Rating:  Summary: Tragically Everafter ... Review: Well, what to say. I guess there's hope for the Scarpetta series, but I've forgotten why I ever liked her. She'd be a major downer to know. And Benton, there's a bore. At first, I was sorry Ms. Cornwell killed him off, but now I'd rather see a more appealing character than him written in, one who doesn't need a fire built under him, than have Benton back to do little more than contribute to Scarpetta's already gloom-ridden persona. I'm sick to death of Wolfman Chandonne too. There could be some interesting new character spin-offs, however, with regard to the Chandonne grandson, who is now parentless and grandmotherless. No doubt the remaining Chandonne family in France will want to raise him, which should keep Scarpetta awake at night. I don't see though that the character of Jean-Baptiste can offer anything more. Now here's a thought! Scarpetta personally kills Wolfman (and soon), she adopts the little boy, then lives tragically ever after, depressed and wondering if the weird kid is a chip off the old block, i.e., Jay Talley. Gee, I can hardly wait. Then we'd get to read more about cruelty to animals, dogs in particular. What's with Cornwell and dogs anyway? Old ones get thrown into swimming pools with bricks tied to their feet. Puppies are used as alligator bait. I get the picture, Patricia. Enough.Actually, I think Ms. Cornwell writes beautifully, handles plots and dialogue very well, the forensics are fascinating, and the character Kay Scarpetta has a ton of potential. But she's become such a sad sack. Put some life back into her, Patricia. Find her a new love interest. Something! Whatever happened to the man who owned the horses in Point of Origin? I liked him. His would be an intriguing re-appearance .
Rating:  Summary: What Series are we in here? Review: After the first couple of chapters, the reader will be checking to see that this is "A Scarpetta novel" The flashing in and out of scenes is reminiscent of the Andy Brazil series, not the smooth narratives we expect from Kay Scarpetta's world. Also, this volume is not exactly consistent with what has come before. Questions left open include: How did "The Last Precinct" turn into a viable enterprise? What happened to Teun McGovern? and most importantly, how in the world did Lucy and Marino manage to slip a frozen copy of Benton Wesley's face into a locked and chained refrigerator in Newton Joyce's garage when Wesley was actually alive. To say that this strains credibility is to understate the obvious. Saying all that, however, it was a joy to find Kay Scarpetta slowly recovering into her old self. Without her insights about human nature, I would have tossed this book aside quickly. Still, the ending isn't one and I long for the days when monsters like Jean-Baptiste Chardonne are dispatched by the final page. This book is worth reading if you have come to care for Scarpetta, Lucy and Marino. However, you will leave it feeling sad for what has happened to your old friends.
Rating:  Summary: JUST PLAIN AWFUL Review: This book can only be described as "just plain awful" After reading so many well written and interesting novels by Patricia Cornwell, she must have written this book while asleep. The plot is very poorly conceived and written and jumps around. I found it impossible to believe that Lucy and Marino could have kept their secret for all those years while watching Scarpetto suffer from her loss. The end of the book is hastily pulled together with a less than satisfactory ending. Since there is one more Chardonne on the loose, their will probably be one more novel involving them. Kay Scarpetto was almost nonexistant in this book and comes across as a despirited broken woman who has no direction. This is not the character I've come to know. Her case solving abilities are one of the main reasons I read Cornwell's books. In this book Patricia Cornwell has made Lucy and Marino the main characters but has radically changed their personalities. Why did Patricia Cornwell feel compelled to suddenly throw in a live-in for Marino and their break-up and his packing his truck and walking away from his house. What relevance did this have to the book? All it did was fill a few blank pages of paper. If you have to read it, get it from the library or pick it up at a garage sale where I'm sure there will be a lot of them. Again, this book is "just plain awful"!
Rating:  Summary: Don't Go There Review: I put the book down after reading 79 pages. I couldn't get any sort of continuity in the story. I got tired of trying to stay on course with the book. I have read only two other Patricia Cornwell novels and one I found OK and the other, was just as bad as Blow Fly. I doubt if I will buy other Cornwell novel.
Rating:  Summary: Hey, Patricia,.... You can do better!! Review: I'm a die-hard loyal Scarpetta fan, but I must say I'm a little disappointed in this book. When I hard Kay Scarpetta was coming back, I marked my calendar for release date, & began counting the days! As I started reading I kept waiting for that "magic" hook to come along-you know the one that grabs you and won't allow you to put the book down, keeps you up all night- but it never came, but kept reading till the end. As I turned the last page, it was like "what,.....thats it?!" Try again, Patricia. You left Chandonne open, let's do better this time, let us see some of the passion that Kay feels on a case.
Rating:  Summary: Complete Waste of Time Review: The only good thing I can say about, BLOWFLY,is that I took it out from the library & didn't waste any money buying it. As a big Cornwell/Scarpetta fan, I was truly disappointed by this book. Scarpetta is relegated to a minor character & the rest is just convoluted drivel. When the end finally came, I couldn't believe how hurriedly it was wrapped up! I was also terribly disappointed that Jean-Baptiste survived to darken yet ANOTHER storyline. Fans of Scarpetta can only hope the next book begins with the medical examiner finding Jean-Baptiste dead on page one!
Rating:  Summary: Yes, it's really awful. Review: Like lots of other readers, I have read all of the Scarpetta novels and loved them. This one is beyond terrible. It is very boring, quite distasteful (sick really), and the main characters are no longer likeable. Kay is in love with herself and mean. Benton is mean and rude. Lucy is crazy and makes stupid mistakes. And Marino has no dimension. I would say that P.C. didn't write this book, but her previous book about Jack the Ripper wasn't very good either. There was so much ego in it. Skip this one.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT Review: I am a long time Patricia Cornwell fan and have read all her books. I was looking forward to the return of K. Scarpetta in BLOW FLY but this is a dull mess. The story jumps around, leaving loose ends everywhere. The plot, if you can call it that is thin, senseless, and totally unbelievable. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS!
Rating:  Summary: Scarpetta Fan- but awful ending Review: Read the book in two days. Was really enjoying it until about 2/3rds of the way through. For those who have read it, I still don't understand why Benton was sending those letters??? It is like she took a hatchet and just zap- finished the book without reaching closure on a number of the story lines. Very disappointing. I agree with other readers-- let's move on to some new criminals.
Rating:  Summary: What a disappointment! Review: After years of hearing people rave about Patricia Cornwell novels, I decided to listen to this book on audio CD. I stopped listening half way through. I kept thinking that the story would get better and the pace would pick up -- but it didn't. It was unneccessarily gory and had no real story line. I didn't connect with any of the characters. (I can't imagine listening to all 13 CDs.) I just don't see what all the hype is about her being an excellent author.