Rating:  Summary: Way to go for TWO FOR THE DOUGH! Review: TWO FOR THE DOUGH by Janet EvanovichStephanie Plum deals with dead bodies and mortuaries in TWO FOR THE DOUGH, the second book in the series created by Janet Evanovich. In this sequel to ONE FOR THE MONEY, Stephanie cruises the town of Trenton with Grandmother Mazur in tow, as she seeks out the mortuaries all over town in search of clues to missing person Kenny Mancuso, who is accused of having shot a gas attendant in the knees. Kenny is Stephanie's latest missing person in her new job as bounty hunter. Kenny also happens to be a distant cousin of Joe Morelli, a vice cop that Stephanie has known "intimately" since childhood, and who creates all sorts of conflicting feelings within her. As in the first book, Morelli helps Stephanie through this case. In this sequel, however, Grandmother Mazur comes along for the ride, Stephanie's mother tries to set her up with Spiro the mortician, and at one point her mother thinks that Morelli is Stephanie's boyfriend. I'm really enjoying these books by Janet Evanovich. These are beach reads, not meant for serious reading. I find myself chuckling as I read these books, following the crazy antics of Stephanie Plum as she tries her best to retrieve these missing criminals. Her fear of guns always comes into play, and this time around Grandmother Mazur plays a big role as her sidekick. (Grandmother Mazur is not afraid to use her gun)! I give this book another big recommendation. Expect nothing more than a few laughs and fun times, and you'll want to read the rest of the series. For those looking for more seriously written legal thrillers, stick with Grisham and Patterson.
Rating:  Summary: "...Two... Plum" Entertaining Review: Yes, this series should be made into movies! Stephanie Plum & her family, friends, & associates are very colorful & entertaining, right down to Rex the hamster! Hard to put down!
Rating:  Summary: Stephanie collects body parts Review: Author Janet Evanovich has made the protagonist of her Stephanie Plum series one of the most endearing fictional characters I've come across. Should Hollywood make any of the books into a film, the lead role is made for Sandra Bullock. In TWO FOR THE DOUGH, novice bounty hunter Stephanie is on the hunt for Kenny Mancuso, who's jumped bail after being charged with shooting a service station attendant in the knee. As the plot unfolds, Plum becomes involved in the investigation of a weapons theft from an Army arsenal, and is mailed various body parts carved from corpses on slabs at a local mortuary. All to the continuing discomfiture of her family, who just wants her to find a nice man and get married. Or at least a job that pays steady. Admittedly, the plots of the Plum novels are rudimentary. Almost amateurish even. But they serve as the skeleton structures upon which Evanovich constructs the superbly hilarious misadventures of her klutzy heroine. Not since Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic series with Becky Bloomwood have I been so amused. A major attraction of the series is the cast of ongoing, supporting characters. Foremost is Joe Morelli, a plain-clothes cop on the Trenton (NJ) PD, and Plum's reluctant ally in her pursuit of the bad guys. Joe and Stephanie would be lovers except that she finds him so infuriating, and the fact that she manages to trash Joe's cars. Another is her maternal grandmother, Grandma Mazur, a feisty old lady who see's herself as Clint Eastwood and her granddaughter's sometimes partner. In that hypothetical film of Stephanie's exploits, Mazur would be played by Dorothy's Mom in TV's GOLDEN GIRLS, Sophia. The first book in the series having established what is apparently a pattern, I expect Stephanie to experience continuing car problems and ridiculous predicaments. In this second volume, Plum's Jeep is stolen, and she inherits the use of a powder blue, 1953 Buick in mint condition - a veritable tank with which she proceeds to wreak destruction on cars around her. And whereas in the first installment she's handcuffed naked to her own shower curtain rod by her quarry, in TWO FOR THE DOUGH she collapses a rickety fire escape, plunging butt-first into a pile of dog poop. According to the helpful Joe, a very large and sick dog. Stephanie has a pet hamster named Rex, stores her .38 in a cookie jar, and, during extended surveillances, takes pottie breaks at M&D's. She obsesses about her weight, but Kit-Kat bars are de rigueur munchies for stakeout duty. During stressful moments, her mind can wander to consideration of a sexy pair of purple pumps, and the necessary additions to her wardrobe that such would require. How can you not love this woman? I've taken the plunge and put the next six episodes on my Wish List.
Rating:  Summary: The Second Plum is All the Sweeter Review: This second novel in the Stephanie Plum series (the first being "One for the Money") starts out pretty much where the first left off. Our heroine, Stephanie, a ballsy but very inexperienced bond collector has been assigned what should be a simple case: Kenny Mancuso has skipped bail after blowing the kneecaps off his old friend Moogey Bues; get him back to jail. Unfortunately not only does Kenny not want to be found, it appears he is pyschotic and involved in a very deadly trade. The villain of the first novel, Joe Morelli, who deflowered Stephanie in her teens and who she helped show was innocent in "One for the Money" is assigned to this case - though as a vice squad officer it's not clear why, and Morelli isn't helping. This partnership is flaky at best - with Morelli constantly trying to get into Plum's heart (a.k.a. her pants!), this time by playing nice with Mom, things are going to get out of hand. In one of the funniest episodes in the book Stephanie leaves Morelli just wearing his underwear in the middle of the road; she thinks better of this and goes back to give him his gun! One of the biggest delights in this book is the development of Grandma Mazur who is the one member of her family who supports Stephanie in her job. Grandma Mazur is a cross between Dirty Harry and Sophia from The Golden Girls. One of her favorite activities are the public viewings at the funeral homes which is very handy since it seems that Kenny Mancuso has had shady dealings with a mortician, Spiro Stiva. Grandma is a bit accident prone - something that both helps Stephanie out, unexpectedly, and provides great comedy. Stephanie is still learning her trade - "by making mistakes" she tells us. In this second book she is starting to get the hang of things but is still lucking out more often than not. I look forward to seeing how her character develops through the Plum novels. I think this novel would be a good enough introduction to Stephanie Plum but I would recommend reading the first novel if you haven't already done so.
