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Rating:  Summary: If You Get Offended By This Book, Your DICKS Review: This is one of the wildest books I have ever read...EVER. I don't think I've ever read so many occurances of the "f" word, or laughed so hard, or out load, doing it. To say the content in this book is for mature readers is both true and false. I think it would be better to say: "for immature mature readers."
Dicks is the story of two lads from Belfast, Dougie and Ivor. After accidently killing his Uncle Shuggie, Ivor inherits his house, along with his problems. Mainly an order for moonshine to a mobster. Finding his uncle's recipe, he fills the order, and the mobster decides to continue buisness with Ivor. Needless, to say Shuggie's ghost, who shows up from time to time just to yell and curse, is not pleased.
Dougie moves in with Ivor after leaving his wife. Aside from the moonshine, Ivor gets it in his noggin that he wants to start a private detective buisness. They shall be called "The Dicks."
Dougie doesn't think this is such great idea, bringing up the point they have no experience, and they don't know how to find a case. Well, this is easily solved by way of a man at the front door with a knife in his back. He instructs our heros of secret meeting and dies.
At the meeting our heros stumple across a drug deal with THEM ending up with it. Ivor comes up with the idea to sell the drugs to the mobster, instead of the moonshine, not knowing they were the mobster's to begin with.
It should be noted that a good ninty percent of this book is written so that the characters speek in an Irish dialect, but it just adds to the charm. You quickly get accustomed to it. If there's something you don't understand, look in the back, a glossery is provided, along with probably the sickest pictures in the book.
This is definatly not a book for anyone who gets offended easily, or even not so easily. You have to just keep reminding yourself: "IT'S JUST A JOKE!" If it's true that everyone has a limit, "Dicks" aims to find it: either with the language, the art, "The History of Wanking," or maybe even with "Trio:The F-ing Whore" who can't help but take on three guys at once.
Yest, it is over the top. Yes, it is dis-tasteful. Yes, it is crude and vulgar...BUT THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! It tries to find every button it can, and like that annoying little kid at the elevator, it just keeps pressing that button. I've never been a fan of the term "pushing the envelope," but this, my friends completely sherds and spits on it.
On the back of the book it says that this guarentees it's creaters Garth Ennis and John McCrea (The team that brought us Hitman from DC Comics) a place in hell, and if you read it you'll be sent there too. Well...I've read it, I loved it, I hope theres more some day. If that condems me to burn in a lake of fire, then I hope I get to meet those two.
Rating:  Summary: Sick does not even begin to describe this tale... Review: ... of two Northern Irish reprobates, Dougie and Ivor, who decide to become (hopeless) private detectives, and along with their friends Willy, Spence and Wanker, get into a hell of a lot more trouble than they bargained for, thanks to their acquaintance Big Billy, a mysterious man called Bell, and Ivor's ex-uncle (I say ex-uncle because he appears as a ghost... but you can find the details out for yourself).I've never seen a comic so depraved. Then again, I've never seen a comic so funny! Excellent stuff, but definitely NOT for the easily offended.
Rating:  Summary: fun and wicked! Review: garth ennis rocks!no other author,except neil gaimen and john irving,makes me feel all giddy inside when i read their books.ennis is hilarious and very creative when he comes up with jokes. read this wacked out tale of two best friends and explore the zaniness of ennis' world.
Rating:  Summary: The sideshows far outshine the main event Review: PLEASE NOTE: This TPB contains quite a bit of naughty language, psyche-scarring sexual situations that leave nothing to the reader's imagination, and cartoonish, over-the-top ultraviolence that makes the films of Quentin Tarantino look downright tame. This booger is DEFINITELY for adult readers only!
On with the review...
Some time back the owner of the local comic shop I frequent threw this into my saver box as a recommended book. He figured that, since I was generally into the four-color scribings of Garth Ennis, I'd likely also dig this collection of bizarre situations and over-the-top dark humor from the mad Irishman and his 'Hitman' cohort, artist John McCrea. Unfortunately, I found the misadventures of the two titular pub-hoppers goin' 'round Dublin (or was it in Belfast, Northern Ireland? I forget...), gettin' into all sorts'a weird jams and raising a general ruckus a little TOO strange and over-the-top for my tastes. Maybe I'm not Irish enough to appreciate it, who knows. And it didn't help that McCrea decided to make the artwork ludicrously cartoonish, which-- despite the fact it gave this weird comic the proper look and atmosphere to a degree-- didn't look nearly as professional nor as carefully drawn as the renderings he did for 'Hitman'.
On the upside, Ennis & McCrea threw in several mini-adventures that I got some good laughs out of. One set of three-page shenanigans involves "Trio the (eff)in' Whore", whose very presence seems to cause men to lose all control of their libidos. I never thought I'd find the term "bacon flaps" funny until I read the Trio shorts.
Hee hee... "bacon flaps"...
See what I mean?
Then there's the "worst idea ever for a comic book superhero", The Aborterâ„¢. With aspirator in hand he flies around the big city on his never-ending mission to terminate the unwanted unborn, as well as put those pesky pro-lifers in their place. The Aborter's adventures usually end with the sudden destruction of the offices of the comic book's publisher. Which just goes to show that The Aborter might not be ready for his very own solo title just yet...
Bottom line: If you're looking for a truly funny funnybook written by Mr. Ennis that has all the ludicrously strange predicaments and hilariously horrific blood-and-guts that you've come to expect from the man... well, I suggest you check out 'Adventures in The Rifle Brigade' (www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1401203531/qid=1093554258/sr=1-44/ref=sr_1_44/103-1978159-0347843?v=glance&s=books) instead of this mass of confusion. Although `Rifle Brigade' isn't quite as sick or twisted as `D!cks' is, it is easier to follow, and funnier.
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