Rating:  Summary: Exceeded expectations Review: After reading the evaluations of this book, I was reluctant to start it. Ratings at this site were either "I loved it" or "I hated it". Well guess what, I liked it.Nothing written is loved by everyone, so I typically disregard anything by anyone who states that something is Terrible or Worthless. The secret is to look for that nugget without blasting someone else's effort at writing. This book was enjoyable, I read it at one sitting - 4 hours. I was entertained; I liked the main characters, and almost everyone underwent a journey both physically and spiritually. In my opinion, that counts for something. Some books are just meant to be fun to read. This is one of them.
Rating:  Summary: An interesting book Review: I at first thought that this book would be a slight bit flaky. The more of it that I read the better that it got. I enjoyed reading Strokk's (the hired gun) experiences in Afganistan. Here is another new villain from Pineiro.The Mayan and their influence also added to the book. I was very impressed with the tactics that the Mayan warrior used to handle Strokk and his mercenaries. The finale of the book explaining the Mayan influence on the millennium was also very captivating. Where I was at first skeptical of this book I wound having an enjoyable read. A must buy.
Rating:  Summary: oh Pu-leeeez Review: I bought this book looking to see what drivel someone would put into a book on the Y2K issue. I was not disappointed. I gave this two stars because I did bother to finish it. As far as the plot goes - been there, done that. There were some mildly interesting twists on occasion but overall it was too close to a rewrite of... On a whim, I looked to see if said 'author' had managed to get any other books printed since this abomination and lo I was amazed to see that not only had he gotten published again, but THIS WAS NOT HIS FIRST BOOK! Utterly mindblowing. This is one of the _least_ accurate computer books I have ever read (I'm a programmer). I was SHOCKED when I read that the author was "a 16 yr veteran of the computer industry". All I know is that he is no software guy. His attempt at trying to discribe a virus was totally laughable - dude, if you want to write more computer books, I'll be happy to consult w/ you - and I'll even do it for free. Flat characters, silly plot, technical inaccuracies over and over and over again and gratuitous violence is what you'll find. If you want a quick, mindless read this is your book. If you want a technothriller novel, well, look some place else. I'm not even going to waste my time reading any of his other books. Personally, I'd be embarrassed (if not richer) if I had my name on this book. Perhaps someone needs to tell this guy not to quit his day job.
Rating:  Summary: internet hacker drama doesn't flail Review: I enjoyed the code in the book, the matrices and the puzzles. I was really interested in the Mayan cultural history and found the connection to be invigorating to a topic that might get bogged down in digerati details. The jungle warfare, the astrphysics, and the main character's handling of mourning and loss was all very perceptive parts. It was definitely a romp, but I wasn't disappointed - I ended up reading it straight through - a definite page-turner. At one point the computer scientist heroine turns to her arhcheologist boyfriend and says that she appreciates the perspective that he gives her - I felt this to be a good encapsulation of the entire project. RJ really crosses the boundaries between sciences and humanities to pull in general themes and it was not a flailing attempt at all. Good read!
Rating:  Summary: Worst line I've ever read in a novel Review: I hung in to the end, as the writing continued to deteriorate, presumably as his deadline approached, until being floored by the following (I'm quoting from memory here): "I assure you that in a hundred years, what happened here today will be completely forgotten, and in five hundred years will be nothing but a distant memory". So I guess in a THOUSAND years it will be fresh in our minds? Jeez. Go read your cereal box. At least that's probably benefitted from an editor at some point.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Book Review: I know one thing never judge a book by its cover. I took one look at this book and said "ok, nerd book." Once i read it i took it into high consideration. This book also inspired me to keep practiceing at programming and soon I'll be just as good as these people. I highly recommend this book and other books by R. J. Pineiro
Rating:  Summary: epilogue killed a great book Review: The plot was interesting and I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more if I had been more computer literate. The explanations of the computer programs went well over the head of most of the public, as most of us are not into programing and hacking. However by skipping most of that and reading the rest, the book was entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: Computer enhanced Review: The plot was interesting and I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more if I had been more computer literate. The explanations of the computer programs went well over the head of most of the public, as most of us are not into programing and hacking. However by skipping most of that and reading the rest, the book was entertaining.
Rating:  Summary: TRULY AWFUL Review: This book almost had it but not quite. Too much technobabble for a computer illiterate person to read. Unless your highly advanced in computers, don't read this book. Good action and interesting plotline (a little far fetched) but too much computers!
Rating:  Summary: epilogue killed a great book Review: This book has lots of technical information which I enjoy about Pineiro books. If you like computers, SETI, and anthropology this the book for you. I enjoyed the book up to the EPILOGUE. I felt someone else wrote the epilogue. The time period from ch 20 is 12/18/99 and you turn the page you are on 12/31/01 12:59:59. I felt cheated out of character building and plot line development. Disappointed in: * wash over about SETI * Love story wishy washy * the ending