Rating:  Summary: adventure packed Review: This follows typical Tom Clancy with the adventure and racing around the world to make it better. Though I missed the actual Jack Ryan, Jack Ryan Jr. does make an appearance though much weaker. I enjoyed the book but it did have a few pages of dragging on and character development. My only hesitation in recommending the book would be the gore. This book is very graphic and not for the weak of heart.
Rating:  Summary: awful Review: It got to the point where I kept reading just to see how bad the writing could be. I see another reviewer noted that one chapter begins with "The sun rose promptly at dawn." Pretty bad, but how 'bout this one: "ESPN had a baseball game on; the Mariners were playing the Yankees, to the current detriment of the former." Groan. When the metaphors in the narrative aren't killing you, the dialogue is. Two of the main characters are fraternal twins, an FBI agent and Marine officer, supposedly in their late 20's. When their conversation isn't completely wooden (the term "bro" is used about 100 times, or so it seemed) it's just not real: At one point Brian makes a reference to Grace Kelly. Grace Kelly? If Clancy's editor doesn't have the nerve to tell him that no twenty-something year old guy in present day America is going to be talking about Grace Kelly, he's not going to tell him anything.
Rating:  Summary: dull teeth Review: Approximately 15 pages are devoted to action (or the semblance of action). The rest is dull, expository, and dare I say it, amateurish. I have read every Clancy novel and this one ties with Red Rabbit for the worst. Clancy isn't writing novels anymore, he's cashing checks. What a shame for his fans and his reputation. One interesting element of Clancy's works is that real events seem to follow his fiction within a year or two. The prime example - in Debt of Honor, a terrorist flies a 747 into the Capitol during a joint session of Congress. This was a few years before 9/11. Coincidence? I only hope that the one terrorist event described in Teeth of the Tiger does not happen in the United States. Time will tell.
Rating:  Summary: Tom, what happened to exciting, multi-threaded plots? Review: I was introduced to Clancy through "The Hunt for Red October", "Patriot Games", and "The Cardinal and the Kremlin". I remember enjoying how Clancy had several plotlines rushing together as powerful enemies tried to outfox one another. It was exciting, suspenseful reading. "Teeth of the Tiger", was similar to the above novels only in that it mentioned some of the same key characters, but the excitement and thrills of the story were lacking. There was only a single very powerful group (The Campus) pursuing and terminating terrorists who were outclassed in every way and didn't even know they were being pursued. It was like playing a poorly balanced video game where your characters have all the super weapons and are never even challenged by the 'bad guys'. There was very little suspense or excitement for me after the first chapter. One minor pet peeve is that Clancy's knowledge of fitness levels seems skewed. For example, if Brian could run a 4:30 mile I doubt very much he would be a 'football type'. And, someone that could run a 4:30 mile wouldn't even blink at a three-mile run (The distance Brian and Dom did for training). Also, I remember reading that the morning run took 30 minutes - 30 minutes! - I could walk 3 miles in 30 minutes. I don't mind filler facts, but let's be consistent and realistic. The book was not up to the Clancy standards I remember, but it was not too overly unbelievable either. It was a quick, easy read ' average at best. Homerinvests
Rating:  Summary: Coming soon to a theater near you! Review: Ugh. This book is a big disappointment for a fan of Tom Clancy's previous works. Either Mr. Clancy was way to busy to actually bother developing the story and the characters, or he doesn't write his own novels anymore. Reportedly, Mr. Clancy was quite impressed with Ben Affleck's portrayal of the young Jack Ryan in "The Sum of All Fears" (the heck with the plot - let's replace terrorists with Nazis). This latest "book" read more like a screenplay written for Ben Affleck to play Ryan's son. In conclusion, skip it. If it really interests you, just wait for it to come out on video.
Rating:  Summary: Hope the next one is better Review: Having read a number of earlier Clancy novels, I was a little stumped at the size of this book, as it was about half the size of the others I have. Unfortunately, there seems to be a reason for that, which comes up later. The premise of the book is classic Clancy, although it definitely seems as though he takes his time setting up the main action of the book. Honestly, after the first scene, I was sitting there saying to the terrorist group, "get on with it," just so there'd be something. It took forever for the action to unfold. I think the main reason for this was there was a lot of repetitive information transferred to the reader for the first half of the book. Although there tended to be a lot of the same in the second half as well. Then the action started, and unfortunately, the opposite problem started in. Now, instead of dragging on with some decent action, it was like watching 100-yd dash time trials. Short little scenes, the same thing over-and-over, and you knew what the end result would be. To top it all off, the book ends in what seems the middle of the story. My own personal guess is they're planning to release the second half as another novel, so we have to buy another. There were a number of logic and sequence errors in this book, which makes one wonder if an editor even bothered going over the rough draft sent in. Combined with the abrupt (and completely unfitting) ending, perhaps Clancy ran over his deadline, and the publisher simply slapped it together?
