Rating:  Summary: No depth. Review: "Between Brothers" is set on a factitious Washington DC HBCU (Historically Black College/University) campus. The plot sets four of the college students as roommates who volunteer at a local community center that has lost government funding and is in danger of closing. Together, the four students rescue the university from the deliberate financial mismanagement of one of its managers. Rolly Orange is the financial manager of the Community Center and part of a covert scheme - orchestrated by Nico, the local drug dealer, and Buzz, a wealthy white real-estate developer - to destroy the center. The destruction of the center would make the land available for a gentrification project, representing a financial landslide for Buzz. Nico's interest is served, as the pool of poor neighborhood kid without the support of the Center's programs would turn to dealing/using drugs. Orange is paid well by both Nico and Buzz for his inside work to sabotage the Center. While the four students attempt to unravel the foul deed in progress, they are also engaged in reconciling issues of class-ism, color prejudice, racism, morality, spirituality, religion, politics, love, and probably a few other social concerns. The author includes about every social issue faced by black men today. He uses the university to represent a microcosm of greater society although I found that the issues he introduces are only dealt with on a very surface level. For the young / beginning reader, this may be a valuable read. If nothing else, Robinson's main characters are positive young black men and women educating themselves and trying to support the surrounding community by giving back to the Center. I applaud him for that effort. The novel falls short however, on many levels. The plot unfolds in basic linear fashion and is predictable to the final chapter. The story line lacks depth and complexity. The language is flat and non-emotive; the writing seems overly structured and deliberate, removing any aspects of creativity and originality. The author's decision to practically eliminate the use of profanity creates unrealistic dialogue in many instances. While I understand the author's desire to write a "clean" book, I didn't get the impression that his characters were speaking in authentic voice when "dang" is used when "damn" would have been much more appropriate. I can not recommend this one for those who enjoy a complex, layered novel rich with imagery and fully realized characters. I will recommend it to young or beginning readers, I believe there's something there for that readership.
Rating:  Summary: A necessary story whose time is due Review: C. Kelly Robinson's, Between Brothers is a novel whose time has come. The story begins somewhat slowly as we are getting to know the characters; the multi-layered plot and character construction makes this worthwhile. Most importantly, Between Brothers, succeeds in illustrating examples of authentic intellectual and spiritual conflict (and resolution) among African-American men at a fictional historically Black university. Among my favorite parts of the novel is Brandon Bailey's fight with O.J. Peters on O.J.'s philandering ways, as a representation of "the failure of the Black church." Also interesting is the discussion of Eurocentric beauty standards to define a woman's value, as wealthy Larry Whitaker is taught by his father to only choose thin women with long, straight hair and light skin. Initially, the characterization of the four Highland University housemates, seems contrived with their nicknames: Larry "Smooth Operator" Whitaker, Brandon "Choirboy" Bailey, Terence "Bootstrapper" Davidson, O. J. "Sinister Minister" Peters. I questioned whether men whose differences appeared to outweigh their similarities would actually live under the same roof. However, the story addresses this issue as the men mobilize to save the Ellis Community center, herein which lies a whole different element of conflict. While Robinson should be commended for attempting to combine suspense with a coming of age tale, he writes best when elaborating on the thoughts and feelings of the individual characters. The novel's elements where certain characters narrowly escape violent demise could have been reserved for a whole different story altogether. The dedication of the Ellis Center's manager, Sheryl Gibson and the students mirrors some of the true stories of Black history's unsung heroes who nearly gave their lives for the preservation of Black institutions. The only true flaw of this novel is the excessive drama in the fight to save Ellis. While, the realities of drugs and violence still loom in the black urban landscape, the characters have enough substance to tell the story in a less-plot driven, yet more believable manner. At the end of the novel, I found myself wanting to follow the characters into the next phases of their lives. Between Brothers is indeed a worthwhile read.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Concept for A real Book about real Issues Review: I found "Between Brothers" to be an excellent read among all people of all backgrounds. This Isn't your typical run of the mill book about the sterotypes that we as Black Men go under. Yet this Book will give the reader an In depth look on what goes on Inside the minds and hearts of Intellegent loving Black Men. Alot of the topics that were Issued I could very much relate to such as spirituality, striving to be the best at what I can be as far as my career concerns me, and the revealing of the heart to that special someone that all of us hopes to be willing to share with us In our life's journies and thus far. I would to commend Mr. Robinson for a really thoughtful and carefully planned Book! I highly recommend this book to anyone who desires Inspiration In life.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Book Review: Larry, Terence, O.J. and Brandon are friends who attend the same university. While trying to keep their upbringing in check, each struggle with their own issues. Larry was raised to date girls with certain credentials. Terrance, struggling with betraying his friends to save his brother's life. Brandon struggling with betraying his religion by not becoming intimate with girls. O.J. struggling with being a minister or a player. Each of the young men are struggling because they are trying to live up to their upbringings. They have a common goal to protect a community center, which is undergoing some underhanded mismanagement. Several messages are presented throughout the book. This is a great book to read for adults and young adults alike.
