Rating:  Summary: TRUE Cussler fans can rejoice with Atlantis Found! Review: You would be hard-pressed to find a bigger Cussler fan than me, and I've been there since I first picked up 'Raise The Titanic' in the late 70's and since then Dirk has become somewhat of a personal friend to me (or so I would like to think) and I have really got to know him well over the years--and the same goes for Al, Rudy and Admiral Sandecker...I ALWAYS look forward to something written by Cussler, whether it be his new series with Kurt Austin (which I feel are actually pretty good books so far) or his non-fiction stories behind Dirk or Clive's own heroic adventures, if it has Clive Cussler on the cover, I am GOING to BUY it. Cussler simply does not write a bad story. Some are better and more thrilling than others, but 'Atlantis Found' is easily one of the better Dirk Pitt adventures. I find it funny how people attack Clive's research into his novels, as if they could believe certain parts of his stories, but other parts were just impossible to fathom...it reminds me of a friend of mine who complained about certain portions of Star Wars saying, 'That could never happen!' As if the rest was entirely 100% accurate! C'mon! Clive is THE KING of ALL Action in print, and 'Atlantis Found' is a perfect example of exactly why. This is a complex story that spans 10 Millennia--LITERALLY. Could it be that the lost continent of Atlantis actually existed? What does the Nazi's have to do with Antarctica? Is it possible that a comet will actually decimate the earth as predicted by an ancient civilization more advanced than any in modern history...? All of these questions are raised in 'Atlantis Found' and all are answered with an amazing dose of thrilling edge-of-your-seat adventure piled on top of conspiracy on top of more action. Simply put, if you read Cussler for sheer thrill, pace and excitement, you know just why us die-hard readers lap up his books like an addictive drug, we crave something FUN and Clive serves it up hot and fresh each and every time. I have NEVER been disappointed in one of his novels yet, mostly because I don't look for something that isn't there. I KNOW what to expect when I begin one of these novels, and that is exactly what I get. It's like seeing a James Bond movie--you KNOW pretty much what to expect--and THAT is the reason why you keep coming back for more. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: 'Long Live Clive'. 'Atlantis Found' is by NO MEANS a literary masterpiece, but it IS a fun ride. Climb aboard and enjoy the cruise.
Rating:  Summary: Fun Fun Fun Review: Sure it required a huge amount of suspension of disbelief and there was lots of coincidence and luck, but this book was fun. It read quickly and kept me entertained the entire time I was reading. No great moral issues or any issues for that matter. Every Cussler book I've read was fun--this one was the most fun so far.
Rating:  Summary: Enjoyable read Review: Hmmm. Well I bought this as an Amazon recommendation. It was a thoroughly enjoyableread, my first Cussler book. I don't know why but I'd assumed him to be a German WWII authour! Dirk Pitt is clearly one cool dude but if after reading the reviews this is one of his (and Cussler's)best I'm not going to rush out and buy the back list. Don't get me wrong - its a good entertaining read for a "Clancy-man at heart" the characters are similar, have their foibles but hey, they're good honest men and true. I'd say, if you're new to Cussler, and like Clancy, buy it but as one of the reviewers says, wait for the paperback and/or buy Patrick Robinson's Nimitz Class in the meantime Just finished an interesting adventur thriller "A Tourist in the Yucatan" You might check it out if your looking for somethin diffrent.
Rating:  Summary: Solid fun entertainment Review: A room carved into the solid rock of a defunct Colorado gold mine holds the key to the latest catastrophe facing the world. But what do the strange glyphs and even stranger black obsidian skull mean? And who are the assasins who will stop at nothing to eliminate anyone who has seen these strange writings? Once again Dirk Pitt and Al Giordano are thrust into a mystery that could ultimately lead to the end of the earth as we know it. Like all Dirk Pitt novels this is not meant to be taken too seriously. It's a fun read as long as you don't delve too deeply into the whys and wherefores of the story. And to me, that's fine. I always feel that Mr. Cussler has a twinkle in his eye when he spins these yarns. His Pitt and Giordano characters have always been larger than life and almost over the top. Another reviewer mentioned that this is Cussler's formula, and I have to agree. So, take it for what it is. A fun read and not earthshaking literature. The writing is not up to the level of a James Lee Burke or Stephen Hunter but it entertains and really, what more can you ask for? I've never really understood why these books haven't been made into movies. It seems to me they have all the requisites for a good movie series just like the James Bond movies. In my mind's eye I've always seen a young James Coburn as Dirk Pitt.