Rating:  Summary: Totally Inept Review: I can't believe that someone with Clancy's reputation would put out a book with so many ERRORS as well as strains of logic. Items: p. 17 and 19; Dominic disarmed and handcuffed the dead body then later the FBI took the knife from the subjects hand and bagged it. HUH !! p. 208 and 222; The target cities were Des Moines, Colo. Spr., Charlottsville, and Sacramento. Then magically on page 222 Sacramento is changed to Provo, Utah. HUH !!! p. 176; During the test firing of the MAC-10s Juan assumed the noise could not be heard by a house 4 kilometers away but "In this he was mistaken." I would expect that stating that would have some significance -- however nothing ever came of it.
Rating:  Summary: Medium Review: Perhaps we expect too much from author Tom Clancy, because his past writings have been so strong and so full of excitement, and they have taken us so deeply into the thought processes of our global enemies. But this time, all we get is a rather "medium" story. The premise is a good one, that our Muslim enemies have worked out a deal with a Columbian drug cartel, so they will cooperate in some ways to bring death and destruction to their mutual enemy, the U.S. To counter such possibility, a super-secret, deniable group of Americans operate to learn all opponents' secrets via the internet, since they mainly keep in communication via that means, and they are recruiting young, tough Americans to execute their plans to protect the U.S. As said, a plausible and interesting concept, but the actual story never picks up any excitement, and the characters never get developed sufficiently to engage our interest. Unhappily, the whole story has the feel of an elistist college club, where all members are related or know each other, and where their parents know each other, and they all have the exact same background, and where members are invited into this super-secret group on the basis of their family background. There just isn't the feel of Americans banding together to keep our country free of terrorist, and even as we read the story, most of us will feel we are being left out. So we can only read this story with considerable detachment. Not a typical Clancy book at all.
Rating:  Summary: Clancy fans don't read Review: I absolutely love the prior Clancy books, but The Teeth of the Tiger is horrible. Clancy totally changes characters and settings from all his prior books, and his atempts to link Teeth of the Tiger to the other books destroys this book and the others. The plot of Teeth of the Tiger kills a lot of the feelings you may have had about the way Clancy writes. If I were you, I would read ALL of the books in the series up to and including The Bear and The Dragon, then stop before Clancy kills the series.
Rating:  Summary: Total rubbish Review: This book is probably the worst I have ever read. It is truly terrible. A high school graduate could come up with something more interesting and believable than this over a weekend! I've read all of the other Jack Ryan books and not one of them even comes close to being as bad as this - it is so bad that I actually feel angry at Clancy that he has the nerve to put this into print and charge money for it. As I see it, the events of September 11 have somewhat taken the wind out of Mr Clancy's sails. The real world has got so crazy that there is little Tom Clancy could now write about to give us the 'wow' factor. He has never been a 'great' writer of prose but up until lately his books held the attention because Clancy was very good at putting a story together with lots of different sub-plots which all gelled together culminating in an exciting, action-packed climax. There is absolutely non of that in this book.. Things that annoyed me... 1. Character development - there is none. 2. Simplistic one dimensional characters - the Americans are faultless good guys, never make any mistakes and have all the luck whilst the bad guys (Muslims obviously) are evil beyond belief, stupid and unlucky. At least there were no English characters in the book this time which deprived him of the chance to give them all names like "Rupert Smyth" or "Quinten St John Pilkington" - to all of Clancy's fans in America please believe me when I say that NO-ONE in England has names like that. 3. Dialogue - Painful...I lost count of the times the Caruso brothers called each other 'bro' - they are supposed to be educated and in their late twenties - would they really talk like a couple of teenage gang-members? Does anyone in the world actually say things like "bet your bippy, bro!". 4. I lost count of the times that Clancy used the phrase "in ordnung" whilst the characters were in Germany...as in "everything was 'in ordnung'"...yes Tom, we know they are in Germany, we know that the Germans have a reputation for being organised and we know that the German for "in order" sounds very similar the the same phrase in English...we are not stupid and do not need to be reminded of this fact over and over and over again. 5. The book comes across very much as a mouthpiece for Clancy's own, it would appear increasingly, extreme right-wing views. The characters and issues are presented in such a black and white way that the reader is left in absolutely no doubt that this is actually how Clancy thinks...there is absolutely no attempt in the book to examine the motives of the terrorists other than that they hate America - no mention of Palestine no examination of American foreign policy...just the view that anyone American is 100% right and virtuous and anyone else either doesn't matter or is evil. It's tiresome. These are just a few examples - I could go on all day. The book is total trash from start to finish and I will never buy another Tom Clancy book in my life after this. I would imagine this book will actually hurt his future sales quite considerably.