Rating:  Summary: hoot is one of the greatest books I've read Review: To me Hoot is the greatest book I've read in my whole life. It was very inspireing and captivating how Carl Hiaasen vividly explained the world that we mentally ventured through. I seemed to want Roy to beat up Dana a little more because it is very funny when Roy breaks Dana's nose. First all the survey markers are pulled up and all the stake holes are filled in.The air is let out of the construction vehiles tires. Alligators (small ones) are put in the out house toilets. No work is being done. The date for a grand opening is approaching. Who is doing this and why are no mystery to the reader, but they are a serious question to the construction foreman, Curly, police officer Delinko and Curly's boss at headquarters, Chuck Muckle. Of course, Mother Paula's is about to be constructed on land on which there a bunch of burrowing owls.
Rating:  Summary: Hoot done it Review: I just finished reading HOOT and I really liked it.I liked the way the characters were described and how the events were sequenced from different points of view.My favorite part was the groundbreaking.I'm glad the owls were saved.I would of taken Lonna out of the camera as soon as possible if I would of been there;she's a terrible mother who just wanted to appear on tv. The idea of the vice principal in Trace Middle, Ms. Hennepin, having a big otrocious hair coming out of her lip was gross but hilarious;and even funnier was the idea of her dying it various colors! My favorite character was Beatrice the Bear.She was a tough soccer player and yet she took care of her father, mother, and stepbrother, Mullet Fingers, who needed someone he could trust in.Roy was the one who made the enormeous effort in saving the owls:and Mullet Fingers of course, or should I say Napoleon Bridge Leep.I never imagined that would be his name.In Ms.Smith's, my teacher,6th grade gifted language arts class, we had to draw Mullet Fingers how we imagined him and guess his name.I thought he was a Joshua or Joey.I believe only one person put Napoleon.The idea of his name being Napoleon didn't spring into my mind or most of my classmates mind.Anyone could read this book. I thought it was hilarious, with passion and intruiging mystery, and suspense.It would be awesome to meet you in person. It would also be cool if you decided to make a sequal to HOOT as you are still undecisive in that matter.I give this book 5 STARS!!
Rating:  Summary: Hoot Review Review: I really liked this book since it was a mixture of comedy and mystery. my teacher read the book awsome that was what made the book more intresting since she did good voice effects. My favorite part was when Roy had to followed Mullet Fingers into the woods and then Roy got hit in the head with a golf ball. I also liked the part when Mullet Fingers was bit by the dog and they took Mullet Fingers to the hospital and Roy used Roy for Mullet Fingers name in order to be treated and Roy was lieing to the hospoital people. My favorite person in the book is Mullet Fingers since he is a very mysterious guy since he keeps everything a secret. The least favorite character in the book of mine is beatrice since she is a strong soccer player and i don't like the girls that are all strong and also since she gave Roy a hard time like hitting him against the lockers and things like that. But in the end Beatrice came through and helped Roy prove that there are Burrowing Owls in the construction site.
Rating:  Summary: Hoot- Carl Hiaasen Review: Dear Mr. Hiaasen, I have just finished reading your book, Hoot. I really enjoyed the book because it was fun to read. Every chapter led me to want to read the next one. I couldn't wait to see what would happen next. I learned many lessons in reading this book. Among them was that you should always stand up for what you believe in. I also learned that any changes to a town, city, street, always affects the environment around the change, the wildlife, waterways, etc. I learned about the EIS, environmental impact statement, and how important this is to any new building. My favorite character was Napoleon, "Mullet Fingers", because he was willing to take the risks of fighting for something he believed in. I think he makes a wonderful role model for kids my age. He was willing to risk going to jail, his mother's anger at his escape, and his life to save the owls. My favorite part of the book was when Napoleon took Roy to a mangrove where they sat on Molly Bell's pilothouse. Napoleon showed Roy how to catch a mullet with his bear hands. I liked this part of the book because I like to fish and could relate to what Napoleon was teaching Roy. (...)
