a convincing case that we shouldn't rely on the media to tell us who they are!
Rating:  Summary: Urgent and Insightful Review: This book is so valuable to the millions of disaffected voters in election-year America. Backed by solid research on the shady histories of the Bushwomen, Flander's book is incredibly well-written and full of clear-eyed commentary that cuts through corporate spin. Who knew I would ever stay up past my bedtime to read about Laura Bush?
Rating:  Summary: A timely and refreshing viewpoint Review: This book isn't designed to destroy these women as other reviewers say, it points out their hypocrisy. For instance, Lynne Cheney's novel speaks of condoms as a liberating device to allow women (and men) low-risk pleasure, yet her husband and his boss deny these life-saving condoms in Africa where AIDS is killing the population in mind-boggling numbers. If you don't see the hypocrisy in that, don't bother with this book, it requires critical thinking skills and an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: Incurious George and his friends! Review: This is a well-written, essential book. It demonstrates rather clearly that anyone who votes for the Bush gang this year on the basis of its supposed affinity for women is cheerfully selling their future down the river. Laura Flanders looks at this particular aspect of the administration and shows how the facade has no relation to the substance, how this White House and the GOP use their women the way they conducts all their politics - conduct bait-and-switches (Iraqi women's rights Now!), put out misleading information ("Meet Elaine Chao! Heroic immigrant friend of the working woman") and sometimes just plain lie (Karen Hughes, Condi Rice et al). The lesson, often obscured by a vacuous media, is that women like these can be just as hostile to good sense, logic and the welfare of other women as the most reactionary man. I don't want to rehash everything that's in the book, but it's useful to analyze some of the criticism that it has attracted, using the frame of reference that Flanders uses. Let's take one of the reviews submitted below, which gives the book 2 stars, and which uses all the tactics we have come to know and love from BushCo: Lies: Lie I - from the review below - "according a study by center for advancement of woman 51 percent of females want abortion out right illegal". I quote from the same study - 51% of women said they "support abortion only in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the woman, or not at all." The reviewer claims this is a demand to make it "out right illegal", which it clearly isn't. Lie II - the same reviewer purportedly quoting again from the same study "and another 17% want it restricted." The same report, when I read it, said 41% of women want abortion kept legal. By my math, at most, it looks like there is 8% unaccounted for. So how does this reviewer find the 17% number? The same way Bush finds economic growth when 2.6 million jobs are lost - by talking hot air! Bait and switch: This reviewer (incorrectly) cites the figures from the CFAW study to tick off another reviewer as not speaking for all women, and then says health insurance and unemployment is not the government's business. Really? If you think the CFAW study speaks more for all American women, how come you don't cite some of its other findings? Like the one that shows how 83% of all women think women's healthcare is a key issue? More than this, reviewers like this illustrate why people like the Bushwomen are so disastrous for everyone in America and elsewhere. Clearly, the policies they shill for are creating semi-literate droolers who understand nothing, make loud noises in public, can't do simple sums and mis-spell every other word they write. I mean, I'm supposed to be alarmed that "condi made bob kerrey look like maroon"? What if Kerrey looked like scarlet or lavender? Would that be better? Or is it news to you that moron is spelt m-o-r-o-n? Funny that everyone else saw the same thing (the 9/11 hearings, presumably) and came to rather different conclusions! Eventually the Bush clan and its devotees will get bred out of the human race by evolution, and since they don't even believe in it, it's guaranteed to be entertaining for the rest of us!
Rating:  Summary: Behind the veil Review: This provocative and insightful book, written with the candid and intelligent humor that Laura Flanders is known for, underscores the urgent need to examine much more carefully the backgrounds and agendas of the women that the Bush administration has relied upon or appointed in the interests of creating an illusion of diversity. In a time of such unprecedented, calculated fabrication of evidence and dissemination of misinformation on the part of the Bush administration, the book is also a clarion call to people working in the media: cease your reliance on the State Department or Pentagon or "unnamed officials" for your information, and ask the questions that challenge the lies and spin; investigate; and speak truth to power.