Rating:  Summary: Tired!! Review: I normally like Cussler, but this just seemed to be a similiar theme from an author that was tired of his characters - I got the feeling right from the start that it would be the last one in the series. It was a shame because it could have been so much better - there were plenty of noticeable inconsistences - not something I had seen before in his previous books. Never mind - maybe Cussler should invent some new characters, and move away from the global disaster theme! Lets face it - if it wasn't for the fact that the Bond stories are films (special effects, bond girls, corny lines, etc) then we wouldn't be interested in story number 12 (or whatever!). I suppose my point is is that it is time to leave Al and Dirk to their homemaking and scuba diving, and find another HERO!!! See yA!
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Scenario, Bad Execution Review: I generally enjoy Dirk Pitt. I have read almost all of them, even if I only hazily remember the earlier ones, but never remember being as disappointed as I with this one. First, the good points. It was an incredible concept.... Atlantis has been a favorite (with good reason) for many authors over the years, and the possible explanations and themes they explore are endless. Cussler's interpretation is a bit less exotic than, say, Greg Donegan's, but still viable and has the added benefit of being at least somewhat plausible. The Characters are classic Cussler villians and hero(ine)s, and the action scenes...nice. However there are flaws here as well. The framework of the book didn't seem to hang together well. My primary complaint is that the villians were entirely too stupid. There was absolutely no reason for them to be doing what they were doing when Pitt and company stumbled upon them. Even if the artifacts were discovered, everyone was going to be dead in, what, three weeks anyway, so what would be the big deal? Antarctica is a big place; it would have been unlikely that it would have been revealed. Even if it had been discovered, there was no indication that the bad guys were up to anything especially nefarious - aside from building a complex in a prohibited location, of course. Still, pay a fine and move out, and your ok. Everyone's gonna die in a month, and the court case will take longer than that. Sigh. As a geologist, I find the disaster theory somewhat dubious, but it's been ten years since college and I don't keep up on the breaking developements as much as I might. The concept was floating around back then, but none of my profs gave it much credence, and I haven't heard anything in the public media to convince me otherwise. Once things get moving it's a good read. Cussler's writing style is clear and easy to follow, without any needless ramblings. However, I just felt that the whole scenario was somewhat forced...I couldn't get past the fact that the antagonists should never have been doing what they were doing when they ran into Pitt. Oh well. Maybe the next one will be better. 2 stars from me.
Rating:  Summary: YOU READ ONE, YOU READ THEM ALL... Review: But if this one was good enough, you'll search for more. THat's the case with Cussler and his "Bond", Dirk Pitt. They are all there again: Giordino, Sandecker and Loren. But the story ? IT's good enough to read in three days. Óf course the plot is so grandious.. Fourth Reich Nazid are not exactly new in novels ...
Rating:  Summary: Just bad. Review: Badly written, cliched characters, dumb plot. Lines like "mudslides that were almost 30 feet wide or more." (What's almost more?) Everybody has "white teeth" in this book. It's filled with the model numbers of the machines, but it lacks any development of the people. This is Judith Krantz with fighting instead of shopping. It's bad. What's more, the reader has little intonation and his voice grates. It's just bad.
Rating:  Summary: Atlantis Intrigue Review: I thought this was one of Clive Cussler's best books, along with Sahara and Night Probe. I have always been intrigued with Atlantis and I love Dirk Pitt, so the book grabbed me from the start. It never ceases to amaze me what a fantastic imagination Clive Cussler has; every book seems believable the way he mixes history with fiction. I really wish they would make a Dirk Pitt movie of ANY book; he is such a great mix of Indiana Jones and James Bond! I always thought Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, or Pierce Brosnan would make a great Dirk Pitt...
Rating:  Summary: Great adventure read! Review: This is my first Dirk Pitt book and after Atlantis, I went on an adventure of my own--seeking Cussler's books in the library. The book has a formula but it works--good guys are really good and noble; they fight well and bad guys are dastardly and fight nasty. In the end, the good guys always win and the bad guys really get it. In between there is almost always a beutiful but strong and intelligent woman who hangs with the good guy. There is also a fantastic mystery/historical artifact/save the world from a virus/time is running out adventure happening thatonly these guys from NUMA can solve. Dirk Pitt and Giordino, his compardre goes search for an old iron confederate ship in the Sahara, raise the Titanic, search for Inca gold and check out red viruses in these book. Here in the latest, they are demystyfying Atlantis. I am on Blue Gold now, which doesn't have Pitt, but two other good guys--not bad. Oh, it gets fun when an old laid back guy aka the Kid aka Cussler shows up every now and then