Rating:  Summary: Crazy Kenny Review: Number two in the series of nine books (thus far), enthralled my attention, just like the first. Stephanie Plum continues her new career as a bounty hunter and finds herself searching for missing caskets, amongst searching for Kenny Mancuso (a deranged crazy man who is accused of shooting his best friend and who attacks Grandma Mazur). She spends her time searching the streets, hanging out at a funeral home, mooching dinner off of her parents, taking to hookers, and in constant fear of Crazy Kenny. Stephanie & Morelli's love/hate relationship also continues to grow as does Stephanie's dependence upon Rex, her faithful hamster. Evanovitch has developed a mastery of developing exciting, fanatical characters that "reel you in" and keep you guessing. #2 Plum quote: "Rex didn't say anything. He's the strong silent type."
Rating:  Summary: ANOTHER WINNER!!! Review: Well, America's favorite bounty hunter is at it again. She's on the hunt for Kenny Mancuso--a sociopathic Trenton native who's jumped bail. The hunt for Kenny is a rip-roaring adventure; Stephanie is forced to frequent all of the Trenton funeral homes in her search--much to Grandma Mazur's delight, who likes to frequent the viewings! From the antics of Grandma involving corpses at funeral homes, to body parts appearing in Stephanie's refrigerator, this novel is a lot of fun to ride through. To add to the reader's delight is of course the handsome Joe Morelli throughout---and the action between he and Steph is definitely heating up! Just when you thought the second could not have possibly be as good as the first, Ms. Evanovich is here to prove you wrong. Enjoy...I certainly did!!
Rating:  Summary: Not Quite as Good as the First One Review: Although I enjoyed the first book in the series more, this book was also entertaining. I missed Ranger, Stephanie's fellow bounty hunter in this book. His character is wonderful, and I hope we see more of him. This book got a little ridiculous with Granny Mazur. I understand that there are eccentric senior citizens out there, but I found the doings with Granny took away from the rest of the story. She seemed somehow fake and overdone. But Stephanie's just as good as ever, and beautiful Morrelli is there too. In this book, Stephanie is trying to find Kenny Mancuso - a real live wire from the burg. As she closes in on her prey she finds that she is the recipient of some very dubious presents from the guy she's trying to bring in. You'll have to read to find out all the hilarious antics.
Rating:  Summary: Are all bounty hunters this hot? Review: This is the second in what promises to be a fantastically funny set. Stephanie Plum, still finding her feet in the world of bounty hunters takes on a new case. Find Kenny Mancuso. Its a great tale which takes Stephanie on such adventures as searching funeral homes (with her lovable, but crazy, grandma in tow) and looking for a batch of missing coffins. In someways the book is dark in the humour it uses but you don't notice little details like that when your laughing till your ribs hurt. The situations Stephanie falls into make you feel somewhat sorry for her, she doesn't deserve to be dumped on as much as she is, but in the face of adversity she always prevails, that's the New Jersey Spirit. A great read, 4 Stars.
Rating:  Summary: Grandma! Here'd you get that gun?! Review: Stephanie Plum is on the case again! A young wippersnapper named Kenny Mancuso, fresh out of the army seems to have gone missing alone with a pile of military grade ammo. As the bodies pile up and Stephanie wonders where in the burg Kenny could be not to mention the missing 20-odd caskets that have been stolen. Morelli and Ranger are back, but its Stephanie widdowed Grandmother who really lights up the show! In this the second book of the Stephanie Plum series, its Grandma who seems to be finding almost as much trouble as Stephanie. Wiseass Grandma really steals the show in this book, I just couldn't stop laughing! Ms. Evanovich has done it again! This book as well as the entire series is definate worth the reading time.
Rating:  Summary: Back on Assignment! Review: One for the Money couldn't keep Stephanie Plum down so she is back on the Burg streets in Two for the Dough. Her assignment this time is bring in Kenny Mancuso, accused killer and definite bad news. Kenny also happens to be the cousin of Stephanie's love/hate partner, Joe Morelli. This connection, of course, brings Stephanie and Morelli and all their frustrated passion front and center. When Stephanie is not hot on the heels of Kenny or running into Morelli, she's been hired to seek out some missing coffins which she has a funny suspicion may somehow be tied to Kenny. Stephanie is determined to bring in her man and stands a pretty good shot of doing so with the help of some of the cast in One for Money; like Lula, Ranger and of course Grandma Mazur.