If you like your mystery mixed up with fast-paced emergency room action, this latest medical thriller by Leah Ruth Robinson (an emergency room technician herself) is just what the doctor ordered. In between treating a wide variety of walk-in disasters, Dr. Evelyn Sutcliffe of Manhattan's University Hospital has to sleuth out who poisoned the mushrooms that her close friends consumed at a dinner party. Her friend and colleague Gary Seligman, a nurse who is heavily involved in a nasty labor battle between two rival hospital unions, lies gravely ill in the hospital. Gary has enemies in high-up places. Another possible suspect is Elise, a troubled young woman and a former patient of Dr. Phil Carchiollo (Evelyn's boyfriend). But there could also be a connection to a top doctor at the hospital--who has his own dirty secrets to hide. As Robinson did in Blood Run and First Cut, she first stuns us with a whirlwind of detail about daily life in an emergency room, and then, when she has our full attention, drops in extra characters and plot to dazzle and baffle us. Guess what? It works. --Dick Adler