Rating:  Summary: Why did it have to end! Review: Robinson went above and beyond the call of duty when he wrote this book. I completely agree with the other young lady who claimed she was angry when the book was over because she wanted to read more about the characters. The author does a wonderful job of making the reader become attached to these four young men. Never before have I seen men (black men) portrayed with such realism and honesty. I relished the opportunity to have an intimate look inside the minds and hearts of young brothers today. Simply reading about the details of their lives kept me engrossed, but it was the suspenseful story line woven into this book that made me fight to put it down. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good read filled with drama, suspense, humor and sensitivity. I can't wait for your next book, Robinson.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo! Bravo!..C.Kelly Robinson knocked it out of the Park Review: The book was off the hook. I appreciated Terrence's character and almost tragic demise; My excitement could not be contained when his character choose life...instead of fear. I was so enthralled with your book that I had to halt telephone calls for a minute.... An anyone that knows me will tell you that I have been known to become attached to a phone at times. Brother, keep up the good work. The moral fabric of your book and the consciousness of your characters was well weaved together. The testimony of faith rang through loud and clear. Your message, through Brandon and Bobby, of celibacy/abstinence among the sons and daughters of Christ was powerful. Thank you for honoring God in your writing. Abstinence/celibacy is a constant struggle among the body of Christ. Well, don't let me get to preaching like O.J. Peters (smile)....In all sincerity, the book was powerful...friendship, love and integrity were the underlying themes for me. Finally, I was excited to see you address the presence of stratification even among wealthy with the juxtaposing Ashley and Larry. To God be the Glory for the work you do....
Rating:  Summary: So So Boring..... Review: This had to be the WORST book I have ever read!!! The whole story was slow. I had to finish it because whenever I start a book whether I like it or not I do finish it. I am usually done a book within 2 days this book took me two weeks. Do not waster your money on this book!!!
Rating:  Summary: So So Boring..... Review: This had to be the WORST book I have ever read!!! The whole story was slow. I had to finish it because whenever I start a book whether I like it or not I do finish it. I am usually done a book within 2 days this book took me two weeks. Do not waster your money on this book!!!
Rating:  Summary: ok Review: This story was about four college guy's who was tryin to deal with school and the other problems going on in their life. Terence didn't know how he was gonna pay for school, Brandon was a chrisitan guy trying to find the right girl. OJ was a playboy preacher, and Larry comes from money, but end up fallin for a girl totaly different from his type. The book was kind of boring for me with all the scenes about Orange was doing to get the center closed down. I liked the part when Bobby and Brandon were trying to explain to Monica and Tera about gospel artists who sometime seem to lean toward the secular side. I wish i could find someone like Brandon and Bobby. The story was good i just hate reading about any form of decit.
Rating:  Summary: A good read Review: When I first recieved this book I had reservations about reading it. I was not really interested in a college book that featured four friends. I was not interested in reading about their love life or their fraternity. I was pleasantly surprised when I began reading this book. I really enjoyed it. Yes, the men had women problems, but it was not to sole focus of the book. These men wealthy, debonair Larry, struggling Terrance, playing preacher OJ, and virginal Brandon had a goal. The goal, beside graduating from college was to give back to the community where the University was located. They were going to save the Ellis Center. This was a difficult task as they faced opposition from those who wanted the center closed. These young men still pressed toward their goal. In the time frame of the book, the men grow as people as they get closer to graduation. They take another look at things they were passionate about. I thought it was a well written book. An interesting story and a few good lessons found in the pages.