Rating:  Summary: Absorbing and Powerful Review: Senese compellingly conveys the profundity of his thoughts through the saga and quest 'Cloning Christ' protagonist Dr. Max Train unexpectedly commences on in his search for an enlightened and meaningful life . . . the world today could hardly do better than to ponder the wisdom of this sage. A Soaring Achievement for the author, an experience so compelling and stirring for the reader not to be forgotten.
Rating:  Summary: Thoughtful, Artful, and Valuably Innovative. Review: The modern day or current fiction body requires a process of active fact-gathering - not just working from memory or sensory observation, but to cultivate the root of past historical context so as to give credible life to a storytelller's work of art. In order for a modern-day fiction story to have viable credability a critical criterion necessary is currency - that a writer get on the story's subject matter in a timely manner so that the intended message of the story will have an opportunity to reach an audience to whom the writer directs his or her words to. In 'Cloning Christ', Peter Senese thrust the reader into a spell-binding, mind obsorbing story of currency as the issues of genetic 'human cloning' drive the criterion of currency, while displaying a unique ability of taken a 2,000 year old occurance - the crucifixition of Jesus, and re-creating Jesus' possible birth through the tormented struggles 'Cloning Christ's' main character, Dr. Max Train, must endure as innovative life is given to wooden boards 2,000 years old. The possible rebirth of Jesus, for many Christ, is innovatively created through the author's artful storytelling that essentially hands the possible True Cross of Jesus to the reader, and then says here's the Cross, what do you want to do with it? Unfortunately, the reader, and for this matter, Dr. Train, never have too long to think about what to do with this ancient discovery since one dark ambush after another seems to be waiting for 'The Cross-Bearer'. The thoughtfully juxtaposed ideals of good vs. evil are carefully carried out in the continued confrontation Dr. Train faces as he carries this Cross out of Jerusalem, and into a chaotic world of unknowns waiting for him at every turn. Senese's story of 'Cloning Christ' is most innovative in that this is not, in my openion, a story that can easily fall in the catagory of 'Christian Fiction' even though there is complete overtures towards Christianity. 'Cloning Christ' is not apocolyptic - there is no Armageddon presented similiar to other well accepted fiction (science) works, unless the reader looks deeply into some of the more thoughtful questions possed in Senese's handling of Jesus' Cross, which he happily hands to you and artfully says 'what do you do next - and, who do you really think it is - Jesus or Christ - that you're holding in your hand? The believeability that a person may one day discover the True Cross of Jesus has credability, regardless of what certain scholars and doctrines claim of Helen's discovery seventeen hundred years ago. And it is the believable criterion of 'currency' that does in fact bring to life the individual readers own Armageddon! Artfully, Thoughtfully, and Valuably Innovatively, Senese hands the reader the past, the present, and the future, and challanges you to look within at your own life and values, though never giving you too much time to stand still because there exists two uniquely created dark forces: the self-rightous man, Anselm Cardinal Mugant, and the prelates Master, an assassin known to one as Sergio, and to a select few as The Scorpion, who are after 'The Cross-Bearer'. Innovatively, the partnership between the prelate and his confessor are filled with many twisted plots and subplots that enthrill the reader, while allowing the author an opportunity to subtlely provide insight on the behaviors of narcissim and self-rightousness. Innovatively painting a brilliant portrait of landscape and setting, Senese and Geis, create a series of atmospheres which provide 'Cloning Christ' with a living, breathing backdrop. Thus, with 'In Cold Blood' Truman Capote was taking off form the innovations of John Hersey's Hiroshima, the first serious work to attempt a novelistic factual narrative on a large scale. And thus, Tom Wolfe would add his won wrinkle to this strain in 'The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test' by eschewing Capote's uninflected and rather stiff narrative voice for a wigged-out hop patois that mirrored his characters' sensibiltiy, Senese in 'Cloning Christ' presents real scenarios to very real possible events with the kind of suspense and emotion one expects from the best realistic fiction. And by handing 'Cloning Christ's' protagonist, Dr. Max Train and the reader the possible True Cross, Senese goes deep into his subjects' consciousness, emerging with intimacy and empathy that causes the reader to have a reality check of their own. Overall, 'Cloning Christ' is an outstanding novel. There is a style fo substance that shows the authors were very thoughtful and purposeful in their presentation of factual material, and artful in their interpretation of realistic 'what if's?' that give life to fiction. Most of all, it is with great precision that the reader is given the possible True Cross of Jesus - a valuably innovative concept that causes hairs to rise on your skin, your heart to race, and while sleeping at night, to wake up and attempt to understand what Jesus did for Man on that cross many like myself believe to be The True Cross. This is creative ficiton at its best.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Work Of Fiction Review: I am a huge reader so I have read more than my fair share of books but "Cloning Christ" by Peter Senese with Robert Geis is definitely one of my favorites. It's a rare novel that works on two levels - it has the theological elements for the religious people and the thriller elements for everyone else. For those who haven't seen the world, the book has so much detail and texture that it feels like you are there in the exotic locations. The scene on the rooftop between Max Train and The Scorpion is simply the best piece of writing I have read in a long long time. I wholeheartedly recommend this book and look forward to reading more by these guys.
