Rating:  Summary: Excellent Review: This first published work is extraordinary. As the first "vampire" genera novel I've had the pleasure of reading this work can be held with high regard. The author's intricate use of blindness (to the plot) in the initial portion of the primary story forces you to keep reading to find out what's happening. At the halfway point of the novel everything starts falling into place, from there on it's all over. I couldn't put it down. I will look foreword to a sequel to this surprising work of the fictional craft. I'd like to thank the author for taking me away from reality in such a real sense. By all means a household is not complete without at least one copy.
Rating:  Summary: Great Debut from New Author! Review: A fine debut from a new author, man I love discovering new writers! This modern twist on a classic tale is fabulous. ...Never Dream tells the story of 2 vampires and the mortal they get involved. It does poke fun at Anne Rice's novels in a good way such as one vampire insisting to the other that he read Interview with the Vampire to see why mortals would crave immortality and also read about the parts she got right and what she got wrong. The story opens with the Making of Arthur, a knight from France. It continues to the present where we find Arthur, Jennings, and Terry (the mortal) trying to save The Book from falling into the wrong vampire hands. This book left me wanting more...and I hope Scott continues the adventures of these vampires in America.
Rating:  Summary: An original and captivating vampire tale. Review: A modern day vampire tale told from three different points of view. The Vampire Arthur who is the oldest of the pact at 700 and the leader of the gang. The vampire Jennings, the ungifted, who is a little like a side kick to Arthur. The mortal Terry, who finds out their little secret, and not knowing what to do with it, gets herself in trouble. The story is complimented by a drop dead gorgeous bad guy, the vampire Lyle, who is a bit of a spoiled child, the lovable wolf, Iago who is not just an ordinary wolf, and the mother hen of vampires, Raymond."... never dream" is the most original, cleaver and captivating book that I have read in a long time. Scott Charles Adams has written a gem of a vampire story. I couldn't put it down. The characters and the events are completely believable. I can't wait for the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Important and recommended! Review: A reader and contributor to Amazon.com came across a review that I'd done for another author, and sent an email saying that I would benefit greatly from reading Scott Charles Adams first novel, "...never dream". Since I recieve numerous recommendations of this sort, most of which turn out to be other authors promoting their own books (not all of which are worth mentioning here), I was very skeptical. It took a few weeks for me to find a copy of "...never dream", and was filled with even more trepidation when I saw the grainy black and white cover with the home p.c. designed graphics. All of that magickally fell away after I began to read...and read, and read. I ravenously devoured this 240-pager in one sitting. Reading like a serio-comic gothic thriller, "...never dream" deserves a more mainstream release. Taking the legend of vampires and werewolves and treating them like everyday occurances (if you suspend your need for reality every once in awhile), "...never dream" is hugely entertaining. Except for the obvious editing errors (one of the main characters somehow loses his Cockney accent about a third of the way into the story) and somewhat tedious and confusing point-of-veiw changes, this story is destined to become a cult classic. Arthur Talon, a 700-year-old vampire, is troubled. An ancient book, once in his possession, has mysteriously disappeared. This book, a kind of an "owners manual" for the undead, is a revealing work that, in the wrong hands, is destined to destroy vampire-kind as we know it. And of course, it is about to fall into the wrong hands...the hands of a relatively young and cocky vampire who goes by the unlikely name of Lyle. This short but fast-paced story takes an at once serious and tongue-in-cheek view on the whole vampire genre. Who else would use Anne Rice novels as training manuals for modern-day bloodsuckers? Telling the story from the point of view of most of the main protagonists, the story becomes a bit diluted and trite...but worth plodding through to unearth the little nuggets of delight that are buried there. Fresh and entertaining, "...never dream" is worth tracking down and owning.
Rating:  Summary: never dream Review: I have just received this book for a christmas gift and it is barely a new year and I am just about done. I am so thrilled with this book. I have tried to read other vampire stories but just could not finish for one reason or another. This book is one that I just could not put down. The man who wrote this is a wonderful author. He is one that I will be watching for more to come. I hope you all will too. I would highly recommend this book to any and all Anne Rice fans!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Scott Adams "stakes" his claim on vampire lore Review: I have to be honest, I came across Scott Adams new vampire novel, "...never dream" quite by accident when he was signing copies of it at a local mall. I have to say that I am very glad I bought the book!! Adams skillfully creates a tale of vampires that think werewolfs don't exist, a werewolf that isn't so sure what he thinks about vampires, and a few humans who know they both exist. In between, we learn about the codes of the vampire, and what happens to those that break those codes; the gifts that vampires do and don't possess; and that vampires aren't that much different than us humans. (Scary thought isn't it?) Scott Adams also weaves a wonderful story about magic in the form of a "holy grail for vampires". Whoever obtains the book will have powers beyond the "normal" vampire brood. In a desperate hunt to find the book and keep it out of the hands of the more evil of the undead, Adams draws you into the story and I 'm sure you find yourself actually caring about these characters as much as I did. In short, "...never dream" is a great book. It's full of the old vampire lore that we all know and love as well as a few ways to look at vampires that no one has thought of before. I would recommend this book highly to anyone who loves vampires, werewolves, and humans (oh my!) :)
Rating:  Summary: Definitely not just for vampire fans ... Review: I must admit to having some trepidation before I started reading this book -- the vampire tale genre seemed to me to have been "done", with new books on the matter often regurgitations of the old. I read the first two pages of ... never dream, however, and I was "sucked in". Adams has created a fascinating tale that never once reaches back to old formulae or tired storylines; he's developed characters that you come to know quickly and hanker to know more about and woven a story that picks you up and carries you along. The female characters are strong, something seldom seen in books of this genre, the male characters charismatic, and the action of the plot is so engrossing that the first time I read it I nearly missed my subway stop - twice. One of the best things: you don't have to be a "vampire genre" fan to really get involved in ... never dream. It's a well-written, well-designed novel from all perspectives, one that would easily transpose to an incredible action film! I see potential here - potential for a ... never dream series that will answer the questions Adams cleverly winds into his character development, and potential that this young author will be very much talked about in the years to come. Don't miss the boat -- buy this book and recommend it to your friends and family. It's a first edition that, in the future, you'll be glad you own - bank on it!
Rating:  Summary: Unique and Compelling Review: I suspect I have read every vampire novel published in the past 20 years. "Never Dream" by Scott Charles Adams is among the handful of the best. The apparent premise has certainly been done before, i.e., good vampires vs. bad, innocent mortals caught up in the events, philosophical conundrums, etc. What makes this novel so fascinating is the way these old themes are made new and refreshing by characters you really like and care about,as well as the amazing involvement of the character Iago. An entire novel could be done on him alone. The quality of vampire novels has diminished in recent years. "Never Dream" not only restores quality to the genre, but sets a new standard. I am delighted to hear that a sequel is being worked on. I suggest Scott Adams drop everything else in his life and work on its completion! Congratulations to Amazon as well for offering it to the public.
Rating:  Summary: Well done Review: I was recommended this book and I must say that it was deserved. ...never dream is a vampire tale not unlike that of Rice's original Interview with the Vampire yet it dispensed with some of the sensuality and eroticism that Rice tended to lean towards, especially in the later installments. Instead, you get a very well written story with great character development. The story is good by itself but the end is left with strong hints that we may get a sequel. I hope so. If you enjoy the horror and/or vampire genre, definately check this one out.
Rating:  Summary: neverdream Review: neverdream is a great great read. This was a "never put down" kind of novel. Anyone breathing would enjoy this novel. You do not have to be interested in vampires to read this, you just need an imagination and a lamp close to your bed!