Rating:  Summary: So Much Time Has Passed and Yet . . . Review: I ran across this book while getting my house ready to sell. I saw that it had a 1975 copyright date and wondered if, while all that has gone on in the region since then, whether I would find it an interesting read. I believe it's timeless. If we don't delve more into the background of this conflict we'll never have an inkling of what it's about (even when we do so we may not!). At any rate it's a good book and I was riven by it
Rating:  Summary: So Much Time Has Passed and Yet . . . Review: I ran across this book while getting my house ready to sell. I saw that it had a 1975 copyright date and wondered if, while all that has gone on in the region since then, whether I would find it an interesting read. I believe it's timeless. If we don't delve more into the background of this conflict we'll never have an inkling of what it's about (even when we do so we may not!). At any rate it's a good book and I was riven by it
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic book Review: I read this the year it came out, and I absolutely loved it. Some reviewers say you have to suspend reality, but maybe that's because of the passage of time and the political realities which have changed since then. But I really loved it. It was the only Demille book I read for a decade until Plum Island a couple of years ago. I don't much care about the development of 'writing style', I care about an entertaining read, and I think By The Rivers of Babylon is a much better read than Plum Island.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful and touching read Review: I was so moved and actually cried during reading this book. Since then, I've read all of DeMille's books, almost every one was good, especially his "GOLD COAST". But then something happened, I could not put my finger on what and when, "The General's Daughter", like Stuarts Woods "White Cargo", suddenly, both writers turned tabloid and light-headed. "Spencerville" was just like an American edition of his "Charm School", but the hero has become tired and spiritless, and then, a total falldown and a joke in "Plum Island"; very unbelievable characters, shallow plots and almost disgusting dialogues. Does age, richness or fame really kill a writer's heart?
Rating:  Summary: What a great movie this novel would make! Review: I've just discovered Nelson Demille (having read "Charm School" first) and what a marvellous discovery he is! BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON is a timely story that feels more like news than fiction. I was overwhelmed with anger, rage, pity, fear, compassion while reading this book: I hated for it to end (and plan to read it again). It's an incredibly moving story that should remind us all which side we're on since 9/11!Even after visiting the Demille homepage, the only thing I can't figure out is how one man can know so much about flying, bombs, weapons, war strategy, terrorist organizations, the Israeli government, and human beings. Demille's prose is so authoritative and convincing--even in the minute details. I plan to read as many Demille novels as I can get my hands on.
Rating:  Summary: Concord - what an irony Review: Israel's first two Concord airliners await at Lod airport to take governmment delegates to New York. Little do they know that both aircraft contain a deadly secret in their tails that would reveal themselves with tragic consequenses. We of course know as it is part of this novel's introduction. What happens to the survivors of one Concord is well played out in this book and even though it is dated (Concord is about to be laid up) still makes for exiciting reading. A play on Israel's determintion to survive know matter what the odds are and how it is stacked against them.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful first effort Review: It is interesting and can be quite illustrative to go back and read the first novel of a highly successful novelist. What is it that they learned over the subsequent years and multiple forays on the bestseller list? In Nelson DeMille's case, he started immediately with a suspense thriller that would be considered impressive even if written by a veteran novelist. Written in 1978, BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON resounds with today's headlines. A peace mission is flying to New York in which a treaty is to be negotiated between the Palestinians and the Israelis. High-ranking dignitaries are flying on two Concorde jets from Tel Aviv. What they do not know is that in the tail of the planes are explosives placed over a year ago as the planes were being built. Rish, a terrorist approaches the planes with his jet and threatens to blow them up unless they follow him to an unknown destination. What ensues is a standoff in the Babylonian desert between the Arab terrorists and the Israeli diplomatic team, which includes members of the military and Israeli security force. Nelson DeMille's first effort is a fast paced and extremely clever tale that is in some respects surprisingly claustrophobic. Almost the entire book occurs in this Babylonian desert region. The book can be divided into prebattle, battle and post battle. It is obvious that Nelson DeMille was stretching the simplistic plot in an effort to bulk up the book. However, the pacing is relentless and the book can almost be consumed in one lengthy sitting. The author revealed almost twenty-five years ago that he could write a competent thriller and has perfected that task over the ensuing decades. A wonderful first effort.
Rating:  Summary: SIT, GET READY, ENJOY! Review: It is unarguable that Demille is a master storyteller: it keeps you turning pages and always tells a good yarn. I particularly like him when he gets sarcastic and his main character is ironic (see "Plum Island" or "The General's Daughter"). In this novel he gets the action going and delivers the goods: you mustn't worry too much about the feasibility of the plot, you just sit back and enjoy. All the same, I believe he rightly identifies the Jewish/Israeli personality traits, and is not too far off some real occurrences: Entebbe, the 6-day war, the Mossad's hyperbolic feats, the Iraq nuclear plant bombing. Sometimes reality beats fiction!
Rating:  Summary: Love, War, History--Another Demille Thriller Review: Nelson Demille consistently surprises me with his research, knowledge and laser paced action in his books. He just has a way of drawing me in to his characters with their transitional dialouge. I want to know them, care about them, and of course despise horrific villains. And as for action adventures, well, let's just say he moves a plot around like a Chinese acrobat with an inner ear problem! In "By The Rivers of Babylon", we meet an extensive group of characters who begin a journey of peace for the Middleast. Two Concordes take off from Lod airport. A mysterious Lear jet invades their flying space. Not known to the pilots and passengers is the fact that a rebel Palestinian guerilla, Rish , has had bombs planted in the tails of each bird as they were being built a year before. Leading to an exciting kidnapping and forced landing. What I enjoyed the most in this compelling book were the strategies of war. How different eras as well as nations handled nightime invasions for example. And how one must do anything to survive--anything. This seemed to be a pre-cursor to "The Lions Game" by DeMille. Similar themes, however, I was intrigued with the setting of Babylon. The history involved, the colorful descriptions of the Euphrates river, how Mesopatamia had been a glorious city and it's ironic downfall. Highly recommended reading for the adventure lover. Your interest & comment votes are appreciated--CDS
Rating:  Summary: A Powerhouse. Emotionally trying and finely crafted Review: Nelson Demille is a master. By the Rivers of Babylon is the most amazing thriller I have ever read. Once you are gripped by the plight of the passengers to the UN Conference you will never let them go. Their lives and deaths are visualized in full. Demille has given America a treat that should be enjoyed by all. It is Tom Clancy with the elitist confusing technology. It is James Patterson if he ever took a writing class. It is a gem.