Rating:  Summary: Life's reflective mirror Review: Over the last year I have become more intrigued with the gendre of Christian fiction, due primarily to my love of the Left Behind series. In Cloning Christ, the authors create something so special and provactive: a series of brilliant, deeply layered plots which weave the reader deeply into a story so as to cause for self-reflection as you yourself race around the globe feeling as if you too are carrying the possible True Cross. To the best of my knowledge Cloning Christ is historically accurate: to the point that the authors showcase their intimate knowledge not only of the inner working of The Holy See, but too of ancient cities such as Jerusalem, Rome, Bologna, and Skye, leaving you with an intimate relationship with the geographical locations that the story's protagonist travels through. In fact, the authors' ability to take backdrop and setting into their story's theme creates in a very real sense the development of their own characters. What I'd like to say here is simple: Cloning Christ is a marvelous book that makes you look carefully at your own life and the decisions you make. Personally, this book compares to no other in the Christian fiction gendre.
Rating:  Summary: A great, thought provoking story of significant meaning. Review: As a fan of Christian reading, I have read many books that compose the catagory. From the wonders of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins with their brilliant 'Left Behind' series, to the reflective story telling of authors such as Sophia Powell, James Beauseigneur, Ted Dekker and the likes, I must say I have never read a more compelling story that brings out as many ideological questions while having you turn expeditiously through the pages as Peter Senese and Robert Geis' absorbing novel 'Cloning Christ'. If you are a big fan of Christian literature, or for that matter, any type of thought-provoking suspense thrillers, then you will become completely absorbed with this masterfully written and developed story. The one challange I see for the authors is if in fact the story of Max Train continues, how they are going to stylistically match 'Cloning Christ'. My highest grade.
Rating:  Summary: A Story of Many Questions Review: Few books I have read challange the reader with provocative questions the way Senese's novel Cloning Christ does, as issues pertaining to cloning and religious traditions are brought out in a wonderful thrill-ride sure to keep your interest from page to page. What I especially enjoyed about Cloning Christ is the author's ability to use factual historical events and circumstances to create a stellar backdrop for a very possible scenario.
Rating:  Summary: You Won't Be Able To Put It Down...... Review: If the thought of cloning and how it relates to both the physical and the spiritual world interests you, this book is a must read. The story line of this novel could easily have been taken from tomorrow's headlines. The character development and plot will grab your attention, and you won't want to put it down; each page has you anxious to read further to see where the plot is heading. I rate this a must read!!
Rating:  Summary: If I were to . . . Review: If I were to discover what may appear to be The True Cross of Jesus I have no idea what I would do. The question of 'what would you do?' presented in this novel has stayed with me - uncomfortably, yet most compellingly. If I did, I am sure after a long period of disbelief, I still would have no idea what I would do, especially if I felt as if God had somehow betrayed me. In opening their story by placing this potential True Cross of Jesus in the hands of the reader, 'Cloning Christ' does something rare: it offers the reader the opportunity to become part of the book in the form of their own character . In this capacity, you are magnetically attached to the story from beginning to end. The story itself is a racing, mind-boggling experience revolving around this cross, and it's discoverer, Max Train. Train's raw character as a man thrown by the waiste-side into a nightmarish existance struggling to have reason to live is depicted in a way identifiable by almost any person who has faced devestation. It is in his character developement that the burderns and challanges the authors' create that forces the reader to think through the many heart-felt issues brought out in 'Cloning Christ' come to life. The geographical locations which the story take place are depicted with such great detail that locations such as Jerusalem, Rome, and Zurich become background characters in their own sense. As you read through the pages carrying the cross with you - the same one Max is carrying - you instantly feel as if you are actually visiting the cities themselves. Filled with interesting historical details carefully sculptured into the novel's movements, the authors' bring the past and present into life. Pragmatically, 'Cloning Christ' takes a strong stand against the issues of human cloning and urges science to adopt respectfully to faith in God. This is a very well thought out and written novel.
Rating:  Summary: Cool. Review: I read the book and thought it was very cool. The story is one I think almost everyone can relate to. I don't mean finding the cross jesus died on, but the strugles all persons face during there life. That's where Max Train kinda hits home for me. I was able to identify with him and some of the spiritual hardships he faces. And why he may be angry at the world and God. Stuff happens. But the story makes a point and that is to keep your hopes up and keep your faith goin' and try to connect with people. That's very cool. Its not easy. But its cool when you can. Cloning Christ makes you think a lot about your own situaton and kinda' gave me a different look on things. I really thnk the scenes in Italy were amazing. The book is action packed. Thanks Sue for given it to me.
Rating:  Summary: Most enjoyable. Review: Few written novels I have read are as compelling and interesting as 'Cloning Christ'. From a fascinating plot, wonderfully developed characters, a high mark for the written word, and the authors' abiltiy to have the reader transcend themselves into the story itself, I give 'Cloning Christ' my highest marks.