Rating:  Summary: This book was a disappointment Review: I was disappointed by this sequel to Jurassic Park. I would call my self a Crichton fan but this book left a bad taste in my mouth. In this installment he lacked a plot and worst of all he did not stay true to his original story. I am referring to the T-Rex's sight suddenly not being based on motion like in JP but based on a different theory that is currently going around. This book is a sad example of Crichton's work if you want some real good stories by Crichton try Jurassic Park, Red Sun Rising, or The Sphere. I still don't know how Ian is alive but those are the holes that run through out this novel. The only positive aspect was Sara Harding's Women warrior attitude
Rating:  Summary: A Good Read!! Review: A wonderful book!
In this sequel, Crichton narrates a griping tale while at the same time putting forth challenging and controversial theories about evolution and extinction. That he has done his science homework becomes very clear to the reader, making the tale even more interesting because of the many plausible theories.
Crichton does not grip the reader's attention from the start but slowly builds up his story, sprinkling it with his own opinions and ideas in a way that kindles and arouses a reader's curiosity. He divides the line between good and bad clearly this time, ending the story with a typical yet surprisingly satisfying good triumphing evil closure.
For a sequel that probably resulted not from literary inclinations, The Lost World is surprisingly good. Although some readers may be disappointed at some old scenarios, the book packs enough carefully crafted excitement and new theories to warrant a much closer attention.
Typically Crichton. And hence a must read.
Oh yes, the book bears little if any resemblance to the movie. For those who saw the movie and don't want to read the book or vice versa, think twice.
Rating:  Summary: This book will have you on the edge of your seat!!! Review: This novel by Micheal Crichton is the best novel he has ever written. I understand why The Lost world is on the New York Times' Best Sellers List. This is better than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's version. It will made you shiver with fear and some parts with make you laugh out loud. Trust me you should add this book to your shopping list. I give it five stars
Rating:  Summary: Book Great! Movie Bad! Review: Chrichton has the unbelievable talent of reaching out and capturing his audience. I picked this book up only one week before the movie opened and was finished in four days! Now to some, that may not sound like alot but, with a full-time job and full-time college load, that equates to reading this novel at every second of my spare time! It was that good! I could not put it down! Chrichton's novels make you actually believe that the particluar technologies that are present in every novel can actually be a part of our present day. The movie however, was so far fetched and unbelievable that I could just see Chricton steaming from the ears' at the destruction of a masterpeice! READ THE BOOK! DON'T SEE THE MOVIE
Rating:  Summary: a great follow up to one of his best novels!! Review: Much like Jurassic Park this book rips out your heart and plays with it for endless pages. Michael's best work next to Jurassic Park
Rating:  Summary: See the Movie, Don't Read the Book Review: I barely got started with this book before I put it down. True, I did skim through it occasionally, and those parts were OK, but, if you want to know about the plot and storyline, see the movie. I read the original Jurassic Park, and it was much better written, much more interesting, and much, much more scarier
Rating:  Summary: The action never stops! Review: I would have to admit that this book was very similar to the last book, but how could you make it any different? This book was really exciting, Michael Chrichton knows how to make any book with science exciting. The discriptions were very good and made you visualize it right away! I would have to congradulate Michael Chrichton for a job well done. Although the book might have had its dull points, the book was still interesting
Rating:  Summary: No Brains, All Muscles, See the Movie and Forget the Book Review: Michael Crichton's strength as a writer has always been hisability to combine outlandish action/suspense with scientific puzzles,thus creating stories that are astounding yet not-all-together unbelievable. His weakness, on the other hand, has always been his flat, 2 dimentional characters... but he usually manages to hide it, because his characters can solve seemingly impossible puzzles one after another, overwhelming the readers with their "smartness." This formula worked reasonably well in Jurassic Park, but alas... It seems all the conceivable dino-/DNA- related puzzles were already presented and solved in the first book. Lacking scientific/mental thrill and suspense, The Lost World relies on physical action . Yet all the fantastic action sequences read like B-movie screenplay, without the scientific backing or the thematic concern of Jurassic Park (which first celebrated the science for its fantastic possibility of recreating the lost species, then went on to denounce human greed and stupidity). Crichton's characters suffer the most. Now they cannot show off their scientific prowess, they turn to physical... what? The female protagonist turns into a female (Ops, sorry... "feminine," as she puts it) Terminator /Sheena / Robert Shaw from "Jaws," with a sidekick of a young girl (who can shoot down a running Raptor with a rifle while riding a motorcycle on a rough terrain). While this may make the ultimate adolescent male fantasy, it has very little to do with the reality world. Unbelievable. No brain needed. Flat characters totally devoid of reality. Outlandish action sequence. If those are your favorite ingredients... I whole-heartedly recommend The Lost World. P.S. The movie The Lost World is substantially better than the book: the characters are more believable, and it has thematic concerns. Had Crichton based his book on the movie, then The Lost World the Novel could have been a better book. Unfortunately, though, the way the book is, it is a shame that the worst rating I can give to this book is "1."
Rating:  Summary: We've been shortchanged! Review: As a fan of Crichton I expected a little more. This book is almost a complete write off of Jurrassic Park. It has its two hot shot scientists ,the parinoid median who believes everything can and will go wrong, and two kids(one of whom is a computer hacker).Despite its compelling similarites, The Lost World is still a good book. It combines Crichton's trademark blend of science and wonderful possibilities with those loveable dinos. The book itself is filled with non stop action and the mystery of that chameleon dinosaur. But even still, if youre not judgemental and too anxious for a wonderful story,youll get what you asked for: a book writtten strictly for the purpose of supply and demand. You wanted it, now youve got it
Rating:  Summary: Dinosaurs rule! Review: Michael Crichton's sequel to Jurassic Park has it all: deadly dinos, suspense, and all-out action. Ian Malcom, who strangely died in the original, returs as the protagonist of the novel. He sure gets around for a dead guy. The action in the book is terse, with a lot of violent situations and such. Better than the original in many ways