Rating:  Summary: My Review Review: I really loved the new childrens book Hoot. It was an interesting story. At the end of every chapter it left you in suspese. I always wondered what would happen next. My favorite part was when Roy and a whole bunch of other kids from the school were protesting about the owls. I loved what all the signs read. My favorite was the one about burrying the butter milks. The part of the book that I thought was really cool was how it tied in two different things together. You would read something about Roy being bullied and then all of a sudden you would read about Curly and Officer Delinko arguing and then at the end it all came together. My favorite character is Mullet Fingers because he always acted so sneaky about everything he was doing. The coolest thing about Mullet Fingers was that he was able to catch a mullet in his bare hands. I wish that I was able to do that. Overall I thought that it was a great book and I would recommend it to all of my friends. When I read it it wasso detailed that I able to picture everything that I read in my mind. I have never been able to do that with any other books I have read. That is so cool. I will read this book over and over again and I will never get tired of reading it. I am so glad that Carl Hiaasen wrote such a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Hoot Review: I read Carl Hiaasen's first novel for young readers called HOOT. I think that the book is real good. It made me be happy and it made me laugh a lot. I live in the state of Florida so I know what he means by hot summer days. My favorite part of this book is when Officer Delinko's patrol car gets spray painted by the vandal, which is Mullet Fingers or should I say Napoleon Bridger Leep. It was funny when Officer Delinko falls asleep and when he wakes up sees his patrol car windows are spray painted black. Officer Delinko thought it was early in the morning, but it was really nine thirty. I laughed my head off in this part. Another part I liked was the part that Roy mooned Dana and Dana got real mad and chased Roy about three blocks. My favorite character was Beatrice. She seemed so tough, but she cared about the owls. She really didn't like her step mom so I laughed when Beatrice bit the ring off Lonna's toe. With this book I learned you should take care of your environment and stick up for what you think is right! This is a GREAT book!
Rating:  Summary: A great book!!! Review: Hoot is a wonderful book.The plot is very intruiguing. The whole idea of the book, the overall message is great.My favorite part of the book was when Roy moons Dana, this part was very humorous. My teacher Ms.Smith read it to my class in sixth period. A chapter a day and some days two chapters. My class alays begged her to read one more chapter. So you can se how wonderful the book was. My favorite charecter is Roy. He is pure hearted and is dedicated to helping his friends and the owls. He portrays a great person.The rest of the charecters are brilliant aswell. Carl Hiaasen is a great author and I think this is one of his greatest books.I recommend this book to many of the young reders. It is a great book for everyone to enjoy. From the youngest kids to the youngest adults and oldest adults.
Rating:  Summary: a cool book Review: this book is one of the best books i have ever read.I liked this book because it has a adventure that every child will want. My favorite part was when they save the owls. It is a very funny and it describes Florida's environment perfect. This book has weird animals that I never heard of before.
Rating:  Summary: Hoot Review: Dear Carl Hiaasen, I am a sixth grader at W.R. Thomas Middle School and i have just finished reading your novel "Hoot". I personally enjoyed the novel. It was filled with comedy and middle school conflicts. My favorite characters were Mullet Fingers, Roy and Beatrice. I was interested in the part where Mullet Finger explains and shows Roy how he got his nickname "Mullet Fingers". The part I disliked was when Mr. Chuck E. Muckle disagrees with Roy about the burrowing owls even though he knew they were on the property. I would definetly recommend this book to younger and older people. It was a book of conflicts, protest, and comedy. When reading the book I felt like I was part of the book. The characters came alive and actually told to story. Your descriptions and phrase's helped me understand the book. The only part that i think wasn't in the book was wether the file was with Chuck E. Muckle or Curly. I just wanted to congratulate you on an awesome novel that should be recommended to others for enjoyment, comedy and much more. Farther more, I really loved your novel and would pass on the story for years to come. Thanks, (...)
Rating:  Summary: My Review Review: "HOOT" was a great novel. It had comedy and some action in it. Also, it takes place in Florida, which is where I'm from. Most characters had lot of personality. Garret was funny and sarcastic. He mostly had funny remarks. Dana Matherson was the bully who picked on Roy. He's stupid and just plain wretched. Roy was very gallant. He stood up to Dana in the bus and punched him in the nose. Beatrice was tough. These are only some of the many characters in this story but, out of them all, there is one favorite. Napoleon Bridger (a.k.a Mullet Fingers) . He did not want Mother Paula's Pancake House to be constructed on top of the burrowing owls dens. He really cared about those owls. He also could catch mullets. I thought that was incredible. He never gave up to save those owls. My favorite parts of this book were mostly with Beatrice. She hanged Dana on the flag pole and most of the times Beatrice came out of nowhere to save Roy from Dana. Beatrice is also a little crazy. She bit off her stepmother's toe ring and kept it as her own and she bit on Roy's bicycle tires. The tire got flat. I probably will never forget this book. I was always eager to read the next chapter because the plot kept on getting better. I recommend this book to read.