Rating:  Summary: Basic premise totally unrealistic Review: There is no way an immature,irresponsible naval officer such as the XO in this garbage book would ever be placed in a position of such responsibility. His portrayal of senior officers is equally off base. There may a bozo or two like the senior officers in both the American and Chinese navies in this book but I seriously doubt it. Robinson should stick to tactics. That was interesting reading.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent, full of suspense Review: Suspense and intrigue are the heart and soul of this great novel.Having only read "H.M.S. Unseen" by Robinson before, I am excited to have found another author I can read and enjoy. Patrick Robinson has entered the ranks of my favorites: Tom Clancy, Dean Ing, Dale Brown, and Stephen Coonts. While keeping me on the edge of my seat and not wanting to put the book down, it does have it's flaws. The character of the XO would never qualify for duty as an XO on any ship in any time. His flaws are critical to the premise of the book and are excepted, but not realistic. Dialog between senior officers, while neccesary to inform the reader, was at times preposterous. Having said that, the other characters are realistic and are easily identified with. I was especially drawn towards the CO. The development of the plot is done very well and is always fast paced. There was never a time that I had to plod along. For anyone who has an interest in modern military thrillers, this is a must read.
Rating:  Summary: Awsome Review: I can't believe you people didn't enjoy this book. I couldn't put it down. Sure there were racial and riligious slurs, but isn't that just realistic. You don't think our military and president ever use them? Come on. This book is a great read.
Rating:  Summary: A rag of political and patriotic rhetoric Review: Another reviewer opined that most who dislike this book are "morons" and are "reading too much" into the book which simply "pokes fun" at another race. He also claims that this author offers a version of Clancy without the policial rhetoric. Believe me, nothing could be further from the truth. Any reader who can claim to have completed this novel WITHOUT reading something into it, simply to maintain their own interest is the "moron". Readers should be prepared, the racial slurs come nonstop. Mr. Robinson owes our military men and women better than to characterize them top to bottom as flagrant racists and bigots. This novel abounds with political, religious, and racial stereotypes that would make both Malcolm X and Jesse Helms blush. Even if you agree with the rhetoric, you cannot deny the cliche characterizations and predictable plotline. Much as with Clancy's latest novel, The Bear and the Dragon, Patrick Robinson could have done with a good editor. Do we really need to know the life story of every minor character who enters the storyline? As much as I hated the characterization and plotline, it is impossible to deny Robinson's grasp of the technical and military strategy. Unfortunately, his knowledge in this area does not expand to the political and intelligence considerations inherent in any military exercise. As a result, the book is a hopeless failure.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointed Review: I thought Seawolf was a good read until the Captain (with a significant lack of balls) allows his boat to be captured, with no resistance, and does nothing while it is towed backward all the way to China. Gimmie a break! (I would have put a couple of torpedoes down the stern tubes). At that point it all went downhill to a very dissatifactory ending. We are set up to know that Linus collaborated with his interrogators, but this never comes out. The press is amazingly cooperative and uninvestigative. The crew doesn't leak news of torture and Linus' complicity. Too much unblievable ploting, too many loose ends and an ending that doesn't work. I don't think I will read the next one by this author.
Rating:  Summary: A great thriller! Review: I loved this book and I'm really suprised at the response to it here. I thought that it was an exciting and gripping book that mixed the right amount of fighting realism and political savy. It was truly an "on the edge of your seat" experience during certain parts and on the whole it was very enjoyable. I highly recomend this book to anyone who likes this sort of politico-military thrillers (Clancy-esque). Highly recomended.
Rating:  Summary: Propaganda with a racist twist Review: I've read several military techno-thrillers in the past with their predictably pro-American, protector-of-the-free-world rhetoric, but U.S.S. Seawolf takes this slant to nauseating heights. What struck me more than anything else was the blatant racism in Robinson's depictions of the Chinese. This author uses every ethnic slur and stereotypic reference imaginable, none of which are repeatable here. I was surprised such language was allowed by the publisher. Recent events provide some poetic justice in regards to the obvious attempt of Robinson to shape public opinion concerning the Chinese and the US military. The spring 2001 spy plane incident bears a striking resemblance to the fictitious episode of Robinson's book except in the actual event the US servicemen are released by the Chinese without a scratch. Ironically, the USS Greenville, another US Navy vessel gallantly portrayed in Robinson's book, is now known to the world as a killer of Japanese tourists. Finally, as this review is being written, a US airman accused of raping a Okinawan woman is being turned over to Japanese authorities. U.S.S. Seawolf dissapoints as a techno-thriller but provides a classic example of pro-American propaganda in the book industry.
Rating:  Summary: A Rather Enjoyable Book Review: Most of the people who have reviewed this book are morons who don't know anything about the military or are reading way to much into the book. It's a book people! Who cares if it pokes fun at people or overglorifies others? I thought it was pretty good. If you like Tom Clancy but don't like all the politics he injects into his books, you love this and all of Robinson's other books.
Rating:  Summary: Plain Chauvinism Under The Cover Of a Thriller Review: I have read all of Partrick Robinson's books and I think this one is the worst. After the glory of HMS Unseen I had come to expect something even better from this guy. But what he has come up with does not make sense at all. If he wants to write a Frederick Forsyth style novel, it will be fine so long as he does the same kind of research. Praising "realism" and accusing the perceived excesses of "pluralism-liberalism" will not do. You simply can not send a squad of SEALs right under the nose of the Chinese mainland, you can not blow up a nuclear submarine in a Chinese yard. This book does not make any sense at all. If you have not bought it, do not and you will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible... Review: I am a fan of the techno-thriller. Sub novels in particular. I picked this brick off the shelf and decided to give it a whirl. Guess what? It kept whirlling all the way to the trash heap. The characters are shallow. The plot is unrealistic. The cliches are abound. I can go on but I would digress. If you are looking for a truly good SUB novel try Attack Of The Seawolf by Michael DiMercurio. In my opinion the best SUB-Novelist in the biz.